Video Game Designer

Chapter 280 Waiting for a lot of bonuses

He didn't talk too much about the new game with Zhang Ke. Chuhe just gave his own suggestions. The whole plan and the game itself will still be decided by Zhang Ke and his team.

But at the end of the day, Zhang Ke still took a small team of five people from the Tianhe Network headquarters to train the team in Longzu's studio and learn about the use of the origin engine.

There is no shortage of money. If we really want to talk about technology, Tianhe Network can be said to be full of talents. For example, the technical assistance staff sent by EA at the beginning have successfully surrendered under the temptation of Chuhe. Staff strength is not weak either.

Including Microsoft, Google, and Sony, etc., have many cooperation channels with Tianhe Network, and Tianhe Network basically holds three to four large-scale training activities a year, including first-tier manufacturers such as EA and Ubisoft, There are opportunities to learn and communicate.

It can be said that in terms of talent training, Tianhe Network is still very good. Of course, if you want to participate in the event, you have to sign a contract with Tianhe Network for no less than five years.

On the plane, Chu He, who couldn't sleep, lay on his seat, looking at Zhang Ke's plan for the new game.

What would you do if you were making the game yourself?

Mowing + action, the combination of these two elements is probably Anrong's Wushuang series.

Whether you admit it or not, but I have to say that when it comes to mowing games, basically eight out of ten players think of the Wushuang series.

Although there are also excellent games such as Left 4 Dead and Hero Sam, which are also mowing games, there are still many Wushuang series that are not as famous in the genre of mowing grass.

After all, as the so-called "everything in the world is unparalleled", although Anrong still has classic strategy games such as Taiko Lizhi, Three Kingdoms, and Nobunaga's Ambition, it is obvious that Anrong is now on the road to unparalleled.


After getting off the plane, although it was still daytime here in Los Angeles, Chuhe didn't rest on the plane. He still felt a little sleepy and yawned involuntarily.

Finding the person who came to pick him up at the airport, Chuhe sat down in the back parking space and stretched comfortably.

After having dinner in the hotel and taking care of things, it was already night when Chu He arrived at the black light studio.

Some administrative employees in the company have already gone home from get off work, but in the game development department, everyone is still working overtime here.

As for overtime, in fact Chuhe did not ask the team of Heiguang Studio to force the employees to work overtime.

Most employees work overtime semi-spontaneously. This situation is similar to most manufacturers, such as Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard, CDRP, Konami, etc.

Think about it, you have arranged a plan for your work tasks today, and when you get off work, you have finished your work and can leave at any time, but all the people next to you are sitting in their positions and continuing to work, then you will Choose to leave?

In such a situation where all employees spontaneously stay and sit in front of the computer to work overtime, if you leave the job within the specified time, although there is no violation of the company's rules and regulations, everything is in a reasonable and compliant situation It was carried out under the leadership, and the work of my job was also done very well.

But I don’t know why, in the employee group, some employees will look down on you and think that you are not worthy of working in this great project and great company. After all, you can’t even work overtime.

A very different overtime culture, but Chuhe can't do anything about it. After all, he has clearly given the company's regulations, and it is impossible to say that he will force the employee's neck with a knife and say, go home quickly. Rest, if you work overtime, I will hack you to death.

Moreover, all employees who work overtime, excluding the bonus salary, including food subsidies, transportation subsidies, etc., are regarded as the conscience of the industry.

But even so, there will still be many employees who cannot withstand this overtime culture and choose to transfer from the Red Dead Redemption team, or simply resign and leave.

This kind of situation does not only happen in Black Light Studio, but also in the domestic Tianhe Network, and world-class manufacturers such as B Agency and Blizzard, as well as EA and Ubisoft, usually fall into this situation. 'Overtime disturbance'.


And just when Chu He arrived at Black Light Studio in Los Angeles, the domestic game about girly military weapons developed by TINGK Zhang Ling had also been officially opened and put into advertising.

It can be said that TINGK has worked hard on this game, and its investment is very large even in the field of end games.

Including the Neon first-line artist team lineup where all the painters are invited, and also including domestic first-line voice actors, and Neon's first-line voice actors, they will dub the characters throughout the process.

Among them, there are more than 2,000 dubbings for characters in the game that do not include the main plot. Each card character has more than 10 lines of lines, not just that line, or one or two lines in ordinary card games.

The main story line alone has exceeded 800,000, and the entire game uses a horizontal scroll-style semi-real-time strategy gameplay.

Although the whole process is manual, the card characters will accumulate energy in the battle to obtain a big move, and the big move has various attributes such as BUFF, DEBUFF or killing, field control and so on.

The development cost of the game itself has already reached 30 million, and the subsequent promotion and publicity costs have reached the 50 million standard in the initial stage alone.

The money is already enough to develop two models of Gu Jian Qi Xia. Of course, all the money is from TINGK’s company account. Since Tianhe Network’s wholly-owned acquisition, a love game was released, which directly made TINGK a first-line mobile game in China. Manufacturers, it is no exaggeration to say that relying on this IP, TINGK has not even had a successful project for at least 5 years, and can still live comfortably.

Even though the current love and popularity are no longer there, the monthly net profit can still provide more than 4.5 million.

In the TINGK studio, Zhang Ling and his team were sitting in the office, waiting for the first day's data to be provided. Even though everyone has gone through the storm, they are still very nervous now.

Everyone didn't go online to learn about the word-of-mouth of the game, and didn't know what the player's first impression of the game was like. Everyone was waiting in the office for the final statistics of the first day's data.

But it must be fire, right?

Thinking of seeing the happy and excited faces of his staff in the afternoon, Zhang Ling thought in his heart that he almost wrote something on it.

Looking at the data report presented in front of him, Zhang Ling, who has experienced a lot of wind and waves, still couldn't help but smile.

"Send a copy of the data report to Mr. Chu, and then notify the whole department, and wait for a big bonus!" Zhang Ling said with a smile.

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