"AmazingJ dares to fight!"

"Olaf dared to fight the trolls when he came up. "


The broadcast camera switches to the upper road, which will see this situation, and the commentary doll is talking.

Go on the route at this point.

AJ's Olaf is already starting to rush forward.

If the two axes are hit, it will already hit Chen Yiqiu's troll with a lot of blood, and if he continues to fight in the future, Olaf will completely have the absolute upper hand.

Seeing your own troll being slowed down like this.

Chen Yiqiu was very uncomfortable.


He added E skills to the first level, and originally thought that even if he was thrown by an axe, it should be nothing.

But now.

Chen Yiqiu was suddenly not so optimistic.

It hurt a little bit to be hit a few times by AJ's Olaf, and a quarter of the blood from the two axes was gone, which was really a bit of a wound, and he had to be chased and beaten next.


This guy is really here.

AJ Olaf, who was in a state of war, rushed directly across the line.

The first-level Olaf does have such a qualification, as long as he continues to throw the axe at the troll and slow down again.

Chen Yiqiu's troll flash must be delivered!

Even the flashes may still be singled out.

"This wave of autumn god trolls feels a little dangerous!"

"Two axe shots. "

Seeing the battle on the road, the commentator Miller followed.

In fact.

Seeing this wave of fighting on the road, many professional players immediately felt that a good show had appeared.

Rank 1 Olaf, smash the troll with two axes.

The damage is hit!

The slowdown has also hit!

In this case, if AJ doesn't play a little bit, he can directly chase and cut down the troll as if he was playing rank, and chase down to cross-flash or solo kills.

Many people want to see how Chen Yiqiu breaks the game in this situation.

Hit the road.

Chen Yiqiu was scared!

If this is hit by AJ's Olaf axe again, then it is likely that it will not be able to play in the future.

Didn't think much about it.

Chen Yiqiu released his E skill icicle.

Anyway, just stop Olaf from continuing to chase him forward, and just block his way.

Seeing this icicle, the audience was stunned!

AJ people are stupid!

The troll ordered the E skill at the first level?

That's not the point!

Now he found himself being beaten by a group of minions, and the pillar that the trolls had put him stuck here directly with the wall, and it was terrifying.

Olaf was in this position, because of the relationship between the troll pillar and directly separated him from the axe that he threw out earlier.

There's no way to pick it up!

If you really want to pick it up, you have to go around it.

But now AJ's Olaf is stuck on the edge of the wall by the pillar, and he is slowed down to the point where he is still suffering from the blows of the creeps, and if he forcibly goes over and picks up the axe again, he will suffer more damage from the creeps.

I can't go back.

Why can his pillar be stuck so well?

AJ looked at his own HP, and he lost more than the troll, which was already almost half a blood, and the damage of the creeps in the early stage was really a bit outrageous.

In addition, he himself is a little unwilling, always thinking about picking up an axe and continuing to chase the trolls.

What to do?

At this time, he could only go forward and retreat in the direction of the triangle grass.

AJ people are stupid!

And when he went this way.

Trolls, keep up!


"It's over, if this wave of AJ's Olaf goes down, he will be intercepted by the excavator of Taobao right!"

on the field.

The Taobao excavator that had just finished brushing the red buff, the troll who saw one was beaten like this and went up directly to the punishment, thinking about whether to protect it.

After all, the first-level Olaf is this kind of combat effectiveness.

But Taobao Quan didn't expect it.

Chen Yiqiu's troll actually pressed out an E skill at the first level, and the situation of the two sides of the order was reversed in an instant, and the troll not only did not lose, but made blood.

And the next moment.

Taobao right is even more pleasantly surprised.

Olaf, who was stuck in the position of the pillar and wall, was unable to pick up his axe, and if he went up and back, he would continue to be attacked by a group of minions.

Olaf had no choice but to retreat down from the triangular grass.

Taobao Quan was excited.

Isn't this Olaf giving himself a head?

AJ Olaf looked at the black triangular grass in front of him, and then looked at the trolls chasing this way, and I don't know why I had a very bad premonition in my heart.

In an instant, he regretted it a little!

I knew that I should go back and retreat, and I would rather lose a little more health.

And then......

The next moment, AJ saw the excavator that was coming this way.

Excavator of the second level!

Seeing Rexey, AJ's whole person is not good!

In addition to the keg, the current version of the Excavator is a real level 1 jungler, and the early damage of this hero is outrageous.


"Taobao right excavator gives a Q skill!"

"Jack up!"

"Olaf who finished this wave of AJ has blown up. "

The doll already doesn't need to be looked at anymore.

After the second-level excavator successfully knocked Olaf flying, the deceleration with the red buff already made it difficult for Olaf to escape.

As soon as AJ saw that the situation was not good, he immediately handed over his flash and wanted to retreat in the direction of the river.

Taobao rights have already crippled Olaf.

A big reason why the hero Rexai has strong combat effectiveness in the early stage is that both forms of several skills can deal damage.

Q-Skill Shockwave then appears on the ground and deals additional physical damage.

Seeing Olaf flashing, the Taobao right excavator directly followed the flash.

One bite, a bite out of blood!

"The autumn god is awesome!"

After getting the kill, Taobao Quan was very happy at this time, and shouted this sentence in the team's voice.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu was still in a daze.

Is that okay?

He thought about what he had done in this wave?

It seems that there is only one pillar in place, and almost nothing else has been done.

A pillar killed Olaf?

Chen Yiqiu himself felt incredible, and he didn't react for a while, which made him extremely shocked.

And EDG is here.

AmaingJ, eyes watching his computer go black and fell silent.

Coming off the bench.

Directly send a blood?


At this moment, AJ, after seriously thinking about it, the whole person is not good.

Deliberately let his Olaf hit two axes, deliberately went down, lured his axe and threw it down, and then waited until he wanted to pick up the axe.

The E technique just got stuck.

If you can't pick up an axe, you'll be beaten by a bunch of minions.

forced himself to go down, and then was rushed to kill by Taobao Quan?


AJ is uncomfortable!


He suddenly realized a more serious problem.

said that he would consider his playing style in the normal way of playing, how could he end up being killed once, and he couldn't help but subconsciously start to think in the direction of calculation?

But if it's really calculated, it's a little too ruthless.

From throwing the axe himself, he has already calculated to be killed?


"A, be careful, LD is a bit of a devil on this list!"

After the director saw AJ's Olaf killed, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so he also reminded him.


AJ agreed.


"Abu Jinte is so bad, change to a more dish, this is still a hair!"

"I'm all convinced, this AJ will give a blood as soon as he comes, how will I play next?"

"I thought EG was going to rise in the match point game, and I saw that bp was pretty beautiful, and it turned out like this. "

"Play with yarn!"

EDG fans in the live broadcast room have already started spraying.

At the beginning of the game, EDG was already in a bloody collapse.

Originally, they were looking forward to this one, but now many EDG fans are already cold after seeing this blood.

A lot of professional players have watched it.


It's obviously a dead end, and it's normal for a lot of other top laners to be hit by Olaf's two axes.

This wave is bound to be a flash!

Or at least a large section of health that has been knocked out.

But Chen Yiqiu's troll, who simply handed over the troll's pillar, made AJ's Olaf send a blood in despair.

This game understands!

This horrible mind!

It's amazing!


Hit the road.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu's troll was relieved to make up for the next few remnant blood soldiers.

In the first-level battle, his troll may not be as strong as Olaf, but the hero of the troll only needs to level up next, when facing Olaf.

It's not cowardly at all.

And the troll is a hero, and his passive is very useful when languishing.

Tribute to the king.

Whenever an enemy unit dies nearby, Trondel receives a healing equal to a portion of their maximum health.

The damage that was thrown by Olaf's two axes before, now make up a few creeps, and the HP will slowly come back again.

And this time.

AJ's Olaf can only teleport up.

But now at this time, he is already facing a troll with a higher level than him, and the combat power of the first-level Olaf is already gone.

Fighting the trolls now will only lead to death.

AJ is hard.

It turned out that after actually playing the field, I realized that the calculation of this guy on the other side was so unfathomable.

The so-called seeing through is just self-inflicted cleverness. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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