Warhammer Throne

Chapter 258: , Recuperate

The hot summer wind raged in the Baron of Jean, the scorching sun irradiated the land, and the serfs were sweating in the farmland. Large drops of sweat dripped onto the muddy soil, and the sweat carried the serfs’ expectations for a good harvest. It also represented their hard work and carried the livelihood of the family. The serfs farmed, paid taxes, and made offerings, and the knights collected taxes, battled, and guarded, which constituted almost all of their lives.

The only way for the serfs to ascend was war, accepting conscription, joining the army, conquering the enemy, and then hoping that they would be favored by the nobles, promoted to sergeants or even rangers, and change their destiny.

The serfs got up to work at five o'clock in the morning, and when it was around ten o'clock in the morning, they stopped working because of the hot weather.

Two serfs were sitting under the grass shed to enjoy the cool. The crude earthenware pots were filled with water. They just used bowls to drink water from the earthen pots. You take a sip.

"Wow, I'm exhausted."

"What are you doing so tired."

"Yeah, I'm really exhausted today."

"I don't want to do anything about farming~"

"Yeah, I'm almost the same."

The two serfs complained that they always felt that the farming was very hard, but in fact today's farm work is done here, and the rest of the day is their rest time.

The serfs were not as diligent and hard as they thought. Many serfs often don’t have enough to eat, but many times they would rather go hungry than work hard. The reason is simple. The nine taxes will drain the serfs. Almost all efforts, the result of all the power of the country to raise knights is that the country's resources are concentrated on the knights, regardless of serfs.

"There are advantages and disadvantages to this situation, do you know? My Baron, in the Empire, 30% of us are homeless people." In the distance, Ryan, Olivier, Lopes, and Katzenberg Sitting on the second floor of a tavern on the edge of town, they were also enjoying the shade.

Olivier performed well in this war, and he solved several grave guards and bloodthirsty ghosts.

In this war, the two hundred elites who followed François lost about fifty people. Among them, more than twenty wounded soldiers could return to the team after recuperation, and the rest were either dead or disabled.

Disabled soldiers will be incorporated into patrols that are usually responsible for public security, or receive a pension.

"The homeless people have no property, and no one wants to take them in. They are farmers who have lost their land, homeless exiles, defeated deserters, and bankrupt nobles." Lane water condenses into ice cubes and throws them into the wine. Middle: "Unlike Bretania, every serf has a nobleman. The nobles must not only accept them unconditionally, but also protect them when needed. The most annoying thing about the nobles of the empire is that these cannot generate income. The homeless people who were driven everywhere, relying on odd jobs for a living, chaotic corruption spread in their hearts."

"Yes, I felt deeply when I was studying in the imperial capital of Brunswick." Ranger Knight Hex nodded, and he said, "Brunswick is a very large city, very large, and it is also known as "The heart of the empire," but in reality, that city is a city built on slums and mud pools. There are tens of thousands of people silting up in each quay area of ​​the city. Chaos, corruption, and corruption spread everywhere."

"Similar to Marienburg, this is an inevitable result after the population of a city breaks through to a critical point. There are too many people, and it faces severe tests from health to public security. The agglomeration effect of a city is not as simple as 1+1." Butler Katzenberg also followed.

"Now it seems that the enthusiasm of leading the people is not bad, and it is not considered passive." Olivier is not interested in talking about this. What he wants to talk about is war: "Baron, I think we need to reorganize the army now, and at the same time Then take advantage of the midsummer festival's recruitment activities to recruit excellent sources of troops."

There is no opinion on the new recruiting source, Ryan: "This time I plan to recruit 50 to 100 people, Hux, you will leave the drafting of the army to you."

"Understood." Hucks nodded and agreed.

"My baron, several brand new windmills have been put into use. We only collect a small part of the windmill tax, but we stipulate that if the windmill in the area is damaged, the serfs need to bear the obligation to repair the windmill." Kasenberg took Reading the form, he continued: "It is also worth noting that the wood elves have recently tried to spread the faith of Isha and Kunos among serfs, but I stopped them."

"It's right to stop." Ryan said impatiently: "The wood elves didn't really want to spread the faith at all. They just wanted to kidnap those children to be their servants. They warned me that if they just needed labor and helpers, Forget it, after all, it's normal employment. If they plan to use children to perform rituals or sacrifices, I will razor their observation station!"

"My baron, your voice is so obvious and prestige is unmatched. In fact, after I negotiated with the wood elves, they have already expressed their apologies and promised that they will not do this kind of thing again in the future." Added.

"That's good." The news of Ryan's killing of the Scarlet Duke has spread within the kingdom, and his reputation in the Knight Kingdom is now in full swing. Even the empires and people in the southern countries are familiar with his name and deeds. In this case, the wood elves will naturally not conflict with him, and he is the only trading partner of the wood elves.

Ryan began to think about his own territory.

At present, his territory is very prosperous, and various construction projects are proceeding in an orderly manner. The trade with the wood elves has brought him a lot of wealth and a hospital. Taking in the dwarves has brought him three workshops, but this is still Far from enough.

After this war, Ryan realized how to fight evil without a strong army? The elite team composed of several people killed a few siege equipment for a lifetime, and he couldn't always do that.

Speaking of it, vampires really like to change houses. One time is not enough but the second time came. Thinking of this, Ryan shook his head with a wry smile. At this time, Musilon’s vampires need to be quiet for at least many years. For the vampire army, Corpses and skeletons can be seen everywhere, but the loss of blood knights and bloodthirsty ghosts and bloodthirsty bat wolves are enough to make Mu Xilong's vampire heartache.

Change house? Good thing~

A blood knight needs dozens of hundreds of years of training, and has to undergo a very high elimination rate of life and death to be a qualified blood knight, and this time the Turis Castle War includes the war in the Sharon Forest and the loss of vampires. With dozens of blood knights, this is a truly terrible loss for Mu Xilong, and it may take many years to make up for it.

The same goes for bloodthirsty ghosts and bloodthirsty bat wolves. These creatures must be cultivated from an early age.

"Baron, the blacksmiths in the town have opinions. The quality of the dwarves' products is too good and the prices are fair. They have no food to eat, so there are some conflicts." Katzenberg went on to report the situation in the territory.

"Then let them learn skills from the dwarves. They all rely on crafts to eat. If they are inferior to humans, they will naturally be eliminated. The dwarves have not forbidden to recruit human apprentices." Ryan made a faint instruction: "Those who don't want to learn crafts can get out."

"Yes, my baron, and the Deron craftsman said that another group of dwarves have learned of the treatment here and tried to settle here. He wants to ask if you are willing to accept it?" Katzenberg took out a piece of parchment. Then said.

"how many people?"

"Probably... more than four hundred."

Ryan thought to himself that the number was okay, not too much, but he didn't want to make a hasty decision: "Let's go to the dwarf's new home first. Deron seems to be resting today."

"Then please let me lead the way for you, my baron." Katzenberg stood up, and the four of them drove under the sun.

After riding a horse for more than half an hour, the dwarves’ community arrived.

This is an independent community. The dwarf has built his residence under a hill. Yes, it is under the hill. When Lane followed the stone road to the dwarf community, he found that the dwarf had hollowed out the bottom of the hill. , They created a deep basement group for living, only a small number of dwarves are willing to build houses outside. The dwarves’ houses are simple in shape, and most of them choose solid spire stone structures, and there is no decoration outside, except in the middle of their communities. A statue of the dwarf **** was built.

Two dwarves were standing guard on the watchtower with long fire guns, and when they saw Ryan appeared, they saluted happily: "Hello, Lord Ryan, may your beard be long and beautiful,"

"Puff~" The two ranger knights couldn't help laughing. Ryan didn't have a beard at all. He did have a bit of stubble when he came back from the battle, but he soon shaved it. Ryan is 28 years old this year and he hasn't arrived yet. The age of the beard.

Ryan didn't say anything in particular, he just smiled: "Thank you, is Mr. Deron here?"

"Oh! My old friend ~ Lord Lane." Dwarf Rune Craftsman Deron Feinsen came out of the community: "Welcome~"

A few people entered the community, Olivier was like discovering the New World. Looking around, dwarves are not rare, but it was the first time he saw the dwarves’ community. Hex and Katzenberg worked hard to maintain Calm, but they are also curious about the dwarf community.

Many dwarves feel contempt for the curiosity of human beings, thinking that these stupid students are really rare and strange.

Yes, although most of the dwarves have a good relationship with humans, they believe that humans are their own stupid students. Since the empire and the dwarves formed the "sacred alliance", the human weapon manufacturing technology has been taught by the dwarves, the siege weapon of humans. Technology is generously shared by dwarves, and gunpowder technology and steam weapons are selflessly donated by dwarves.

Therefore, in the eyes of the dwarves, humans are their friends, and at the same time a not-so-talented stupid student. Whenever humans make major breakthroughs in science and technology, the dwarves always feel that they can’t make a living, and the Dwarf Engineers Association will immediately come up with new ones His research results suppressed human technology, and at the same time showed great power.

Deron noticed that Ryan was constantly looking around, so he took the initiative to speak, "My Baron, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I noticed that your houses are all very thick, and you still need to use huge rocks to cover them. Is there any reason?" Ryan looked at the dwarf's stone house. Even though the materials were monotonous, the dwarf still repaired his house very neatly It is beautiful, without fancy decorations, but with a sense of solemnity unique to dwarves.

"Building a house is a science, my baron." Delong pointed to his stone house: "If the wall is too narrow, the house will be very hot, and if the wall is too thick, the inside of the house will be very cold."

The words of the dwarf sounded unreasonable, and Ryan did not care. Deron opened his own door. His house was the largest and most luxurious in the entire community. It was nearly three meters high: "Come in, Lord Ryan, how many Mr. Bit."

Ryan and several people bent over and entered the room and went to the living room to sit down. Deron took out several glasses of ale and put them on the table. At the same time, he brought out some bacon and roasted bacon: "Please take your time, I'm sorry. Lord Ryan is here and should treat you with Bagman beer, but I don’t have it now, but...it should be soon. I asked someone to go to Breeze Castle to buy a few barrels."

"It looks like Mr. Deron is having a good time now!" Ryan smiled. The dwarf's beer tastes very strong and the meat tastes very salty, so I can barely eat it.

"It's okay, as you can see, many of my compatriots are still not used to living under the sky, so they opened up a group of basements in the hills." Deron touched his white beard: "I started with it. I’m not used to it, my baron, don’t you think that when you look up to the sky, you are afraid of falling into the infinite starry sky?"

"I never think, on the contrary, whenever I look up at the starry sky, I always feel that I am extremely small." Ryan shook his head slightly, and Deron didn't care about it. He went on to say: "Your Excellency Ryan, you are here this time. It must be because of Sven's business, right?"

"Yes, I'm not a tribe who doesn't welcome you. I just want to find out their origins and what else I need to provide." Ryan said calmly.

"Yes, it should." Deron nodded repeatedly: "He is my friend, named Sven, Sven Novegin, a powerful dwarf patriarch and rune blacksmith, an eighty-seven-year-old young man. People, his fortress was destroyed by night goblins. Most of his people died in the war. After desperate struggles lasted for more than ten years, Swain finally realized that the remaining 400-odd people were not enough to regain their ancestors. They need a place to recuperate, so I suggest that they come here."

"There are not many remaining members of the Novi Green clan, but they are all excellent fighters. They are willing to exchange their hands for the necessities of survival they want. This can be work or killing, as long as you provide them with A place to live and work, and enough malt liquor." Deron is not good at words, he can only use such languish words to try to gain Ryan's trust.

"Retreat, right?" Ryan thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, call them to come, I approve."

His territory also needs to recuperate.

At this time, there was a knight who was riding a horse from a distance, and he told Ryan a piece of news.

The king's envoy has arrived. I want to chat with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature", chats about life, and finds friends~

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