Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 1065: god of power

A gap has appeared in the walls of Zaank.

But this gap was not big enough. Corsaro jumped out of the bright flame and fell into the city. The Titan's divine power was stimulated to the upper limit, and his body instantly soared to 20 meters high. The position of his head was higher than the city wall, like a **** descending to earth.


The troll who was rushing over saw Corsaro's form at this time, his face was horrified, and he quickly stopped.

Corsaro swung the synchronously enlarged battle axe and smashed several times into the gap in the city wall.

boom! boom! boom……

Every time the axe fell, the ground shook and the gravel flew.

The entire section of the city wall was crumbling and crumbling, and Corsaro finally struck with a divine shock, finally knocking down this section of the city wall, and countless stones poured out and fell into the moat to fill it up.

At this moment, the group of ice-wing dragons swooped down and spewed out icy breaths, freezing the river water. There was a city wall rubble as the foundation. Within a few seconds, an ice bridge leading to the city was formed. G was completely exposed to the Shining Legion.

"Hold the gap!"

"Never let the enemy rush in!"

There was a loud roar in Zuanke City, and Korsaro looked around and saw a tall and strong troll warlord.

He is taller than the troll general who was just killed by himself, more than three meters, his body grows horizontally, the muscles in his naked upper body contain explosive power, his skin is covered with cyan tattoos, holding a giant sword, riding on one side The giant bear charged forward.

Corsaro narrowed his eyes.

This troll warrior who was blessed by Loa has experienced nine soul transformations, and his strength is similar to that of Zurazabu.

He led the charge, followed by hundreds of trolls who were also riding bears, each taller than the average troll, at least elite level, all with red eyes.

These trolls are berserkers.

The main body of Ursoc, the **** of power, is a Gumanla war bear. It can bless the believers with "the power of the giant bear", which increases the size of the body. Bear mount.

These hundreds of berserkers are Zaank's most elite military force, under the orders of Mandohas, the chieftain of the Bloodeye tribe.

At the forefront is Mandohas.

"Great Ursoc, give me strength!" Mandohas shouted angrily, the tattoos on his body twisted and glowed, his already extremely strong body swelled again, his eyes were bloodshot and red, turning into a terrifying figure more than four meters high. troll.

The Gumanla war bear under him also roared furiously, sprinting on all fours like crazy.

The berserkers who followed them entered a state of rage one after another.

Hundreds of huge war bears launched a charge at the same time, and the original and crazy atmosphere spread out, like thousands of troops, rushing to the gap in the city wall, as if to shred all the enemies in front of them.

Corsaro stood in the way alone.

He looked back and saw that the Radiant Legion was still in the forest on the other side of the moat, and it would take at least half a minute to break through the ice and enter the city.

The troll berserker will arrive first, closing the gap in the wall.

This has little effect on the situation.

When he chose to attack Zuanke, the end of the city was already doomed, but the process would be slightly different.

Corsaro felt a strong gaze from Mandohas.

The blood-colored eyes of this Loa warrior were full of madness and anger, and the courage to die proudly, but there was no fear.

Behind him are his tribe and people, and he can't retreat a step, and there is no room to retreat.

The distance between the two sides shortened rapidly.

Mandohas has been able to clearly sense the aura of the troll in front of him that is taller than the city wall. It is blazing like fire, sacred and vast, and can be comparable to the **** of power that he has served for hundreds of years. Soul suffocation.

But he didn't hesitate, roared, and jumped up with the momentum of the giant bear's charge.

"For Zaunk!"

Mandohas raised his great sword and slashed at the enemy's head.

"remarkably brave."

Corsaro said in his heart, and stretched out his left hand like lightning. In the Titan state, his palm was as wide as a wall, and he grabbed Mandohas with great precision.


Mandohas's great sword slashed into Corsaro's palm, spattering a large sliver of sparks, and then it got stuck in the muscle, not even a drop of blood came out.

His eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe it was this flesh and blood.

Then he was caught by the giant palm.

Corsaro seemed to be holding a toy, letting Manhados struggle to no avail, and slapped him to the ground.


The ground of half Zaank trembled.

Manhatos' body instantly exploded into blood foam, and countless bright holy flames erupted on the giant palm, evaporating Manhatos' blood and minced flesh, and a holy shock hit the trend, forming a flame shock wave more than ten meters high. , push forward several hundred meters.

The charging troll berserker seemed to be crushed by a huge wall, accompanied by a terrifying flame storm, and instantly shattered to pieces.


A scream spread, and the bear roared in pain, but it stopped quickly.

Corsaro shrank his body, and there was a huge palm print under his feet. The long street hundreds of meters in front of him had turned into a flaming hell. All turned to ashes.

He leaped high into the sky with flashing steps, landed on the back of the Ice Wyvern, and looked down at Zaank.


The Radiance Legion rushed into the city from the gap in the city wall and started a one-sided massacre. The chiefs and elites of the Blood Eye tribe were all killed. Even though there were still a large number of Berserkers blessed by Loa, they were unbearable in front of the Radiance Legion. hit.

The Ice Wyvern hovered in the air, swiftly slaying Zaank's eagle hunters.

The line of defense on the ground collapsed at a touch.

Zuanke's army only resisted for less than a quarter of an hour, and led by a dozen remaining high-level Berserkers, surrendered to the Radiant Legion.

The fight was easier than expected, as the trolls were used to it.

The war between Loa will never kill them all. They know that they can survive as long as they convert. Loa needs believers. Most of those troll tribes who resisted and would rather die than convert have migrated to the Land Forsaken by God.

Half a day later, the Radiant Legion successfully controlled Zaank.

But this is not the end.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of Zu'anc trolls, Korsaro once again took on his giant form, condensing a huge golden flame in his palm, and threw it at Ursoc's temple.

With the earth-shattering explosion, the temple was destroyed.

The trolls were terrified.

What it meant to destroy the temple of a loa, they knew all too well, it was the most serious provocation one loa could send to another loa, and both sides would not die. Only with the death of one of them can this war be ended!

Although the trolls of Zaank knew that this was a Loa war when the enemy invaded, they did not want their city to become a Loa battleground.


"Will Loa come to Zaunk?"

"do not know."

"Our tribe has served Loa for so many years. Don't everyone still know that she will never tolerate such provocation, and she will definitely come!"

"But it's a trap..."

While terrified, the trolls in Zaank are caught in a dilemma. They hoped that the loa would rush to Zaank, destroy the enemy, and retake their city for the tribe; but they were afraid that the two loa would fight each other in Zaank and destroy their homeland.

Afraid of her coming, and afraid of her not coming.

After a while.

An angry roar came from the east, and all the trolls in Zaank looked at each other. That was the direction of "Vordrassil", the city where the temple of Loa, the **** of power, Ursoc, was located, a distance from Zaun. Gram is only over a hundred miles away.

The earth to the east was trembling, the trees in the forest fell in pieces, and a behemoth could be seen in the distance fast approaching.

Corsaro fluttered his wings and flew high into the sky, looking to the east.

"It came!"

He was a little surprised that he did not directly attack Verdasil and chose Zuanke, and anyone could see that this was a trick.

Loa is always entrenched in the altar of the ancient saint, and will not leave easily.

In the history of the Southern Continent, almost every Loa's failure and fall was because he left his ancient sage altar, which was directly smashed into his old lair and took control of the altar. Some were robbed of the altar by the enemy, and some were betrayed by the trolls under their command. In short, they did not end well.

Corsaro thought that Ursoc would not come, and he responded.

If Ursoc sticks to the altar of the ancient saints, then start from Zuanke, attack the city, conquer the troll tribes west of Voldrassil one by one, until Ingenero, millions of trolls The loss of believers forced Ursoc to attack.

Unexpectedly, just after conquering the first troll city, this Loa couldn't help it.


A deafening roar of filial piety resounded through the sky, and then turned into words. The voice was full of violence and anger: "Troll, come out!"

Kor'tharo turned into a golden light and flew out of Zaank.

A few miles outside the city, he saw Ursoc, the **** of power. As rumored, the image of this Loa was a giant bear. But it was bigger than any war bear Corsaro had ever seen, more than thirty meters from head to tail, with a thick and strong torso covered in black fur, limbs like pillars, and huge claws flashing terrifyingly. cold light.

Its bear head is extremely thick, its mouth is protruding, and its red eyes are full of endless anger, but there is still some sense of reason.

The body of the giant bear exudes a red glow visible to the naked eye, which is divine!

It stood in a clearing, and the forest behind it was milled out a wide passage that stretched to the end of the field of vision.

Corsaro looked at him, his eyelids jumping.

Ursoc's strength has reached level 20. With its huge size, it is too difficult to reach the limit of strength. The bigger the size, the more difficult it is to increase the strength, but it did it!

As expected of the **** of power!

In addition to its strength, its "Toughness" is also the upper limit of level 20, as well as "Infinite Berserk", "Ferocious Bite", "Scathing Roar", Level 10 "Tear" and "Puncture", "Speedy Self-Healing" and "Rebirth from a Broken Limb".

Speedy self-healing and rebirth from severed limbs are both transcendent elements. If they are advanced, they can be combined into "rebirth from a drop of blood", but for Ursoc, it makes no difference whether they are advanced or not.

Because it is a loa, which is a demigod.

The demigod's divinity is immortal and can quickly heal the body's injuries. There is no weakness in the body, and the effect is the same as the immortal body. And Ursoc's divinity is extremely vast, the eye of the soul only glanced at it, and Corsaro estimates that its divinity is close to 200,000 copies!

This is exactly twenty times that of Elder Sorim!

If it gets divine fire to ignite it, the transformed divine power is likely to directly push its godhead to level three or above, and even have a chance to reach the median god.

Such a huge divinity makes Ursoc almost impossible to kill. It does not have any outstanding ability, and it can stand in an invincible position with its ultimate strength and defense, as well as the simplest means of attack, biting and claw attack.

Combat with it is tantamount to suicide.

Even the ancient giant dragon couldn't withstand its bear claw attack, and the rumored golden behemoth of Behemoth looked dull and dull compared to this Loa.

"No wonder it dared to leave the altar of the ancient saint."

Corsaro secretly said.

However, Ursoc is not truly invincible. Corsaro could see its shortcomings at a glance. The long-range attack methods were relatively lacking, and there was no magic ability. The ancient sage altar allowed it to master a huge amount of energy, but it could not form spells, and could only be used simply.

Ursoc's running speed is fast and his stamina is infinite, but because of his large size, his flexibility in close combat can only be regarded as medium.


Ursoc was also looking at Corsaro. The bear had a very humane angry expression on his face, but he was also very cautious. He asked in a deep voice, "Is it you who mastered the Seleu Altar?"

Every ancient sage altar in the southern continent has a name, and the ancient sage just made a number, and these names were taken by the trolls and Loa.

The main altar of the Land Forsaken is called the Seleu Altar.

"it's me."

Corsaro nodded. When he was in control of the ancient saint altar, three Loa immediately sensed it and sent a message.

The first voice at that time was Ursoc.

"How did you find the altar of Lucy?" Ursoc's face was very puzzled, "The altar of Seleu has been damaged for more than 7,000 years, and the exit of the temple on the ground has also been destroyed. The two guys have been looking for a long time, and they can only determine the approximate location, but they don't know the specific location underground."

The giant bear is full of curiosity.

It does not understand the ancient sage runes and words, although it has mastered the ancient sage altar, but it is only applied according to the prompts of the altar, which is a fool-like operation.

Know it and know why.

For more than a thousand years in control of the Old Sage Altar, Ursoc has studied it countless times, but he has never gotten the hang of it. This is true of almost every loa.

So, when it sensed that the altar of Lucy had been found and repaired, it was extremely shocked.

This means that the Loa who controls the altar of Luca must know the ancient holy runes, at least more than himself and other Loas.

Ursoc was even considering contacting Loa, the Land Forsaken by God, but out of Loa's habit, he only made some tests and waited for a more appropriate time. However, I didn't expect that, before I could take action~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the other party came and attacked Zuanke directly, right under my nose.

It has absolutely no idea how this is done.

This is obviously related to the secret of the ancient saint altar. After considering it, Ursoc made a bold decision to leave Verdrassil to meet the other party.

It wants to know the answer.

Even if the troll Loa refused to speak, Ursoc was not afraid of accidents, and he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

The Eye of the Soul saw the change in Ursoc's mind clearly and guessed its intention.

Corsaro was a little surprised.

This bear turned out to be a curious baby, desperate for knowledge. It is said that curiosity killed the cat, and it seems that it can also kill the bear.

"No comment." Corsaro refused without hesitation.

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