Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 677 The Reincarnation of the World

Three days passed in a flash.

He Shan has no enemies to kill, but his life is not boring. For him, enjoyment is never the most important thing, the important thing is to obtain useful information.

During these three days, he was observing the fighting style of each god, absorbing nutrients from their play, and he wanted to get used to the fighting style of the gods as soon as possible.

For his purposes, one must strive to become strong.

At the same time, he is also studying the nature of the monster power in this hell.

There are two questions that have been lingering in He Shan's mind. He has been puzzled by this for a long time, but he is qualified to think about these questions only after becoming a god.

Why did the deceitful planet, or God Realm, create these hells?

Attacks are never unprovoked, there must be some purpose to be achieved.

But the created hell will be destroyed by themselves.

What is this, is it the evil taste of the gods?

Absolutely not.

Judging from He Shan's observations in the God Realm during this period, the more life in the universe flourishes, the more benefits it should have for the gods.

At least their luxurious life requires countless slaves.

Therefore, there must be a reason for the sly planets to brutally erode the planets with intelligent life in the universe.

Another question is, what exactly is the erosion of the treacherous planet?

Originally, He Shan thought that the erosion of the treacherous planet was just a disaster that a powerful god used its own ability to inflict on a planet.

But in the view of He Shan now, this power is not that simple.

First of all, this power does not only appear on the same planet, but spreads throughout the entire universe. In He Shan's knowledge, there should be no gods with such a strong power on all planets with intelligent life.

And when the erosion appeared, the strange multicolored light was the same as the multicolored auspicious clouds over the God Realm, so the erosion should be emitted by the God Realm itself.

In addition, through the research on this red hell, He Shan discovered that the strange power seems to be a kind of power that is very filthy to the gods!

Before he became a god, He Shan could use his strange power to increase his strength.

But after becoming a god, if you try to inhale that power into your body, you will feel like the body of a god is being burned.

The power of erosion is the opposite of God.

Could it be that He Shan has been blaming the strange planet all along, and that it is actually another force that opposes God to spread and corrode?

Various thoughts flashed in He Shan's mind.

Now he has no way to link all the information together to draw a conclusion.

But he believes that, compared to destroying the planet, figuring out the nature of erosion is also a way to save mankind.

"Let's go, why are you still standing there?"

When the voice of Purgatory came, He Shan turned into a sword light and appeared in front of Purgatory in an instant.

After that, Purgatory took out a fist-sized thing with a button, and when you press it, the sky changes color, and a strange planet appears above the planet.

"Next, it's not our job. When you go back, remember to come to my house to drink. My house has all kinds of fine wines in the universe. No matter what god, you can find the wine you like to drink, but... there is a fee, hey hey-hey."

A chubby spirit holding a flagon said with a smile.

He calls himself the 'God of Dionysus', and his favorite thing is to taste all kinds of fine wines.

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "The following is not our job, whose job is that?"

Dionysus smiled and said: "Gods who are good at purification will thoroughly clean up the filth on this planet, otherwise, over time, monsters will still grow."

"Then the gods who are good at creation will rebuild the ecosystem of this planet, and a new intelligent race will grow up on this planet."

"There is a high probability that it is a humanoid creature. After all, this is the best-selling slave in the God Realm. However, there are still many perverts in the God Realm, so there is a small probability that it is some weird creatures."

The rest of the gods didn't care about these words. In their view, this was common sense among gods.

But He Shan was greatly shocked.

Now, a clear clue has been sorted out in his mind.

A planet suitable for the growth of life will be selected by the God Realm, and then the gods of the God Realm, like the Creator, let everything on this planet grow.

In the end, when the planet prospers to a certain limit, it will release its own power to destroy the native species of this planet.

Instead of the destroyed species, there are those grotesque monsters.

But Yaoyi cannot exist forever, as long as the time point of five thousand years is reached, Yaoyi will be wiped out by the God Realm, and then a new cycle will begin.

The God Realm is like an invisible big hand, controlling every planet in the universe that is suitable for the growth of life.

One day, when He Shan solves this puzzle, it may be the time when human beings are truly safe.

The stars circulate, the sun and the moon change, and several years pass in a blink of an eye.

After becoming a god, He Shan is not even very sensitive to time.

After that combat mission, He Shan spent a somewhat rotten time in the God Realm again.

Tens of thousands of slaves from various races in the universe serve He Shan wholeheartedly, just to let him get the best enjoyment.

Although He Shan himself only 'raised' these slaves in his kingdom of God, he did not interfere with their lives.

But the education they have received since childhood, as well as the instinct deep in their bones, make them want to do everything possible to serve the good.

He Shan tried to correct their thinking, but quickly gave up.

Unless you give an order directly, but that will be incompatible with other gods.

Therefore, this period of life in God Realm can be regarded as He Shan's most extravagant time.

And the other gods have the best wine, the best food, and the best movies in the entire universe...

In order to collect information, He Shan often visited other gods. In just a few years, he has become a courtesan in the God Realm.

Most of the gods living nearby know He Shan, and call him brothers and sisters.

Among them are some gods who occupy important positions, and even powerful main gods.

God's world is extremely selfish.

Most of the gods, except for trading, basically hide in their own kingdom of God to enjoy themselves.

And He Shan was visiting everywhere, and many gods who were originally not good at communicating also became friends with other gods because of He Shan.

Now He Shan's status is no longer that of a new god who has just been promoted to the God Realm, but has become everyone's good partner.

Of course, the extravagant life and in-depth communication with other gods did not relax He Shan's spirit a little bit.

He always remembered his goal, and every time he went to a place where people were quiet, he would hide in an absolutely safe room, where he planned his plan to subvert the God Realm.

After several years of planning, and the information collected from all over the God Realm.

His plan has already taken shape.

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