Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 39 Desperate Situation

A group of people walked into the cave.

Colin only felt that the huge dark hole was like a terrifying big mouth, slowly devouring them.

But this was just an illusion. The next second, the wizards used light spells one after another, and the soft white light illuminated the cave as if it were daytime.

They walked quickly towards the depths of the cave, and soon came to a wide hall, where a group of black-maned wild boars were sleeping together.

Holt glanced around and when he determined that the only exit here was the cave entrance from which they came, he gave the order!

"Free to kill!"

He was the first to perform the technique, and several knotted vines suddenly appeared among the wild boars. They seemed to be slow, but in fact they quickly bound and entangled the nearby black-maned giant boar.

Yi ~ Yi! !

The entangled giant black-bristle pig screamed in pain, and its sleeping companions nearby were also woken up!

Mallory on the side was not to be outdone. With a wave of his hand, a light blue wind blade shot out. Each shot could accurately take away the life of a giant pig.

Most of the intermediate apprentices on the side worked much harder, and it often took a while to completely kill a giant black-maned pig.

However, Willard and Catherine, who were also members of the team, surprised Colin. They slaughtered the giant black-maned boar more efficiently than the other apprentices.

The acid splash used by Willard was a very ordinary witchcraft, but it was very powerful in his hands. The black-maned giant pig that was hit by the attack soon had its brain corroded by the acid and died.

Although Catherine is arrogant, it must be said that her fireball technique is indeed superb.

She did not choose to shoot the black-maned wild boar directly with fireball, but let the fireball continue to cover the black-maned giant boar's face.

Often not long after, accompanied by the aroma of roasted pig brains, a giant black-maned pig suddenly fell to the ground and lost its life.

This operation seems easy, but in fact it is not simple. Just hitting the head accurately is very difficult, not to mention the explosive fireball technique that continues to burn on the boar's head like gangrene attached to the bone.

Colin looked away and took out the custom-made spear.


In silence, a huge hole opened from the neck of an adult black-maned giant pig at the edge of the cave hall, running from front to back.

But even with such a serious injury, the giant black-bristle pig was still alive and kicking, and the wound was healing quickly.

"The shot missed..." Colin shook his head, took out another spear, and shot it.



This time it was a perfect headshot! The giant pig fell down at the sound.

‘5 magic stones are in hand. ’ A smile appeared on his face.

In terms of killing efficiency alone, as long as he shoots more accurately, maybe even Catherine can't compare to him.

As for the magic stone... the black-maned giant boar's lair is not far from the edge of the dark forest. At present, it seems that there is a high probability that it can be transported out.

If you can transport it out, you can exchange it for magic stones.

As for the ownership of the corpses of different black-maned giant pigs, it is obviously whoever kills them.

‘Although five magic stones are not much, the reward in exchange for killing a few more is still considerable. ’

Colin thought this, and soon he took out another spear and selected the suitable black-maned giant boar.

Because the scene is great, and the giant black-maned boar can be exchanged for magic stones.

Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, the same giant black-maned pig will usually not be focused on, and everyone will tacitly focus on solving the one they selected.

"What do you mean! That giant pig is going to be killed by me soon!"

At this moment, there was an angry shout from the side.

Colin glanced at it and saw that it was an intermediate apprentice from the Chiwen Gang who was questioning Catherine.

Catherine ignored him and continued to slaughter the wild boar without looking back.

The two Holts not far away didn't pay much attention to this place.

The intermediate apprentice finally suppressed his anger and changed to a giant pig to continue the attack.

At this time, Catherine was summoning several fireballs and shooting them accurately towards the middle of the hall.

There were a group of giant pig babies there that were obviously smaller than the other black-maned giant pigs.

Colin shook his head. Just as he felt that everyone was restrained and understanding, Catherine overturned his idea.


A spear was shot out by him again. Colin stopped thinking about it and focused on killing the giant pig, taking this rare opportunity to practice the accuracy of his arrow shooting.

Under the constant attacks from everyone, the giant black-bristle pig is just a turtle in a urn, and its number continues to decrease.

Especially after Catherine killed most of the piglets in the middle, the remaining giant pigs rushed towards them crazily.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain, but it made their output more comfortable.


Just when Colin was obsessed with shooting, a violent roar suddenly came from the passage behind him.

He froze, silently and quickly approached Holt, then turned and looked back.

A giant pig with black manes that was obviously different from others of its kind was charging toward them.

Its overall appearance is not much different from the ordinary black-maned giant pig, except that its fur is darker.

But its size is at least twice the size of an ordinary giant pig. It is visually estimated to be at least two or three stories high, and its back almost touches the top of the cave!

Not to mention its strength, its size gives people a strong sense of oppression...perhaps it should be called the Black Mane Giant Pig King.

At this time, Holt and Mallory had also turned around, with solemn expressions on their faces.

Judging from their formation, they were already surrounded.

"This black-maned giant pig is no longer a simple beast." Holt whispered.

"Well, it seems to be much stronger than the ordinary black-maned wild boar." Mallory nodded and asked: "Are you going to deal with it?"

"Okay, you go help others." Holt replied.

Mallory nodded and went to the other end.

"Shrink the formation and come behind me!" At the same time, Holt shouted in a deep voice.

The apprentices changed their formations one after another and came between the two.


The black-maned giant pig king roared again, and the sound waves were mixed with inexplicable magic waves rolling in.

After this roar, a hint of fatigue flashed undetectably in its violent eyes.

However, there were still more than 20 black-maned giant pigs alive in the hall. At this time, their eyes turned red, and the wounds on their bodies that were already healing quickly healed even faster! The outer black mane also seems to be covered with a thin layer of black light.

The defense becomes stronger and the recovery ability is strengthened!

Now attacks from ordinary apprentices pose a great threat to them. Often the attack area would look dripping with blood one second, and then return to its intact appearance the next second.

However, fortunately, Mallory was there to cover them, so they would not be rushed close by the giant black-maned pig in the hall.

At this time, Colin also quickly added Hope's defensive force field to himself. Before that, he was concerned about the consumption of magic power and only used steel armor.

No longer able to hide his strength, the frequency of his spears suddenly doubled. Other wizards also tried their best.

In this way, the situation was stabilized by them for a moment.

Colin also breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while,

Under their slaughter, the number of black-maned giant pigs in the hall gradually decreased to less than ten, and victory was right in front of them.


But at this moment, Holt’s shout came from behind!

Mallory looked back quickly.

Colin's heart skipped a beat and he glanced back subconsciously.

Thanks to Confused Starry Sky for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks for the 200 starting coin reward if you like the mini! Thanks to Cuckoo Chat for the 100 starting coin reward!

By the way, I would like to recommend his immortal urn and talisman urn.

It’s a weird fairy-cultivating novel. It’s great!

In addition, the update is a small chapter, a bit late, sorry.

Some time ago, I couldn't stand staying up late to refresh my body. I felt uncomfortable everywhere. It must be because I didn't get enough sleep. I need to adjust my schedule.

Too many people die suddenly these days, we must take precautions and develop sustainably! Otherwise, it will be over one day!

Finally, please ask for a monthly ticket!

This book has 100,000 words. Apart from monthly welfare tickets, I have only received one monthly pass. I really cried to death.

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