Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 74 Ship Market

The giant ship slowly docked at the eastern port of the city.

Thanks to the fact that the pier is deep enough into the ocean, otherwise if you want to board these giant ships, you may have to take another small boat.


Just as Colin was silently observing the giant ship at the dock not far away, a ray of flame suddenly shot out from the top of the mountain behind him!

In just a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the giant ship.

The flames dissipated, revealing the back of a gray-robed wizard. He was floating in front of the bow of the main ship in the center of the fleet.

It's the Lapp wizard!

Two figures who seemed to be official wizards flew out from the main ship and together they welcomed the Lapp wizard onto the giant ship.

Immediately afterwards, a voice suddenly came from the bow of the main ship in the shape of a ball-carrying girl:

"Ahem, my wizard friends from Blackstone Island, we are the Black Pearl Caravan!"

"The caravan's ships will stay at the island's port for seven days. During this period, everyone is welcome to come to the ship market to buy!"

"Knowledge, materials, slaves... you can buy everything you want here!"

As the sound rang out, the figures on the armored ships swayed, and soon, huge chain ladders were erected between the ships to fix and connect them to each other.

"Thanks to Mr. Rapp... Sixty years ago, these caravans didn't look like this." Luke said with emotion. Although he had never experienced it, he had only heard about it and still sighed.

Sixty years ago, the Lapp wizards had not yet arrived on this island. The original official wizard of the Blackstone family on the island has died.

At that time, these caravans were not so polite.

Transactions always only happen between two equal parties.

These caravans are also called pirates in some places!

Colin remained silent. After all, the weak people like them can only have such a stable life now because of the protection and order established by the Lapp wizard on the island.

Click click click.

At this time, the sound of the collision of mechanical gears came from the giant ship closest to the pier in the distance. The next second, a sloping gray-black steel step was raised from its side and placed accurately on the pier.

The overall steel staircase is about five or six meters wide, with railings on both sides, just like the boarding stairs of an airplane in a previous life.

There is no doubt that this is the entryway to the boat market.

Colin stepped forward, preparing to go to the boat market. But the corner of his clothes was held by Luke.

"Wait for the adults to leave first." Luke reminded quietly, using his eyes to signal Colin to pay attention to Regina and other senior wizard apprentices next to him.

Colin paused for a moment.

Waiting until Regina and other senior wizard apprentices passed by them, they continued to move forward with the others.

Walking up the steel stairs, it looks shaky and fragile, but it is extremely stable when you walk on it... It must have been reinforced with witchcraft.

When you step on it, it makes a dull, thick sound.

The stairs are not short, and the senior wizard apprentices have already flown up. Now only the intermediate wizard apprentices, a small number of junior wizard apprentices who were brought to see the world, and Regina, who has just advanced, are still climbing.

Not long after, Colin finally walked up the stairs and walked onto the deck.

What comes into view is a gray-black plane with no masts or sails. There are only three huge chimneys that stand like thorns, and a few wisps of faint white-gray smoke are slowly emerging from them.

On the bridge in the middle of the ship, there were many crew members dressed as sailors who were carrying things to the deck one after another, apparently preparing to set up stalls.

"The stalls outside here don't have anything good," Luke said, looking back over Colin. He led everyone towards the bridge not far away and introduced:

"The Black Pearl Caravan has a total of fifteen ships. When it docks at Blackstone Island, the main ship open to us is this main ship and the four auxiliary ships next to it."

"During this week, the decks of the five ships will be filled with stalls. Usually there is nothing good, but you can also go shopping."

"The real ship market of the caravan is actually hidden on the first floor below the deck. It is like the wizard's alley on the island, with various shops."

Colin nodded. This information was obviously given by Luke specifically to him, a first-time visitor.

It has to be said that although Luke is smooth and sophisticated, he has the right sense of proportion and will not be annoying.

Following Luke, he walked down the narrow stairs to the deck. Before he could reach the lower level, noisy sounds first reached his ears.

After walking a few more steps, a gray corridor that was considered wide on the ship appeared in front of him.

The corridor can accommodate about four people parallel to each other. There are similar cabins on both sides. The doors of these cabins are very narrow. Even if they are opened, it is still difficult to see what kind of store it is from the outside.

Fortunately, there are signs printed on the walls outside each store, which saves some trouble.

"I'm going to buy some big knight slaves. Does anyone want to go to the slave area? We can go together." Luke turned around and asked.

"I go."

"Is there anyone who wants to buy bloodline materials?"

"Is there anyone who wants to buy witchcraft tools?"

Everyone in the school whispered to each other and gradually left in groups.

"Colin, if you haven't decided what to buy, do you want to go to the slave area to have a look?" Before leaving, Luke asked when he saw that Colin was still there.

Colin smiled and shook his head: "I plan to walk around by myself first."

"Hmm..." Luke nodded, paused and then lowered his voice: "On the ship, it is usually best to avoid conflicts with the wizards of the Black Pearl Caravan."

"Of course, if you are just a junior wizard, there is no need to be polite. But for intermediate level, you need to measure your strength and pay more attention to whether the other party has companions..."

"As for intermediate level and above..." He patted Colin on the shoulder, "I don't need to say more."

Colin nodded.

On the island, the Lapp school is the undoubted overlord. Although their apprentices are not usually domineering, in fact they are not far behind.

But the ship is no longer the territory of the school, and the strength of the Black Pearl Caravan is obviously not weaker than that of the school. When you come here, you naturally need to be careful in your words and deeds.

Of course, with the Lapp wizard around, there is no need to be too cautious, you just need to pay a little attention. After all, if there is a conflict, as long as there is no big trouble, neither the official wizard of the Black Pearl Caravan nor the Lapp wizard will obviously care.

At this time, if trouble comes to your door, it all depends on your own strength. This is also the reason why most of Luke and others choose to stay together.

Although there seemed to be only one long corridor on the lower deck, there were actually many forked roads extending in all directions. In just the blink of an eye, Luke and the others disappeared, leaving only Colin at the entrance.

But he was not worried about finding the way.

In a wooden box on the right side of the entrance, there is a stack of printed black and white maps of the underground floor neatly stacked, with the main business contents and locations of shops in different areas marked in detail.

Resisting his curiosity to look around, Colin took out a map from the wooden box and looked for a shop where he could buy witchcraft crystals.

He needs to change the bright crystal into a magic stone first!

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