Of course, the people in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" can't just let Watanabe go away. Don't they know that the "Hell Girl" that appears in the real world is different from the one in the animation?

But since her appearance is so similar to the one in the anime, it means that she must be inseparable from Enma Ai in the anime. Maybe she even has the same personality and hobbies!

Based on this speculation, they need Hiroshi Watanabe and the entire animation creative team to clearly explain everything about Enma Ai in the animation, and provide constructive suggestions on the issue of "how to form a friendship with a girl" .

The "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" is currently very busy. Fortunately, Japanese officials are paying more and more attention to so-called "supernatural disasters", so more resources have been invested in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room".

In addition to analyzing the "Hell Girl" who has been promoted by Japan's major media and became a national hero, Japanese researchers have also begun to intensively study "Hezi". This is the only extraordinary material in the world!

Japan is a country that does not have great wisdom but a lot of small cleverness. This study of "Hezi" was completely carried out without the knowledge of the American Stars and Stripes. Maybe the Japanese officials felt that this was another act of "betting on the fate of the country" and wanted to By studying "Hezi", he can create a big killer, and then break free from the dog chain of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

At this time, Li Shushan finally decided to return to China. Anyway, even if he returned to China, he could still control Yan Moai and Slit Girl to cause trouble through the magic network, but usually he would let them move freely.

As for his company in Japan, it has already been on the right track. With the magical artificial intelligence Alice controlling the operation of the entire company, he is very relieved.

After all, the purpose of this "Magic Co., Ltd." is not to make money, but to "spend money". It is used to convert the income of the "Universal Translation" app into various value-preserving things. It is also a substitute for Olivia. A tool for building a mage tower.

Before Li Shushan went back, he paid special attention to the domestic news in Japan, only to find that Hell Girl Yan Moai had made headlines in major media!

Most of the pictures chosen by the media were of Yamato wearing kimono to pray for the deceased. Obviously, the media felt that girls wearing traditional Yamato costumes were indeed qualified to become the national heroes of the entire Japan.

There are also a small number of media, especially online media, who chose the photo of Yama Ai wearing a sailor uniform and fighting with the Yama sword, looking like a middle school student saving the world...

Maybe the online media think that this kind of fighting lolita wearing a sailor suit can attract more attention on the Internet!

As for the headlines prepared by the media, it can be said that each one shows his or her own magic——

"She came from hell!" 》

"Hell Girl Saves the People of Japan"

"The beautiful girl who appears only once in ten thousand years arrives at the fireworks festival"

"The door to hell is opened, and the girl comes to the world to save the souls of the dead"

"The end of ghosts is here, we have Hell Girls"

"Shock! The superhero who tortured and killed the terrifying man-eating demon turned out to be a middle school student! 》

"Japanese Superhero—Hell Girl"

"Anime Hell Shoujo" is broadcast on major TV stations across the country! 》

"How Much Do You Know about the Benefits of Believing in Hell Girls"

"Analysis of Hell Girl's combat power, she is stronger than Super Saiyan"

When Li Shushan saw these headlines in Japanese print media and online media, he felt that all media in the world probably had one virtue, that is, they would never stop talking without surprising people.

However, Li Shushan is happy to see this happen. This is because the popularity of Hell Girl Yama Ai has been hyped by many media in Japan, and it can be said that it has become popular all over Japan!

This is all free faith, and faith can be completely transformed into magic power.

Li Shushan originally thought that he needed to harvest faith through "Amaterasu Shrine", but he did not expect that "Hell Girl" would harvest so much faith by mistake.

Just because the Japanese media unanimously believed that "Hell Girl" can ward off evil spirits, some merchants who saw business opportunities launched various Hell Girl peripherals, and even forcibly promoted Enma Ai's figure as a Buddha statue, and bought it home to worship. If you get up, it will definitely be useful!

As a result, figures that were originally only liked by otakus were snapped up by Japanese uncles and aunts. The company that produced the animation "Hell Girl" went crazy with joy. This was a windfall!

This company immediately decided to produce a new season of "Hell Girl", and also equipped Yama Ai with a Yama Sword. This process of obtaining the Yama Sword will at least last several episodes, right?

The anime "Hell Shoujo", which was not actually very popular in the first place, became extremely popular all of a sudden because of a rumor that spread out from nowhere, saying that if you watch this anime carefully, you can get the blessing of Hell Shoujo, and even Make a contract with her and gain extraordinary inheritance!

Which middle school boy can resist such rumors?

The new season of "Hell Girl" is also attracting much attention. It is said that the company that suddenly made a fortune has expanded. This time, Gen Urobuchi, who is very famous in the animation industry, was invited, and the director also invited Akiyuki Shinbo!

It’s actually a combination of Gen Urobuchi and Akiyuki Shinbo!

Then there is also a huge cast of voice actors, which can be said to be a real masterpiece! Completely invest without any expense!

Anime fans have expressed shock. Is this new season of "Hell Shoujo" going to be made into a classic animation like "Puella Magi Madoka Magica"?

In fact, the animation company chose to do this because they were instructed by the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". After analysis, they believed that it was necessary to create a classic and influential animation for this new Hell Girl who appeared in reality. Animation can definitely please girls and pave the way for future cooperation with girls.

In fact, girls cannot be pleased, but this approach will definitely satisfy Li Shushan behind the girl. This can be regarded as a good result of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room"'s accidental collision.

Fan works about Hell Girls on the Japanese Internet have also begun to explode. There are a lot more exquisite illustrations on the P site. Many artists seem to use this method of "drawing Hell Girls to ensure safety" to follow the trend.

As for some discordant and 18-ban fanfics about Hell Girls, they were all banned by the Japanese official!

Any uncertain factors that may affect the relationship between Japan and Hell Girls must be eliminated, so that Hell Girls can feel the warmth of home in Japan!

A high-level Japanese official gave this instruction to the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", and no one raised any objections.

First update today! ! !

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