When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 72

"Thank you, how is the situation outside now?"

Taking the apple casually, Yong Ye asked Wuming about the situation outside.

"Outside? They're all corpses."

"Did the Kagejo and Kotetsujo of the Karakata people leave?"

"This... the Kotetsu Castle has left, and the Kari Kata's Kage Castle has also left. We are safe!"

Nameless hesitated for a moment, then showed Yong Ye a smile of unknown meaning.

"Really? I'm not surprised that the Kotetsu Castle is gone, but the Karakatas are gone?"

"What? Don't you believe me?"

Yong Ye murmured to himself suspiciously, causing Wuming to stand up with his hands on his hips in dissatisfaction.

"No, I believe you, speaking of it, but compared to this, I probably already know how to turn you back into a human."

"Oh? That's still good~ But, I'm a little sleepy now, can I sleep first and talk about it tomorrow?"

Unexpectedly, the topic that Yong Ye thought Wuming would definitely care about, but Wuming just showed a lack of interest, yawned and stretched her waist, showing her figure that is superior to her peers.

Chapter 73 Sorry, I lied

"...Well, lifting the restriction of the ribbon is indeed a lot of consumption for you, since you are sleepy, go to sleep."

Knowing that Wuming would get drowsy if he used Kabaneri's power completely, he didn't care, and just nodded to express his understanding.

"Like when we were on the Iron Fortress, can we sleep together?"

"As long as you don't bite me in the middle of the night, I don't care."

"Don't worry~ I won't bite anyone casually."

After the guarantee, the girl threw herself on the bed with a gust of fragrant wind, and directly put her head on the uninjured thigh of Yong Ye who was sitting cross-legged.

"...If you're like this, I won't be able to lie down."

"Then don't lie down, I will use your thigh as a pillow, and this is my reward for helping you get food."

"...as you please."

Shaking his head not very concerned, Yong Ye tentatively accepted the fact that he had a small head on his leg.

However, just as he was about to continue his meditation, Wuming suddenly spoke again.

"Eternal night."

"What's wrong?"

"Besides living and working in Jingang Guoli, do you have any other dreams? Big dreams!"

"...big dreams? If you mean those unrealistic ideas, then there really aren't any, at least not yet."

"Really? That's really a pity, but I believe that Yong Ye will find it in the future."

"Well... I hope to find it in the future, too."

The two chatted one after another, and in the end Yongye was fine, but Wuming fell asleep.

Yong Ye lowered his head, quietly looking at the nameless sleeping face.

Wuming, who fell into a sleep state, was as cute as an innocent child, not at all recognizable of his former vivacity and ruthlessness towards the enemy.

No... Wuming is a child herself, but because of her usual behavior and rapid development, people unconsciously feel that she is 15-17 years old.

"...Like it?...It's too precocious, this kid."

Smiling helplessly, Yong Ye muttered to himself, and lightly touched Wuming's face with his fingertips.

Tentatively poked on the immature face, but Wuming didn't respond, obviously sleeping deeply and not enough to wake him up.

"Let's stop here for the prank."

The girl at this moment is like a baby who knows nothing about this world, without any defenses. Yong Ye stared at her sleeping face like this for a long while, then moved up his left hand, which was poking her face mischievously, and gently stroked the girl's black hair.

In fact, Yongye's method of turning Wuming back into a human is almost the same as before, but the possibility has been further confirmed.

That is to say, the same as before, attack Kecheng and find a way from Karakata.

The Karikatas can not only create Kabaneri, but even monsters like fusion groups. The research on Kabanevirus far exceeds expectations.

In this way, it would be strange to say that the Karakatas did not have medicine or vaccines to turn Wuming back into a human.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a strong attack, as long as there is a way to invade Kecheng, there will always be a way.

In the final analysis, he and the hunters had long had an irresolvable hatred, and one of them had to be wiped out, and retribution had to be settled.

Of course, the most urgent task at the moment is to fix the body and let your injuries heal, otherwise you don't even think about dealing with the Karakata.

"In short, let's repair the body first..."

Stopping touching Wuming's hand, Yong Ye tried his best to recover his injuries with the little energy.

The wind outside the house gradually increased at this time.

And then... through the wide-open windows, the moonlight pouring into the room disappeared.

Everything in the field of vision was completely ruled by darkness, and then, not long after, it began to rain heavily.

The heavy rain was blown by the wind, and poured into the hut through the window.

At this time, if the owner of the house is still here, he will definitely close the windows, but they are probably dead, and Yong Ye is just letting the heavy rain invade. Anyway, he is on the bed, and he will not Get splashed by the rain.

Hearing the sound of rain, he broke free from his meditation, and couldn't help but feel a little worried about tomorrow's journey. It's not impossible to drive in the rain, but it must not be as good as a sunny day.

The tires of the motorcycle are easy to slip, and the viewing distance will also be shortened. It is fine to walk, but it is definitely not comfortable to be exposed to the rain for a long time while driving a motorcycle, especially when there are many wounds on his body .

The only benefit of this rain is probably to dilute the strong smell of blood, wash away the blood on the street, and bring a trace of clean and fresh air to this bright red world.


the next day.

Wuming went out to find food for Yongye again.

However, until noon, but still did not come back.

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