Saint Freya.

Everyone’s minds couldn’t calm down for a long time.

The emotional sound just now touched them too much.

Kiana looked at everyone. This time she inexplicably didn’t say anything, but remained silent.

Even she was touched.

She was thinking about whether her treatment of enemies was exactly what Chadwick said.

It seems like they really haven’t thought about these things.

He even hopes that his weapons will be as powerful as possible so that he can destroy the enemy as quickly as possible.

There aren’t even any rules to follow.

If there is any rule to abide by, it is to destroy the enemy at all costs.

Jizi looked at the silent people, knowing what they were thinking, and comforted them gently.

“This is how cruel the universe is. We think we are hunters entering the forest with a shotgun, but little do we know that we are also prey.”

“The universe is running ruthlessly like this, he is indifferent to everything, everything is just running.”

Theresa also exhaled after hearing this.

“Fortunately, we are just dealing with Honkai and don’t have to think about such philosophical issues.”

“Otherwise, I won’t know how to deal with those enemies in the future.”

This is the first time that everyone in St. Freya has wavered in their attitude towards Honkai.

They all thought that Honkai’s crime was unforgivable.

Why should the world treat them like this?

They must let such a beautiful world collapse.

But Only now did they realize that the world didn’t care about this at all.

Even compared to Honkai, maybe they shouldn’t exist in this world.

Jizi looked at the people who fell into silence again with a faint smile. It

’s good to let them think about this issue.

Otherwise, they won’t know what to say if they think about it themselves.

Then they will have a clearer understanding of their mission. There will be a better life in the future.

Thinking of this, Ji Zi is looking forward to what path Dr. Chadwick will choose next.

———————————— in video.

Chadwick’s weathered 05 look towards Screwgum

“Everything I have experienced is the result of my own cultivation…after all these years, I no longer need to be reminded of this.”

“I need help now, Mr. Screw……”

Screw Gum put his right hand on his left chest, a very sincere invitation.

“You still want to talk to me after going through so much trouble… You must have no other way out. The Screw Star can be your temporary refuge if needed.”

Chadwick shook his head directly after hearing this.

“No, no. I have sworn to myself that I will never involve irrelevant people again.”

“No matter where I hide in the galaxy, the company will find me…it’s only a matter of time”

“I can’t keep running away, but I have other ways to resist”

“I heard that a genius in the club developed a secret drug that can help people”block” part of their consciousness and memory.”

“But I have never had a close relationship with everyone in the club, so I thought of asking you to help me connect.”

Screwgum put his right hand to his mouth and thought.

“「selective blocking drugs」——I have heard that it was probably the invention of that eccentric pharmacist.”

“Indeed, that woman has never interacted with the company, so there is no need to worry that she will betray her colleagues.”

“Question: Do you think this is the safest solution?”

Chadwick hesitated for a while, waved his hands and explained.

“…This is the least expensive, I’m sure. As long as I can forget that knowledge for a while…the company won’t try to squeeze anything out of my brain.”

“As for anything I have to go through…I deserve it. People must always be responsible for their own actions, and bearing the cost is also a necessary part.……”

After hearing this, Screwgum put down his hands and looked at Chadwick.

“I understand, Dr. Chadwick. I’ll help you get that medicine.”

Screwgum said and nodded in agreement.

“You’re finally being honest with yourself, Doctor – and that alone makes me happy for you.”

“I sincerely hope you can hear about this difficult time”


On the train.

Dr. Chadwick is a great man!

For a genius.

What is most precious? no doubt!

Yes, knowledge!

That is the most precious thing for geniuses, their lives and their dignity.

It’s them.

The meaning of existence in this world!

But Chadwick chose to forget it

“Unexpectedly, Dr. Chadwick would choose to forget those precious achievements in order to prevent the company from extracting his knowledge.”

“And is willing to bear the cost of doing so.”

March 7 was quite emotional.

Such a move.

It can’t be said, it’s not great.

It’s just——

“But does this really solve the problem?”

“Will the company really watch this happen? Even if he really forgot, the company would probably think of other ways to deal with him, right?”

In this regard,

Walter shook his head.

“Dr. Chadwick’s ideas may not be limited to this. He can definitely think of anything we can think of, and he can even think of things we can’t think of.”

“For example, even if the company does not have Dr. Chadwick’s knowledge, the company may still restart this research”

“Not to mention, Dr. Chadwick and the others have actually proven that this path can work and will succeed in the end!”

After hearing this, March 7 looked at Walter with sudden realization.

“That’s right, wouldn’t it be enough if the company just releases Dr. Chadwick? Why do we have to arrest Dr. Chadwick!”

Dan Heng clasped his hands on his chest in deep thought and took a step forward to look at March 7.

“Because asking Dr. Chadwick is the fastest and most trouble-free way!”

“If the company is allowed to restart this research, I’m afraid it will take a lot of time, manpower, and huge amounts of money!”

“This is absolutely impossible for the company to accept!”

“Dr. Chadwick must have thought of this before choosing such a method.”

“The only way to prevent the company from reopening this research is to let the company catch you”

“It’s just that the company didn’t expect that it had spent so much time and still hadn’t asked anything from Dr. Chadwick!”


March 7 looked at Dan Heng in surprise.

“So you’re saying that Dr. Chadwick was actually kidnapped by the company voluntarily?”

Dan Heng nodded heavily after listening to March 7th’s words.

“That’s right, Dr. Chadwick was kidnapped by the company voluntarily!”

Although everyone thinks this conclusion is a bit bizarre, it is the only correct answer.

It can only be said that Dr. Chadwick is really too great.


The video plays again.

This time in the screen.

Xing appeared in a huge study room.

It’s just that this study looks very strange.

There is a raised platform at the end that holds a long desk, but the solid wood sofa and office chair are floating in the air.

Old Chadwick sat quietly on the raised platform in the study.

The walls on both sides are filled with various drawers.

Star walked up to the elderly Chadwick.

Chadwick looked at the stars.

At this time, Dr. Chadwick was probably over seventy years old – his image was almost the same as when they first met.

It’s still the same pair of thoughtful eyes, and the whites of the eyes are a little more cloudy.

But he seemed unable to feel the presence of the star.

Maybe it’s time to walk around and observe the room first.

Xing walked to the edge of the desk that he thought was rectangular but was actually curved.

Stacked on top were several unsent letters.

On the cover of the letter was written in scrawled handwriting:”Sending will not be approved and it is recommended that it be returned.”

Xingze walked to the wall safe, not knowing what was stored in it.

Or maybe it’s completely empty… because Calderon Chadwick here can’t possibly be hiding any more secrets.

Then Xingze walked towards the stack of books with a lamp on the left side of the room door.

Several books were scattered on the floor.

After carefully looking at the titles of the books, I was convinced that these books had nothing to do with Chadwick’s major and research topics.

It’s hard to think that the old man would be interested in”A Test of Folk Music of the Immortal Boat Tribe”. Maybe he has really been here for too long.

So Dr. Chadwick is under house arrest here?

Time to go talk to him.

Star walked up to Chadwick again, but Chadwick didn’t even raise his head to look at Star this time.

Xing could only tentatively speak

“can you feel me?”

Chadwick raised his head when he heard the sound but did not look at the star.

“Ah… they sent someone new, didn’t they?”

“It would be the same no matter who it was. I’ve said the same thing countless times… I’m of no use to you now.”

Xing guessed that

“You used”selective blocking drugs”」…”

Chadwick was surprised

“How…how would you know?”

Chadwick then lowered his head.

“Ah…I see. This is not reality… You are not someone sent by the company, right?”

“Great…it’s been so long since I’ve had a normal conversation with someone. Here I am…I don’t need anything, they will give me anything I ask for…I just don’t have the freedom.”

Xing clasped his hands on his chest and looked at the elderly Chadwick.

“What did they do?”

“At first, they pretended to be polite. They tempted me with all kinds of things, trying to exchange materials and promises for my knowledge…but it didn’t work.”

“Then they lost patience. They began to force me to read literature related to the applied theory of imaginary numbers.……”

“But the effect of”blocking drugs” is far better than imagined. It not only blocked the knowledge in my mind, but also cut off my ability to learn relevant knowledge.”

———————————— saint freya

“Wow, Dr. Chadwick is really smart!”

Kiana looked at the screen with an adoring look on her face.

“I guessed it all in just one sentence. Really worthy of the name of genius”

“But how much time has passed here can make a person become so depressed!”

Fu Hua rarely said aloud.

“Probably a very, very long time!”

Fu Hua understands Dr. Chadwick’s current state of mind very well.

She has also protected China for thousands of years because of her promise to someone.

But she is very curious about one thing, and that is the effect of this”selective blocking drug” So powerful?

Even after all this time.

Dr. Chadwick was able to bury this matter deeply.

“However, does this mean that Chadwick has been in this kind of torture for hundreds of years?”

“How on earth do you need to be able to endure this?”

“Anyway, I can’t stand it for a moment, I will go crazy!”

Kiana danced and shouted when she heard this question.

“I will go crazy. It’s so scary. It’s so scary!”

“That’s why Dr. Chadwick is a genius!”

Ji Zi’s voice sounded at the right time.

They all now realized what kind of torture Dr. Chadwick had suffered.

Although there were no physical scars, it was a constant torture of the spirit. Being locked up alone and enduring endless loneliness is unimaginably painful and terrifying, but Dr. Chadwick not only endured it, but endured it. It took hundreds of years.

And he could have chosen to die, but in order to avoid being deprived of his memory by the company, he chose to endure all this just to prevent the tragedy from happening.


There are many things that are far more terrible than death.

For those things, death is more like relief.


After a long silence, Ji Zi softly uttered these two words.

Just like the ferryman,


For them, death is relief.

Living is just moving forward with a heavy load, which is the most painful torture in the world!

Chadwick. The difference is that he is paying for his mistakes and is imprisoned for life. Only perseverance can endure all this. Everyone’s view of Dr. Chadwick has improved. They now admire Dr. Chadwick not only for his knowledge and wisdom, but also for his faith. Force! The video continues, mused the elderly Chadwick.

“Later, they accepted the fact that I had become a useless old man. At some point, their strategy became to wait for my death”

“I’m very sorry!”

Chadwick shook his head after hearing this.

“There is nothing worth apologizing for, this is the price I deserve to pay.”

As he spoke, Chadwick raised his head and looked at Xingxing, slightly comforted.

“The only advantage of being under house arrest is that as time and pain accumulate, the guilt that weighs on me seems to have weakened.”

“What happens next?”

“I got some fragmentary information from the people they sent”

“Coupled with my own inference…the company may plan to wait for my physical body to die and then manipulate the remaining memories in my brain.”

“They probably think that no matter what means I use to keep silent, once the physical body dies, what is left will be at their mercy.”.

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