The video continues to play.

March 7 looked at Gallagher in confusion and asked.

“However, you clearly said before that the”clockmaker” is a traitor to the family? You also said that you are his companion, so you also……”

Gallagher shook his head after hearing this.

“I am not his companion, I am one of his many”~children””.

“But I am indeed a traitor, not betraying the family, but betraying… Mikhail.”

Ji Zi was very surprised after hearing this.

“oh? …what have you done? Gallagher shook his head and continued.

“I didn’t do anything…this is the biggest betrayal”

“Just like you, I have had close companions. We worked hard for Pinocchio, but the *Oak Family*… trapped us in injustice”

“Mikhail is old and can no longer protect his children. When we leave our family and find our own way out, we become traitors to Tonghe… although the real traitor is someone else.”

“They still praised the reputation of the”watchmaker” externally, but secretly they quietly nailed him to the pillar of shame.”

���Even so, we still want to clear his name. As long as the real traitor, the mastermind behind all this, can be uncovered, Pinoconi’s”Tonghe” can get back on track.……”

“…But we lost. A long time has passed, and the impact on the dream land has been too deep. Under the endless pursuit, I gave up… just like a lost dog.”

“My family re-accepted me and gave me a job as a peace officer, which seemed like forgiveness but was actually punishment. Since then, my partner and I have completely lost contact with my past. And Mikhail……”

“…I heard that he died in an unnoticed corner, a place where no one could find him. I understand that from this moment on, the Pinoconi that I once was will never come back.”

Ji Zi said with some seriousness after hearing this.

“We’re deeply sorry for this story… but it’s not that simple, right?”

After hearing this, Gallagher looked at Ji Zi

“Hmm… Apparently, someone inherited the name of”Watchmaker” and secretly continues to rebel against the family until now.”


Black Tower Space Station.

Heita clasped his hands on his chest and looked up at Screwgum

“Screw, it seems that this”mysterious” Gallagher is very fond of Pinoconi. Although he fictionalized the narrative, he did not change the key information.”

Screw Gum held his left hand in front of him, put his right hand on his chin and looked down at the Black Tower.

“Ms. Heita, you are right, we may be able to piece together a complete history of Pinocchio with the help of various fragments in previous videos and what Gallagher said!”

Heita said thoughtfully after hearing this.

“The history of Pinoccony or a frontier prison is already known, starting with Pinoccony’s Revolutionary War!”

Screw Gum agreed with Black Tower’s statement and continued.

“Life in Pinoconi, a border prison, is too difficult. Many people come to Pinoconi to improve the lives of these people. Mr. Sousa, who made Sureda, is one of them.”

“But the new company warden (the warden Boss Stone in the Hanunu animation) classified these Suredas as contraband.”

“This aroused the anger of the prisoners”

“In the Amber Age in 2146, Hanunu, the prototype of the Hanu brothers, and another unknown prisoner jointly launched an action against the company!”

Heita heard this and folded his hands in front of him and continued.

“This was the beginning of the Pinocchio War of Independence!”

“They fought a protracted war against the company and also united people from other divisions”

“At the same time, the earliest seven family lines were produced.”

“Hound family, iris family, alfalfa family, oak family, night thrush family”

“And the butterfly family and the fruit family, which later disappeared.”

Screwgum put his hands in front of him and said in agreement.

“This is the beginning of history!”

“Then came the company’s counterattack. The company was angry at Pinoconi’s resistance and completely sealed off the prison, trying to starve all the prisoners to death.”

“So a tragedy occurred where one family ate the other, and the fruit family line disappeared.”

“Hanunu took the risk and sneaked into the company and got the key to unlock the blockade, but the tragedy happened.”

“The high concentration of memories engulfed them and the entire prison, and dreams and reality were intertwined.”

“This was the origin of the original Pinocchio Dream Star!”

Heita nodded.

“It happened because of an accident!”

“Although the environment became more difficult and dangerous, these people also gained temporary freedom.”

“But peace has not come, the company still has not given up, and the development of the dreamland is even more dangerous, more and more factions are coming here!”

“The Masked Fool, the Nameless Guest, the Fictional Historian, the Mourning Actor, the Herald of Doom, etc., these people work together to open up the territory of dreams.”

“This is the prototype of the members of Dream Town in the Pinocchian Hanunu animation, the eight elders”

“Mr. Soda – Sousa. Owl Teacher-Professor Grax. Mr. Wood – The head of the Oak family. Miss Note – the owner of the iris family”

“Captain Revolver – Tiernan. Mirror Princess-Lazarina. Hanu Brothers – Hanu Nu. Clockboy-Mikhail/Lagerwalker”


The video continues to play.

Xing asked

“「”The Watchmaker” is an organization?”

After hearing this, Gallagher looked at Xing Xing and sighed.

“It can also be understood this way. But there should only be one person who inherited the title of”Watchmaker””

“It’s a pity that after all these years, I still don’t know who that person is, or even whether it’s a person… or Mikhail’s ghost wandering in my dreams.”

“So do you understand? Why am I willing to tell you so much… Because the girl’s death must be related to the”watchmaker’s legacy.” And at the end of the fog……”

“…You and I can both get the answers we want.”

“If that was really Mikhail’s ghost, I’d quite like to meet him. People who look down on me can circle the hotel three times, but people who are willing to look at me… Hey, if you die, you will lose one.”

“I’ve told you everything I know. I’d like to thank you for your willingness to take a look at my old dog.”

“…Um? There seems to be something going on over there at the movie theater… I’ll excuse you, and I wish you good luck.”

“How ironic, what is the difference between these stowaways who are rejected by Pinoconi today and the Dream Chasers who were regarded as pioneers a few Amber Ages ago?”


Black Tower Space Station.

Heita put his hands on his hips and continued.

“As soon as Pinoconi began to explore the dreamland, the company’s counterattack arrived. The company dispatched twenty-two large battleships.”

“In order to prevent Pinoconi from being destroyed, Hanunu rejected the plan to lure the enemy into using dreams to fight against the company, and instead chose to drive the ball cage alone to attack”

“But it was a trap. He was trapped and seriously injured, and his whereabouts are unknown.”

“The company took this opportunity to break into Pinoconi. Mikhail led everyone to resist but failed.”

“At the critical moment, Mikhail received news from Hanunu. Hanunu was not dead, but luckily entered the company’s main ship, and went deep alone to find the plan to destroy the ship!”

After hearing this, Screw Gumu clasped his hands in front of him and looked down at the Black Tower.

“This is what I appreciate most about organic life, the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of companions.”

Heita ignored it and continued.

“Professor Grax asked his students to control the weapons they made against the company to buy Hanunu time.”

“On the other side, Hanunu defeated the company’s mecha alone and hid in the mecha to avoid the search, forcing the company to defend itself.”

“Finally, I found the ship’s ammunition depot and detonated it with a cool ‘hum’ sound.”

“He used his own sacrifice to repel the company in exchange for peace in Pinoconi!”

“Finally, Pinoconi was handed over to”Clockmaker” Mikhail.”

Screw Gum responded thoughtfully after hearing this.

“This is the history of Pinoconi’s earliest struggle with the company.”

“But I may have to change my mind about fictional historians”

“Fictional historians actually used fictional processing to hide real history in stories, thus leaving behind real history! Heita heard this and folded his hands in front of him, humming and continuing.

“Mikhail lived up to Hanunu’s expectations. During the difficult development, he joined forces with the surveyor Miss Mirror Princess who got off the train to develop the territory.”

“Although the Mirror Princess was attacked and killed by a monster in the end, she built a high wall to block the real nightmare.”

“To this day, I am still protecting the dream town of Pinoconi.”

“At the same time, the butterfly family was about to leave and become a monk, but they encountered”breeding” true stinging insects and disappeared.”

“The other factions are no longer united, each has his or her own agenda, and secret disputes continue.”

“For example, Susa’s recipe for Sureda was sold to Interstellar Trader Aidien, who made it into Sureda, and claimed to be the founder of Sureda.”

“All this made Mikhail very disappointed”

“So he threw an olive branch to the”family”, attracting the brilliance of”tonghe” to come, assimilating all thoughts, and making all families unite.”

“With Mikhail’s genius idea, Pinoconi was built into a world-famous event star”

“But people have forgotten the protracted war and development in history, as well as the names of those people”

“At the same time, under the influence of the family intentionally or unintentionally, people began to reject the difficult past.”

“The five major families betrayed Mikhail and became part of the family.”

“The family tried to take over Pinocone for real!”

Screw Gumu nodded after hearing this.

“Ms. Heita, you have sorted it out completely correctly. This is exactly the true story hidden by Lach before.”

Screw Gum continued to add,

“But Mikhail would not tolerate this and created the famous animation”Clock Boy” in the universe to record this history.”

“At the same time, there may be new and current plans to invite everyone to the Harmony Ceremony.”

Heita hugged his hands in front of him in approval.

“This may explain why Mikhail will not be affected by”Tongyong””


After Gallagher left, Ji Zi, March Qi and Xing formed a circle.

March 7 said

“Mr. Gallagher…is indeed a man with a lot of stories.”

Ji Zi then said in a contemplative manner.

“Although Miss Liuying’s whereabouts remain a mystery, his sharing explains many doubts: the true identity of the”clockmaker”, his relationship with the family, and the power struggle hidden behind dreams and deaths.”


Star echoed

“Also… the family is not all united.”

Ji Zi looked at Xiang Xing and said

“Yes, Mr. Gallagher mentioned that the real betrayer was someone else… and likely lurking within the Oak family line.”

Xing concluded.

“Also…”death” is related to the clockmaker.”

Ji Zi nodded.

“This is also consistent with the previous information. It was for that inheritance that Miss Liuying was involved in this tragedy… We are also more convinced that Sha Jin’s accusation against Huang Quan is unfounded.”

Xing finally said

“And… Clock Guy is a clockmaker.”

After hearing this, March 7 put his hands on his hips and looked at the star.

“…You like Clockboy so much! That’s just an animated image, not me! Ji

Zi said thoughtfully.

“In that case, the clock boy who could only see stars was also interesting… but unfortunately I didn’t meet him again after that.”

Xing nodded.

“That’s pretty much it.”

Ji Zi put down her hands and looked at Xing

“This trip has verified many previous conjectures and is worth digesting in detail. Xing, send a message to Walter and ask him how the situation is over there.”

【Star Dome Train Family]

Star: Mr. Walter, our investigation here has come to an end. How’s it going on your end?

Walter: A small gain. Ranger and I agree that the family may be hiding extremely important information.

Walter: We are heading to Chaolu Mansion now.

March 7: Is it the underworld? Sand Gold didn’t mean that she was dangerous…

Walter: I confirmed it, she is on our side.

Walter: Don’t worry. Please wait a moment. Once I find anything, I will synchronize it in time.


Black Tower Space Station.

Heita continued

“That’s all history, and then there’s what’s happening now”

“Because the current dream is actually about suffering at the bottom and enjoying at the top. This was not the original idea of Mikhail and others.”

“Mikhail tried to turn everything around, seize the market in various emerging areas of Pinoconi, and hold dances in the”Blues Moment” to expand his influence”

“Let the watchmaker, the father of Pinoconi, spread throughout the universe!”

“This caused dissatisfaction in the family, who wanted to boycott the clockmaker and considered him a traitor to the family.”

“Although it obviously couldn’t ruin his reputation, it nailed him to the pillar of shame.”

“Mikhail’s power was weakened in this way, and in the end he couldn’t even protect himself!”

“It can only disappear actively or passively”

“At the same time, someone inherited Mikhail’s legacy and continued to rebel against the family, inviting all forces to come together to reveal”the clockmaker’s legacy.”」”

After hearing this, Screwgum couldn’t help but look thoughtful.

“It’s really wonderful, and the way the fictional historian is used is really admirable!”Zero.

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