Video continues to play

【Dekaim, a human male, jumped into the sea of dream bubbles at the”Blues Moment” to show his courage to his girlfriend. He was entangled in unknown memes in the sea and sank. His girlfriend has received memory processing, but the effect is not good. Encourage the teacher to intervene】

【Note: Mostly related to the ocean. Will it be a breakthrough? Another note: only two cases were found after sorting out, and they are excluded.】

【Cai Xia, a female fox-woman, was swallowed up by an unknown meme while experiencing the dream rehearsal music in the”Golden Hour”, causing great chaos at the scene. Now the memory processing of the witnesses has basically been completed.】

【Note: Suspected to be the Dream Troupe? Or have the ability to imitate and learn? Committing crimes in a group? There is a greater possibility of someone behind the scenes.】

【Cambega, a male hound, was attacked by an unknown meme in a”quiet moment, on the eve of a work shift. After the battle, he was defeated and killed. Additional guards have been deployed in the prison area.】

【Note: There are no details worth paying attention to. In addition, hunting dogs need to be required to strengthen the defense of prisons and other facilities.】

【Janet, a human female, was attracted by a mysterious call in the film history exhibition hall while visiting the museum in”The Hour of the Sun”. She walked into the screen and disappeared. The accident scene was sealed off.】.

【Note: Only one case indicates language ability, which may be a false positive. To be verified】

【Munch, a male omnic,”at dusk, after taking a picture of a high-end mechanical vision sensor, he was attacked while replacing it.”】

【Note: Vision sensor? Worth noting】

【Annette, a Pipixi woman, was caught by memes in the bathroom while touching up her makeup before the graduation ceremony of Origami University at Sun Hour. The witness was a teacher at the scene.】

【Note: Mirror? Need to pay attention. The current guess is that it is related to line of sight】

【Croy, an omnic female, invited friends to celebrate her birthday in”The Moment of Blues” and was attacked by a meme while blowing out cake candles. Witnesses are still receiving treatment from a encourager.】

【Note: It is more likely to occur in darkness or when the victim’s vision is poor. Is it really sight??】

【Marlowe, a human male, disappeared after a car accident in”The Golden Hour.” It is reported that someone at the scene of the car accident witnessed a strange meme that escaped underground.】

【NOTE: This is a real”death”, this meme must be related to concepts like death and murder】

【*The entire list lists more than a hundred cases related to the death of the Yiyu meme, but the organizer of the list still seems to be unable to sort out the clues.*】


Black Tower Space Station.

Screwgum looked down at the black tower in thought.

“It seems that Mr. Sunday has actually conducted a very detailed investigation into”what is facing death”!”

Heita clasped his hands in front of him and looked up at Screwgum.

“He has the power of”order” and it is not difficult to investigate all of this!”

After hearing this, Screwgum held his hands in front of him and looked at the Black Tower solemnly.

“Mr. Sunday’s power of”order” is indeed very questionable!”

“Gallagher commented on Sunday”

“「His scent is similar to”Ode to Harmony”, but I smell a hidden… truer side」”

Heita nodded.

“This sentence should actually mean that on the surface, Sunday believes in”tonghe”, but in fact, it does not believe in”tonghe” at all.」”

“Or a star god whose beliefs are similar to those of”Tonghe”…such as”Order”」”

After hearing this, Screwgum looked at the Black Tower thoughtfully.

“「”Order” has been swallowed up by”Tonghe”. Is this possible?”

Heita looked at the screen with his left hand on his hips.

“We know too little about the Star God’s swallowing. Whether there is a digestion process after swallowing requires further discussion.”

“Or maybe among the”Tonghe” faction, there are people who belong to the side of”order”.”

Screw Gumu agreed very much after hearing this.

“「The concept of”Ode to Harmony” is currently known among all Star Gods, and only”harmony” and”order” are mentioned in the music-related part!”

“From the current point of view, the only thing that can have an impact on”Tonghe” is”order”.”

Heita nodded after hearing this.

“In short, no matter what, the truth behind Pinoconi this time will allow us to uncover the deeper layers of the Star God.’ 「!”

“We also need to update the contents of our simulated universe, and simulate the contents of”harmonicity” and”order” in detail.”


The video continues to play.

Huang Quan said after reading the”List of”Dead” Victims”

“Robins, fireflies… and other information about the deceased… I can’t see any commonality among them.”

Walter responded thoughtfully.

“It seems that the rumors are good——「”Death” literally picks its victims at random. And judging from Sunday’s comments… he is no stranger to”death.” Huang

Quan said calmly

“He was just surprised that it showed up again.”

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at the bookshelf next to them. There was a light cone in it.

It was painted, Children’s Sunday, and then applaud the children’s robin.

Huang Quan looked at it and said

“This light cone…is being kept strictly. He should care about this memory.”

Walter responded

“Robin once mentioned in an interview that even though she has been on so many gorgeous stages, her most cherished performance was the concert she held with her brother when they were playing house when she was a child.”

Huang Quan nodded.

“I don’t know what their relationship is now.”

Walter responded

“In the process of growing up, you will always gain a lot, but you will also lose a lot.”

Huang Quan agreed.

“Yes, time will heal everything. The sweet dreams of youth…will eventually wake up.”

After reading this, the two of them walked towards the conference table. On the table they found a copy of”Letter from Alfalfa”》

【to sunday:】

【I’ve heard about the robin and I’m sorry about it】

【But at the same time, I must remind you that you are not only an elder brother, but also the head of the Oak family. Every move you make will involve the interests of the entire Pinocchio family.】

【Now that Pinoconi is in a special period, you must not be blinded by personal hatred and be careful of being caught.】

【I heard that you are planning to devote a lot of time and resources to the search for”death”」——This behavior is not in line with the current overall interests of the family. I advise you to stop in time to avoid being impeached by other family heads.】

【You are sure that”death is related to the”clockmaker”, but long before the dream master adopted you brothers and sisters, I have dealt with the”clockmaker” countless times, and I have never found any connection between him and the memory domain meme. any contact】

【Now that you are in the high position of the head of the Oak family, you must learn to assess the situation and know the subtleties; you must not use all Pinoconi’s human and financial resources just to avenge your own personal revenge and bring shame to the god master.!】


On the train.

March 7 looked at the screen and covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

“The Sunday brothers and sisters were actually adopted by the dream owner?”

“Aren’t they brothers and sisters? Dan

Heng, who was holding his hands in front of him, shook his head.

“It has always been said that Robin and Sunday are brother and sister, but it has not been explicitly stated that they are biological brothers and sisters!”

Walter pushed his eyes and nodded in agreement with Dan Heng’s statement.

“This is a misleading technique used by the screen to make us think about things according to common sense.”

What Walter didn’t say was, like���Others can’t see Misha, but Xing can see it, which makes people mistakenly think that everyone can see it.

Walter continued

“This may also explain why Sunday knows nothing about the real Pinoconi dream” and the”historical grudges between the watchmaker and his family””

“This is not at all in line with Sunday’s status as the head of the oak family.”

“And the dreamer seems to be very worried about Sunday and conducts surveillance and a series of actions.”

“At the same time, it also explains why the robin died. As a father, the dreamer did not want revenge, but was more concerned about the Harmony Ceremony.”

When Walter thought about this, he always felt that there were more things hidden underneath.

But he couldn’t guess it. He really knew too little about this world.


Video continues to play

【The Harmony Ceremony is coming soon, and the distinguished guests of the”Clockmaker” are all ready to make a move. If the arrival of Dominicus is delayed, neither you nor I can bear the responsibility.】

【I hope you can suppress your personal emotions, take on the responsibility of the head of the Oak family, concentrate on the Harmony Ceremony, and eliminate interference from the outside world.】

【Apart from the grand ceremony, the”Watchmaker” cannot be careless with its distinguished guests – once this matter is not handled properly, it may escalate into a diplomatic conflict between the family and other factions, involving you and me in avoidable disputes.】

【As an elder, I hope you will remember the interests and risks behind this and handle it properly.】

【As for the robin, there is still room to investigate after the ceremony is over. At that time, I will provide you with resources and help in the name of Shou Clover to help you bring your enemies to justice.】

【In addition, I heard that the”Dream Master” is not very satisfied with your recent actions. I hope you will be careful in your words and deeds so that you can behave yourself】

【Sincerely, Ody】


Black Tower Space Station.

Screwgum lowered his head and looked at the black tower

“I remember there was this article in the think tank”Family-Tonghe””

“「Not every blessed world successfully becomes a member of the Family – few mention the civilizations that perished due to stupidity or arrogance」”

“「People are curious: Have any family members ever gotten tired of singing and voluntarily given up on their pursuit of”tonghe”? Faced with questions, the”family” smiled and answered:”This has never happened”」”

After hearing this, Heita clasped his hands in front of him and looked up at Screw Gum.

“Robin lost her voice due to the influence of”harmony”, but the source of her loss of voice was because her brother secretly believed in”order”」”

“Because of the”promise”, she doubted that anyone would suspect her brother!”

“It would be so interesting if that were the case!”

Screw Gum looked at the screen with deep eyes.

“.` This reminds me of what Miss March Seven said when she set foot on Pinoconi!”

“「Maybe there will be classic scenes such as relatives turning against each other, families being destroyed, yin and yang separated, and rivers of blood flowing.」”


The video continues to play.

Walter said after reading the letter

“It seems that both Pinoconi’s”Dream Master” and the old Mr. Ody are not satisfied with Sunday’s recent performance.”

Huang Quan responded

“They don’t seem to care so much about”death”…but more about the Harmony Ceremony and”The Watchmaker”.」”

Walter nodded.

“Maybe other family heads don’t think”death” is a big problem… There are also mutual constraints and conflicts within the family.”

After the two of them finished speaking, they saw a list of suspects next to them.

【Dear Master of the Oak Family:】

【All suspects in the”death” case have been investigated. The summary is as follows, please take a look】

【Your faithful servant Ismay de Lott】


【Ryan, an Oakwood General employee, has short gray hair and lives a lazy life. He is often caught slacking off at work.】


【Connuo, a professor at Origami University, has short red hair, and his slovenly and messy clothes are widely rumored by students to be a hidden worldly master.】


【Pruro, a researcher of Hidden Night Thrush, has long blond hair and is a heavy drink lover. The trash cans in the research room are filled with cans.】


【Sir Whittaker, the owner of the Hidden Night Dove family, has short black hair and rare orange pupils.】

【Pat, a well-known actor in Iris, has short gray hair and has appeared in many classic film and television works. Leg rings are one of his most prominent styles.】

【Nader, the Iris bartender, has short yellow hair. He has a good reputation among tourists because of his gift of conversation.】

【Carter, the hound police officer, has short blond hair and is short in height. He spends most of his spare time at work in”The Hour of the Stars, the Casino.”】

【Brendan, a hound guard with short brown hair, once rescued ten trapped tourists in a meme incident, and is a medal winner (Wang Li’s).】

【Woolsey, the captain of the Hound Guards, has short yellow hair, a strong build, and several scars from the meme attacks in his early years.】


【*There are 52 suspects in the list. Attached is a note from Sunday:”There may be some commonality. Conclusions have been reached」*】


Black Tower Space Station.

Heita looked at the screen thoughtfully

“The identification features on this suspect’s list feel very familiar to me!”

Screw Gum lowered his head and looked at the black tower and said

“Ms. Heita, I guess you want to say that these 52 people put together a Gallagher?”

Heita nodded.

“Benny’s soft curly brown hair, Sir Whittaker’s orange eyes of the Thrush family, and the weird scar of the Woolsey Hound Guard.”

“Connor’s slovenly clothes, Prue’s drink, Pat’s leg ring, Carter’s Sheriff, Nader’s mixing skills, Brendan’s medal……”

Screwgum listened and said thoughtfully.

“Is there really such a thing?”

“If you use 52 people to piece together one person, where is the original person? Killed by him?”

Heita said thoughtfully.

“There should be no killing or not all killing”

“I remember that in the video, Star Kid also met Woolsey, the hound guard captain, and Sir Whittaker, the head of the Night Thrush family.”

Screwgum clasped his hands in front of him

“This should be a”mysterious” method, to fabricate an identity, just like they fabricated a history!”

“Now I feel very curious about”mystery”!”

Heita looked at Screw Gumu thoughtfully.

“But even so, no matter how fictional it is, the real people in it are still the same. So who is the real Gallagher?”

“Could the real Gallagher be one of the 52 people above, or is there someone else?”.

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