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Chapter 421: Lovers Meet

"Isn't it small, I am not sure, because the girl did not reveal that she is the summoner, nor did she see her with a contract ring, but she can control the fire element." The shopkeeper's very clever answer.

Zhou Feiyu sharply glanced at him: "What is the name of the girl? What kind of looks?"

"Dongzi, you can ask this question to be small. The girl has not revealed her name from beginning to end. Even before she left, she was provoked by the opponent. She did not disclose it. As for the appearance, she looks quite ordinary. Nothing special, it seems that his face is a little pale."


"What color is the eye?"


Zhou Feiyu heard this and his face finally sank.

The shopkeeper was also the sharp-eyed person, and suddenly added a sentence, "Although the girl is quite mysterious, the small does not know what she is coming to, but she is a freshman student of the Samurai Warriors College. If the son wants to find the girl, may wish to Go to the Samurai Warrior Academy to see."

"Are you sure there is no lying?" Zhou Feiyu stared at the shopkeeper in black.

Under the eyes, let the treasurer's heart tremble.

"No, if the son does not believe, you can ask the distinguished officials here."

At this time, the guests who had already noticed the table at the front desk had already fallen in the shopkeeper’s words, and they also opened the road.

"The girl is indeed the samurai school of the gods, and she wears the uniform of the samurai warrior."

"Yes, and it was brought by the mentor of the Samurai Warriors College. We can all see this thing with our own eyes, and there are still fakes..."

"Yeah, it’s not long before people just walked away..."


"His Royal Highness, do you want to go to the college to see if you can catch up?" At this time, Wu Han asked the voice of Zhou Fei.

"I went in person!" Zhou Feiyu's low-pitched voice fell, turned and left the restaurant.

Wu Han quickly followed up.

When the shopkeeper looked at them and left, they turned and took the gold ingot and sipped in the mood.

"Small two, at noon today, every table is free to send a dish of signature dishes, I treat..."



However, the other side.

After Yun Dance and others left, Yun Lengyi entered the Academic Affairs Building and went to the Dean's Office of the college.

When you enter the room and see the strangeness, Yun Lengyi is obviously a glimpse.

It seems that I did not expect that the dean of this college was so young.

"You are the father of Yun Dance? Come and sit down." He looked at the cloud coldness that pushed the door into the door. After looking at it, he greeted him and sat down at the rest seat.

After Yun Lengyi sat down, he also walked over with a cup of tea and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Drink some tea."

"Thank you!" Yun Lengyi is quite polite.

After he sat down to his opposite seat, he introduced himself with a gentle smile. "My name is Xiao Mo, the dean of this college."

However, without waiting for Yun Lengyi to open his mouth, he said: "The generals of Yunda should be busy with military affairs. How come to Lingcheng?"

Yun Lengyi stunned. He couldn’t answer that he was forced to follow him at the beginning.

However, now he feels that it is okay for him to come out.

"My daughter enters the college and just take a look."

This answer seems to make Xiaomo smile inexplicably.

"I really can't see that General Yun can be quite kind. This daughter also came to the college to send it personally. However, I heard that this cloud dance is the ninth ranking of the cloud family. Since childhood, it was a zero-natural scorpion. Small at home is not very popular!"

Wen Yan, Yun Leng Yi brow slightly stunned.

Cloud Dance, the waste of Miss Nine, is known to almost everyone in the Zhou Dynasty.

If anyone asked him before, he would not hesitate to answer it, but now it is to let Yun Lengyi feel a little embarrassed.

The strength of Yun Dance is absolutely unexpected.

However, human nature is like that.

When it is still a waste, it doesn't look good.

However, when one day discovers that the waste in your mind has already surpassed yourself, even higher, it will raise a kind of remorse, surprise, and joy...

Even sometimes, because the cloud dance is his daughter, it raises an incomparable pride.

"I don't know, what does the dean mean by saying this?" Yun Lengyi looked up and looked at the stranger.

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Said, the strange and inexplicable scorpion, staring at Yun Lengyi.

Not surprisingly, after Yun Lengyi heard the words, his eyes swept through an undercurrent.

Then, like an anger, picked up from the bottom of the eye.

"You are old acquaintance with her?" asked some biting teeth.

No stranger nodded; "Yes! It should be said that she knew her before you."

Yun Lengyi suddenly sank, and the fists clenched to the stranger: "Is her disappearance related to you?"

At that time, he was fighting in a foreign army. When he returned home, almost everyone in the Yunfu was legendary. Huang Wei was following a man.

Because of the face problem, he banned the rumors that everyone in the house spread, and even said that she was dead!

For many years, the reason why he was so cold and cloud dance, in fact, accounted for most of the reasons for this reason.

He is a man, and everything can be endured, but the only thing he can't stand is that his beloved woman runs away from other men's betrayal.

Looking at the reaction of Yun Lengyi, Yi Mo finally converges on the gentle smile.

Then he changed into an inexplicable cold, and his eyes were sharp and cold.

"It turns out that you, as her husband, are so distrustful of her?"

Thinking of the woman who had been in his heart, the face of Jun, who had been posing in a gentle and disguised form, raised a anger for the first time.

It’s not worth it for her, but she is also jealous of this man.

For what is called the mission, the so-called doomed, she refused him, and chose such a man.

Originally, I also thought that what kind of man would it be? I didn’t expect it to be such a man.

Yun Lengyi heard the words, his heart suddenly tightened, as if he had been touched by a long-dead wound in an instant, his emotions could not be controlled.

"That is what happened between me and her. If the dean has nothing to do, then I will leave first."

The wound has been buried for more than ten years, and I thought I didn't care or even forget it.

Can be touched before discovering.

It turned out that all the pain came like a strong year, like a scale, it hurts at the touch...

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