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Chapter 425 Abnormal Retaliation

Cloud dance looked at the three different people, and the corner of his mouth outlined a smile.

However, that smile is unusually infiltrating.

The three people who met her sight almost couldn't help but shudder.

"Do you really like to play exciting games? Since you like to play, you can do it. I will bring you some real excitement."


Five stars and three people heard a word.

But at that time, the cloud dance was sitting on the top of the head of the eagle, and suddenly stood up.

And just as she stood up, the huge body of the eagle beast suddenly shocked.

"Oh..." Suddenly, a horrible bird song broke out.

At that moment, the statue of the eagle was completely out of control, and a violent rotation rushed down.


The five-star Yu three responded to the moment, his face changed dramatically, and the moment of screaming, almost instinctively killed the iron rope of the carved beast.


The screaming screams of the sorcerer screamed under the air.

In the square, the onlookers who watched the traces of the sacred beasts at high altitudes were originally prepared to leave and went back to their respective classes.

However, it was heard that there was movement in the air.

Look up one by one.

When I saw the huge eagle beast that fell down at the positive speed, one by one, and then the same face changed, and quickly brushed and sneaked away.


A loud bang, accompanied by dust rising in the empty square.

But this is not the end, and just after the shock of the powerful collision, the statue of the eagle is stimulated again, and the screaming screams.

In a flash, the huge animal body slammed with a slamming sound.

After half-empty, spin, and fall down very quickly.

Up and down...

After going back and forth several times, after the eagle beast finally had some broken power, it seemed that everything was calming down.

And the five-star woo, who was stalking the iron lock behind the sculpt, the hair and clothes were messy.

At this time, the voice was also shouted, and the stomach was turned upside down, and the white-faced wolf was unbearable.

As if, once again, almost can not help but want to loosen the life-saving iron rope, let go to the ground.

At this moment, the cloud dance was slowly sitting on the top of the eagle's head, and the eyes of the scorpion were slightly smashed, and the lips squinted at the three wolves on the back of the eagle.

"How three? Is it fun to play?"


This almost killed their lives, but also happy?

However, this time, the three people really understood the horror of this girl in front of her.

She is not only horrible, but even more terrifying is that her revenge is on the whole metamorphosis level.

"It seems that you are quite satisfied, then it is good. Now that you know the way, you will be guided. I must let us go back to the inner school before the "elder" in your mouth is angry."

At the moment of the speech, the cloud dancer gently patted the top of the eagle.

The eagle who had just been thrown a few times and almost stopped the food, and immediately with the chicken blood, slammed a glimpse, a rotating volley, wings fluttering, speeding.

Only after a few seconds of relaxation, the face changed again, and the iron rope was not thrown out.

When the powerful storm hit, the three men almost didn't burst out.

This abominable perverted mad woman...


However, the cloud dance does not know it.

Just in the scene that happened in the air, from the beginning to the end of the side of the square below the side of the path, the deep line of sight gave income to the eyes.

Including, she just started jumping on the back of the eagle.

Zhou Feiyu looked up at the direction in which the eagle was leaving and looked at the depression on the square where the eagle was thrown several times.

The stream of eyes is getting deeper and deeper.

so similar!

Although, the compatibility of the cloud dancer is completely different from the little woman in his memory, but the style of doing things is very much like this.

In this world, can there be a few women who seem to be so mad and whose methods are so extremely sharp?

She... will she be her?

Will it be?

This question has been lingering in his heart.

But the more I thought, it seemed that the looks and shapes of the two began to coincide, as if he had already seen her shadow in the cloud dance.

Just, that cloud dance, he remembered that he had seen one side before he left the Imperial City.

Although she was still small at the time, her bones could never be faked, dry and thin, sick and completely devoid of bones.

Can the changes in these years really change so much?

But if this cloud dance is not her.

That cloud dance is definitely not easy!

It seems that no matter whether the cloud dance is the little woman in his heart, he needs to go to the inner school...


After the break, it was the white clouds.

And if you want to enter the inner school, you really need to cross the steep mountain behind the Samurai Warriors College.

How high is it?

Cloud dance did not make an estimate.

Anyway, the eagle soared for a long time, and the eagle beasts finally saw the top of the mountain.

It was a mountain peak filled with white clouds, and it was almost impossible to see the situation from afar.

When I was close, I discovered that there were sharp, sharp stone tips on the cliffs of the mountains, which were like natural ones.

It is forbidden to fly any beast to the top of the mountain.

"If you want to enter the college, you have to jump from here." The student who had just carved the beast, looked at the cloud dance and swallowed his mouth and pointed to a small space below.

Cloud dance sees this, it is not anxious.

It was the student who raised the eyebrows and looked at the opening. He gestured to him to jump first.

The student saw this and secretly bite his teeth.


Actually so cautious.

However, the student turned to look at another student and Wu Xingyu, and then loosened the iron rope, and the figure jumped down the empty space.

Then, another student and Wu Xingyu also jumped.

The cloud dance stood on top of the head of the eagle, but did not hurry to jump.

Instead, I swept around and recorded the entire mountain environment route in my mind. Only then became a smart and leaping body.

“Where is the inner college?” After the cloud dance landed, he glanced at the three men who were finishing their clothes.

Although the whole mountain is quite large, there is no trace of the inner school.

Therefore, the cloud dance also guessed that it was estimated that the college was set up around the college, or was isolated, and needed something to open.

Still true.

It wasn't long after the cloud dance questioned, and the three people who arranged the image of the manners showed up after they were the attitudes of senior students.

The three men walked to a fast-covered stone, and I did not know where to take a sign before the stone.

The scene in front of me began to change when I started...

Ps: ZDM27P, the top 100 people who can exchange the cake can receive it.

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