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Chapter 441 Gambling Funds

The third-year-old man heard the words, suddenly screamed and grinned, and the eyes were fierce and flashing. "I just want to find you. What is it? This is the site of Laozi’s management. I love what I want, and I am looking for you. Your face, if I am not happy, I will throw you out directly."

It’s said that the cloud dance’s eyes are cold and the corners of the mouth are outlined. “Is it? In my opinion, you are just a watchdog.”

In a word, the third grader was black in the blink of an eye.

The eyes are almost fire-breathing, and the fists are squeaking when they are slamming; "Good, good, very good, no one has ever dared to make trouble on the site I care about, then I will give you a chance to try me. The taste of the fist."

As soon as the words fell, the man waved his hand and wanted to hold the cloud dance.

But at that time, the hand that was thrown out was empty, and when it was fixed, the cloud dance was clearly in front of us. How could it be caught?

The third grader flashed a glimpse of doubt, but then waved.

When it was lost again and again, he first officially glanced at the cloud dance in front of him, and his eyebrows narrowed his eyes.

"You are a first-year student, and you will hide."

"Hide? I will still have a lot of things, but unfortunately, I still can't look at the eyes of a watchdog, and I don't bother to shoot." The cloud dance swept away and said it was very light.


This sentence is really mad.

Almost her words fell, and the surrounding was just a shot to see the lively sight, and it was a lot more funny.

A girl who looks weak and can't do it, in the third grade, talking so crazy, not bragging, but what?

"Year of the first grade, your tone can be really mad. If so, why don't you go on stage to compare with him?"

"Yes, dare to brag, why not go on stage directly."

"Now the ring is coming out soon. I have to fight, go up the stage, and we will gamble..."

It is said that the smile of the mouth of the cloud dance has deepened a bit, and it seems that I am waiting for the liberation of these people.

"It’s okay to go to the stage, but since it’s a gambling area, it naturally needs some bets. I can’t go to the stage in vain!”

The words of Yun Dance attracted a sneer at the audience, just like watching a dumpling.

"First-year students, are you afraid to be the first time to come to this gambling area? Otherwise, how can you not know, as long as it is a challenge, the winner will increase by 30 points, the loser will increase by five points, and will not let you come to power in vain. ""

"That is, even this does not know, but dare to say that it is on stage..."

"I am not afraid of death..."

Around the laughter, a wave came.

Cloud dance, the corner of the mouth, but inexplicably sneered a sneer; "You may not understand, I mean, this game, I am gambling with all of you, if I win, I want to smoke you all Twenty percent of the people’s tokens are gambling capital points.”


At the beginning, everyone laughed and laughed. After hearing the words of the cloud dance, there was no sound in the whole scene.

If it wasn't the voice that was still fighting on the stage, it would feel that the silence could be heard even if the needle fell.

After a while, there was a big laugh in the entire venue.

It looked like it was a joke, and almost didn’t laugh.

Even the angry third-grade student laughed.

"You win? First grader, are you here come here funny? Just rely on you, want to win me? Also bet everyone? Do you think you have enough capital?"

"How? You don't dare to gamble?" Yunwu hands clasped his chest, laughing at the general smile and looking at them.

The people who just laughed and finally felt that she was not joking.

However, for her such a junior, the people present were not much in mind.

Don't dare?

They dare to gamble in the gambling area, then there is nothing to dare.

"If you lose, you can't, you lose, let us all gamble?" One of the people spoke.

"That's not to say, what if you lose..."

The cloud dance is also quite leisurely, and the lips are said: "Then I will pay you 20% of the gambling funds."

"You pay?"

"Low grade students, can you afford it? I guess it feels, in your token, I am afraid there are still no more than twenty points..."

"That is, you want empty gloves and white wolves..."


In the face of this, the cloud dance is not in a hurry, the hand slammed on the body, and immediately pulled out a jade bottle.

Open the mouth of the jade bottle, a scent of scented medicine, when it is lingering.

When the smell of the medicine was heard, the voices of everyone in the room stopped.

"This is a gathering of three four-product refining pharmacists. I believe that you should also be aware of the efficacy of Juyuan Dan. I believe this is enough." This remedy is the dragon leaning away from the college. Give it to her at the time.

At this time, it came in handy.

After the cloud dance is finished, the cap is again plugged.

At this time, all the voices of the people on the scene stopped, and both eyes stared at the jade bottle in the hands of Yun Wu.

The value of the four-product refining pharmacists can not be measured by gold and silver jewelry.

Juyuan Dan.

It is said that people who have eaten Juyuan Dan will improve their ability to gather a lot of strength. In cultivation, they can also have the ability to gather several times.

If you can eat a Juyuan Dan in the cultivation tower, then practicing an hour in the cultivation tower is equal to several days, and it is equal to ordinary people practicing outside for several months, or even more...

What does that mean?

Everyone in the hearts of the people is very clear.

At this time, one by one is like a gambler who was provoked by a blood.

"Okay, gamble..."

"Yes, bet you..."

"Put the bottle down and go on stage..."


Seeing this scene, Yunwu raised her eyes and the third-grade student who was staring at the bottle in her hand with the same eyes, and her mouth was outlined.

"Let's go, on the stage, let me try your fist, what the **** is it."

The voice of laughter and laughter fell.

The cloud dance threw the jade bottle into the hands of one of the people. When the toes turned, he walked toward the platform.

The third-grade student, it seems that this is only to slow down the gods, and suddenly, the twins flashed a touch of excitement.

it is good!

I dare to be so mad at the moment, then wait a minute, he will be merciless, and after she has cultivated a good meal, she will lay down the platform from that ring.

At this point, the two people in the ring are just over.

The loser, who is injured, is supported by his companions.

When I took a photo with Yun Dance, the slight sympathy in that person's eyes seemed to be the same as that of myself. I spoke to the cloud dance.

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