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Chapter 452 mad magic flurry

I saw that in the heart of the cloud dance, the words of the blue and the white snow, as well as the small smell that still slid around, suddenly went to the bookshelf around.

Read it quickly.

The cloud dance also goes to the bookshelf and looks at your full label.

On the bookshelf outside, the cloud dance saw three levels, and here, it is roughly five or more.

Because I don’t know much about martial arts, Yun Dance doesn’t really understand it. Which one is considered as advanced martial arts.

"White old, how much do you know about martial arts?" When the cloud dance glanced at the martial arts on the shelf, he couldn't help but ask the white old man in the necklace.

The voice of Bai Lao was also transmitted; "Shantou, it is a pity that the old man is almost clear about the witches, but there is really a lack of this martial art. What's more, I have slept for so long!"

Even the old man does not know?

That black arrogant!

Just as Yun Yun’s thoughts just fell, the voice of black arrogance came from my mind.

—— You haven’t even touched martial arts yet, just thinking about wanting to learn advanced martial arts. This kind of behavior is too greedy, but it’s not as good as it is. There is still time to understand some martial arts in all aspects, step by step.

- Black pride, do you not understand?

When Yun Dance heard it, he couldn’t help but ask.

And her questioning suddenly caused a silence.

Yunwu couldn't help but smile. However, it is true that Hei said that she did not even understand the martial arts. She wanted to find high-level martial arts. She was indeed greedy.

Therefore, the cloud dance finally let the blue secluded them stop, let them take advantage of this time, relax each other.

As for the cloud dance, I took a five-level martial arts and looked at it.

Originally, the cloud dance was also thinking about it.

I don't know if I can see it, but I can't help but get interested.

That is a book, with the wind attribute of the leg hitting.

It seems that it is not a very high level, but it is also an intermediate level, which details the power and practice methods.

But then, Yun Wu found a more weird thing, that is.

She only had to take a look at the book from beginning to end, and she quickly showed a group of figures in her mind.

That is in the book that has been recorded in the book, quickly developed a whole set of martial arts.

As the figure in her mind was practiced, her body seemed to be spontaneous and spontaneous. One vacated and repeated the action of the group of people in the mind with extremely fast movements.

The wind whistling sounds a fierce attacking force and spreads in the open space.

After a set of martial arts training, the clouds and dances were bright, and the bottom of my heart was a little excited.

This fingertip, she has completely recorded this whole set of martial arts, and even replaced the wind attribute with the wind element, the power has increased a lot.

It is so strange.

what's up?

Is it because she has a dragon roll? Or the reason for the chaos hall?

However, no matter what the reason.

With such a strange ability to remember, she is really a treasure, now she will read the martial arts here.

This idea fell.

Yunwu also took advantage of this moment of sorrow, and immediately read the book from the position where she stood, one by one.

At first, after reading one or two books, she stopped and let the body remember it in her mind and directly refine it, so that the body also produced an instinctive memory of the martial arts.

Later, she found that her memory was more and more refined, and almost all the way, the body and the brain became a line.

The mind is remembering, and the body is also remembering the move.

I saw that the vacant place, the cloud dance on the body, with a strange and fast movement, a stroke of speed and stroke.

The books on the bookshelf, one by one, were taken out, read, and trained...

It was still supporting the branches. It was step by step and some of the pity that was not used to walking on the ground. When the cloud dance made a strong sense of martial arts, it stopped and looked at her.

I started to look at it, and it was not so special.

However, when I saw the back, the cloud dance almost used the speed of the storm, and was quickly practicing the martial arts.

He was shocked.

Is she, human?

He has not known how many years in this college. He has seen many geniuses, almost countless, but he has never seen one, like this girl in front of him.

Blue secluded, Bai Xueer, watching the cloud dance that ecstasy is quickly consuming those martial arts, but also some can not help but be surprised.

They are contracted, but they are still the same as before, and they have the self-conscious mind, and they will be surprised.

However, it is relatively more surprising than their "adults".

That little stinky, it is much more lovely than them.

Looking at the cloud dance, it was so powerful, it was very exciting. With her, she also ran to the side and quickly waved its chubby claws and chubby legs.

Of course, it's fat and cute speed.

The ones that have been learned can only be called funny and funny, and there is no sharp and powerful style of cloud dance.

But the little smelly, but it is not too pleasing.

The red diamond that can only be used as a "wicker" can not be moved. The abnormal "unhappy", the extra wicker, not to be left behind, with the little stinky side, also in the mad mad dance.

To be honest, this combination is really a bit funny.

But at that moment, the pitiful eyes were locked in the cloud dance that was still going on.


One night, in fact, the blink of an eye is over.

Really, when the cloud dance just flipped through the martial arts on this row, when it stopped, it was like a night.

The pity on the side has been floating in the middle of the empty disk, staring at her with a look of sleep; "The sky is already bright, your token is at night, the day will be invalid, hurry out."

Yunwu heard the words, and some surprised that one night passed.

However, I heard him say that this is the night when the token expires during the day, and there is a kind of cloud dance that wants to smash the white beard of the pharmacist elder.

That dead old man, only to give her into the outer door, even if the token can only be valid during the day.

No wonder he wants her to sneak at night, the original token has a problem.

He is not bullying her newcomer.

Of course, although Yunwu had some complaints in his heart, he still looked up and looked at the pity. "Tonight, I will come again. You remember to open the door for me. At night, I will bring you something fun."

Said, the cloud dance also thought of a move, after the blue secluded they recovered the contract, did not wait for the pity, how to react, quickly turned away.

Come back at night?

Pity, frowning, and couldn’t help but look at the eyes, there were a lot of books that were lost in the corner.

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