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Chapter 454, seventh floor

So too much is useless to her.

And these three people, perhaps the day she came in, the only person who thinks it is pleasing to the eye, is a "friend".

Follow them, don't feel bad!

"Don't lie, learn the tower." Yunwu squinted at the three eyes of Lingfeng, and said with a smile, he walked toward the hole first.

When I walked to the entrance, I felt a sense of isolation.

The cloud dance also swept the token, and the isolation suddenly disappeared from her, and there was a mouth that only she could enter.

When the cloud dance enters, the mouth will automatically merge.

And the aura that permeated from the hole, but also when she entered the isolation mouth, flooded, the whole breath was surrounded by the reiki.

When the cloud dance felt it, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Because the thick aura here is almost the same as the thick aura that she felt at the entrance of the college just before she entered the college gate.

But at this time, this kind of aura is inexplicably revealing a familiar feeling.

In the end, I was familiar with where it was, and the cloud dance could not be said for a while.

The outside of Ling Feng, unintentional, Xiao Zhu three see the cloud dance have gone in, the three looked at the token in hand, in the end is still hot, and finally did not hold back.

"This is just the entrance. If we come in, don't waste time. Let's go to the first floor to practice."

As soon as I entered the isolation, the thick aura came in, which made Ling Feng feel anxious.

After entering the tower, the system will automatically calculate the time.

It’s a bit of a point, and when it comes in, it’s natural to fight against time and hurry to find a place to practice. Otherwise, it’s really painful.

“Is this cultivation tower divided into several floors?” Yun Dance asked as he walked in.

Xiao Zhu feels the aura around this time. At this time, the eyes are also excited and flickering, but still do not forget to answer; "I heard that there are seven layers, but every next layer, the points that are deducted will be doubled."

"So, generally low- and middle-level students are only practicing in the first and second levels, while the upper grades are only down to five layers, and the number of students who can go down to the sixth floor is very small."

"Yeah, the more down, the more points are deducted. When you go down to the sixth floor, many people have no time to practice, and the points are deducted almost." Ling Feng also said.

However, Yun Dance could not help but raise his brow.

"So, is there no one who has been to the seventh floor?"

No, the treasure map that summons the temple is hidden in the seventh floor?

Thinking of this, the dark dance of the cloud dance eyes.

Ling Feng shook his head; "No, I have heard that someone has gone on, but the seventh layer has no aura at all, and the cultivation is no different from the outside. The deductible points are several times."

Into the cultivation of the tower is to cultivate, in the absence of aura cultivation is also several times deducted points, it is a living meat pain.

People who have been there once will never take another step.

And the news spread, naturally no one is stupid and not a few.

"Yes!" The cloud dance eyes flashed a bit.

I didn't bother to look at her, it seemed to just see the flashing undercurrent in her eyes; "Would you like to go?"

Yunwu looked up at him and looked at his mouth. "It's very curious, but Lingfeng is right. Don't waste it when you come in. Wait until you practice in your own place. Take advantage of these three months to practice, three months. After the promotion competition, I will strive for promotion."

Three months?

She meant that she would not want to let them, three months of luxury in this cultivation tower to practice?

However, when I heard her say that, it made people feel excited.

Yes, after three months of promotion, even those who are outside the training team will be rushed back to the college to participate in the semi-annual promotion competition.

That is an important event for the inner school.

However, the Ling Feng heard from the side, but the bottom of my eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

He, as expected, can be accompanied by loss.

Although he is still in the inner school, the fall is accompanied by the existence of a stain, and every year the promotion contest, he was stripped of qualifications because of that reason.

Xiao Zhuben was excited to say something, but thought of Ling Feng, could not help but silence.

Unintentional seems to be always lazy, and there is no mood swing from his eyes. However, for Ling Feng, he seems to have a little concern.

"Care for peace of mind, there is her, she will definitely let you have a way to participate in the contest after three months." Unintentionally, that is what he said.

His words are to let Xiao Zhu and Ling Feng have a glimpse.

she was?

Is it cloud dance?

However, when he heard his words, Ling Feng did not feel happy, but his brows wrinkled; "I will try my own way."

At this time, the colleges that are in competition are coming, as he said before, no one owes anyone.

She does not owe him.

What's more, she had done so much for him last night, and now she still gave him two thousand points. Why do he still feel that she can bother her and even drag her down!

However, the cloud dance was open at this time.

"What he said is true. I have a way to let you participate in the competition. However, the premise is that your own strength is qualified, and since you are the squad leader of my cloud dance, there is no reason to bear it. There is a stain on the body, so when you get it, you will prove it in front of the teachers and students of the school and prove that you are being framed."

Yun Dance said, suddenly stretched out and took the shoulder of Ling Feng, said; "I hope not to disappoint me, squad leader!"

Immediately, the cloud dance also swept away Xiao Zhu and unintentional; "You each find a place to practice, I also went to find a place, do not have to follow me."

As soon as the language fell, the cloud dance tiptoe turned and went straight to the depth of the hole.

The three people who were still standing at the entrance of the first floor couldn't help but look at her back.

Squad leader?

Ling Feng looked at her back and felt the shoulder that had just been photographed by her. The original heart was like a sudden rise of blood, with an inexplicable heart.

When Ling Feng regained his sight, the depth of his eyes began to burn and a burst of fiery heat.

"I went to the local area to practice."

After that, he also went deeper and prepared to go to the second or third floor.

Two thousand points, enough for half a month to practice in two or three layers.

However, he also made up his mind in his mind. At the beginning of the two thousand points, he must work hard to earn points and work hard to improve his strength.

After three months, he will not let her down.

Xiao Zhu and the unintentional look at the sudden and aggressive Ling Feng, can not help but feel relieved, and finally, they also find a place to start the road of cultivation...


The cloud dance that entered the deep hole walked down the first floor along the dim light.

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