On the day of the annual artist award ceremony.

The awards ceremony starts at eight o'clock in the evening, and the ceremony may not take place until about ten o'clock.

This event is particularly important for all artists, and many of them are trying their best to shine on the red carpet.

So in the morning, the team behind the artist started various preparations.

Chen Lan is no exception.

Shengshi Entertainment has just "opened" and has not yet found a suitable assistant. She has to take care of everything.

Xu Xingzhou and Jiang Xuyan are both male artists, so she doesn't have to worry about styling, Jiang Xuyan's assistant can take care of it.

In comparison, female artists have a lot of trouble.

If you want to steal the show on the red carpet, haute couture is a must.

But Song Qingyou couldn't afford most high-end gowns, and even if she could afford them, people might not be able to sell them to her, a third-rate artist.

Fortunately, there is an emerging domestic high-end brand, which took a fancy to Song Qingyou's appearance and figure, and agreed to cooperate with Song Qingyou and let her wear this year's new dress on the red carpet.

Chen Lan stood at the door of the company for a long time, and did not return to the office until her legs were sore.

"It stands to reason that they should have delivered the dress, and the stylists we booked have all called..."

Before she finished speaking, her cell phone rang.

Chen Lan turned around and walked out.

We turned back within two minutes.

"What's wrong?" Song Qingyou was sitting in front of the computer, chatting with Professor A about the paper he had written.

"The dress will not be delivered!" Chen Lan looked angry. "Obviously they found it themselves, but they only announced that the cooperation was canceled when the award ceremony was about to start. They are basically bullying people!"

Song Qingyou understood: "It must have been instigated by someone."

"It can only be Shen Xiyan." Chen Lan said, "I just checked their official blog, and the spokesperson suddenly changed to Shen Xiyan."

"Where can we find high-end dresses in such a short period of time? If you wear an ordinary dress on the red carpet, you might be laughed at..."

Chen Lan walked around the office anxiously, and even thought of contacting those people she had only met a few times.

Song Qingyou glanced at the time and searched for this brand unhurriedly:

"Don't the chief designers of this brand have a rival?"

"What opponent?"

Chen Lan leaned over to look at the computer page.

The high-end brand that actively seeks cooperation is called Emile. It has just emerged in the first half of the year and has made a splash at international fashion weeks.

In tit-for-tat opposition to Emile, Kyushu is focused on improving its national style.

The two designers may have had a feud for a long time. Each fashion show has the same date and theme, and they have publicly dissed each other.

Chen Lan used to specialize in bringing up new artists and had little exposure to fashion resources, so she was not familiar with them.

But she couldn't care less, and immediately contacted the designers in Kyushu.

Unexpectedly, the call actually got through.

Just when Chen Lan was about to speak, Song Qingyou took away the phone.

"Hello, Ms. Liang Ting, I am Song Qingyou."

"I've heard of you." The voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and sounded like a man's voice.

Before Song Qingyou could explain her purpose, Liang Ting had already guessed:

"Emile temporarily canceled cooperation with you, so you come to me?"

"I don't even want to cooperate with that kind of rubbish brand, so why do you think I will agree?"

Song Qingyou looked at the relevant data he found and said with a smile:

"With that garbage brand stepping on your head, you want them to go down, and I want them too."

Liang Ting said nothing, obviously she didn't think this could be a reason for cooperation.

Song Qingyou had already expected it and continued:

"I can establish a free long-term cooperation with Kyushu until Emile disappears."

Maybe Song Qingyou's current commercial value is not enough to be a high-end brand endorsement, but that may not be the case in the future.

What's more, now is an era when sales are king, even haute couture has to be compromised, and Kyushu is already going downhill.

Liang Ting was silent for a long time. She found Song Qingyou's information and photos and looked at them several times.

"I do have a dress you can wear."

This is what it means to agree.

Half an hour later, the dress was delivered.

Song Qingyou didn't expect that Liang Ting would come in person.

The other person looks more like a strong woman than a designer.

When she saw Song Qingyou, her eyes were full of surprise.

"You look much better than in the photos. You won't let my dress go to waste."

The dress Liang Ting held in her hands was handmade stitch by stitch.

Because I didn't catch the fashion show, I haven't "published" it yet.

Originally, Liang Ting came to discuss cooperation with Song Qingyou in person.

As a result, after seeing her in person, she couldn't wait to let him wear the dress she designed, wanting to see the final effect.

If Song Qingyou hadn't been unhappy, she would have wanted to do it herself.

Song Qingyou was changing clothes in the dressing room while discussing cooperation matters with Liang Ting.

Chen Lan was not idle either.

Long before Liang Ting came, she had been ordered by Song Qingyou to continue to contact other high-end brands and make requests for purchases or cooperation.

This was Song Qingyou's arrangement to confuse Shen Xiyan.

Not surprisingly, all these brands will refuse.


the other side.

Shen Xiyan was impatiently trying on Emile's various high-end clothes.

"I don't like the color of this one."

"This one doesn't match my skin tone."

"This is too hard to wear, pass."

"This one doesn't look good. What did the designer think?"

Whenever Shen Xiyan feels unsightly in clothes, she thinks there is something wrong with the clothes.

Fortunately, the designer had been called away by his assistant, otherwise his face would have turned dark.

Tao Mi on the side was so busy that he was sweating and his hands were sore.

Manager Mo Zhenping was tired of looking at it, "Xiyan, I think you are not satisfied with this brand of clothes, or you should change to something else."

"As a celebrity like you, there is no need to compete with a new high-end brand."

With Shen Xiyan's net worth and celebrity status, any brand that understands the Chinese market will cooperate with her. Why stick to a domestic high-end brand?

"Who said I was competing?"

Shen Xiyan frowned and threw down another piece, "Even a sack will look good on me. It's not that I can't wear these clothes, I just want to find the best one!"

Mo Zhenping nodded: "You go on, I'm just giving you a casual suggestion, nothing else."

He and Tao Mi were unclear. Shen Xiyan thought that Song Qingyou could cooperate with Emile, and she could do the same!

Shen Xiyan snorted coldly, "I asked you to inquire about Song Qingyou's situation, are you ready?"

"No high-end brands have contacted Song Qingyou for the time being." Mo Zhenping replied, "Her agent took the initiative to contact some brands, but they kept hitting a wall."

When Shen Xiyan heard this, the corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily:

"Of course I'll hit a wall!"

"Some people don't even think about whether they are worthy of wearing high-end clothing! Moreover, all her money has been spent on hospital and company opening. A poor person can't even afford it!"

"Don't be afraid to come to the award ceremony then, haha."

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