Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 In the Office with Tonks

The door to the archives room looked dilapidated. Ethan just knocked and heard the old wooden door creaking and even dust falling to the ground.

"Who? Come in!" A shout came from inside the door.

Ethan opened the door and what he saw was a lot of bookshelves. The bookshelves were tall and large, and the distance between them was very short, so the entire archives room looked small and closed.

The entire archives room was very dark, and most of the brightness was blocked by the tall bookshelves.

With a jingling sound, a slovenly old man walked out of the narrow gap in the bookshelf.

The old man looked bald in his eighties, and the rest of his hair looked very messy.

"Young man! What are you looking for?" the old man asked loudly.

There was a name tag on his chest. Ethan used the dim light to identify it for a long time before discovering that most of the name tag was covered by stains, leaving only the surname "Frey".

"I'm looking for Rita Skeeter's file," Ethan said.

"What did you say? Louder! The old man's ears are hard to use!" Old Frey shouted loudly.

Ethan was a little surprised. Is there no such thing as retirement in the Ministry of Magic? How could such an old man be allowed to take charge of the archives?

Then Ethan realized that if the Ministry of Magic did not have a retirement mechanism, the one who would benefit the most would be himself.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, Ethan can completely bankrupt the Ministry of Magic by relying on his salary.

"I'm looking for Rita Skeeter's file!" Ethan shouted in Old Frey's ear.

Old Frey was shocked and scratched his ears and said: "Okay, okay, Rita Skeeter, wait until I find it for you."

After saying that, Old Frey got into the bookshelf again. Not long after, there was a sound of jingling bells coming from the bookshelf.

Surprisingly, Old Frey's work efficiency was very high. It didn't take long for Old Frey to put a file rack in front of Ethan, with "Rita Skeeter" written on it.

It seems that people should not be judged by their appearance. Ethan signed a form according to Old Frey's instructions to prove that he had come to retrieve the files, and then left the archives room with the files.

Ethan returned to the office and began to look through Rita Skeeter's files.

After reading Ethan, I discovered that Rita Skeeter has been known for this writing style since early on.

Rita Skeeter has written a biography of former Hogwarts headmaster Armando Dippet: Master or Idiot? 》.

She deliberately exaggerated the descriptions of some events in this book, making it a best-seller at the time.

And she also deliberately left bad comments on many of her peers' works to discredit others.

It can be seen that Rita Skeeter's work ethic is quite bad.

Suddenly, Ethan heard a gentle knock on the door of his office.

This knock on the door was quite weak. If Ethan was not a demon hunter, he might not even hear it.

Ethan walked over and opened the door, and found Tonks standing furtively at the door, looking left and right, as if she was afraid of being discovered by others.

"Come in" Ethan said to Tonks.

Hearing Ethan's words, Tonks slipped into her office like a kitten.

Being in the same room with Ethan for the first time, Tonks was a little shy and expectant.

"Wow, the environment in your office is much better than ours!" Tonks admired, stroking the brand new desk.

She was trying to distract herself from blushing.

Because she was alone in a room with Ethan at this time.

Tonks took a tour of Ethan's office and soon discovered Rita Skeeter's file that Ethan had placed on the table.

"Who is Rita Skeeter?" Tonks didn't realize the name for a moment, but felt it was familiar, so she asked Ethan.

"That's the reporter who's talking nonsense." Ethan said to Tonks, "I'm not going to let her spread those rumors in vain without paying any price."

"Ah, I remembered! That guy is the worst!" Tonks said angrily.

Tonks had been feeling sad because of Ethan's incident before, but now she remembered that her previous hardships were all caused by Rita Skeeter.

"What do you want to do? You don't want to beat her up! Don't do that! You just joined the Ministry of Magic!".

Tonks is a good girl, and now she has automatically assumed the role of Ethan's girlfriend, and begins to worry about Ethan.

Looking at Tonks who was worried about him, a warm current flowed through Ethan's heart. Ethan leaned on the table, held Tonks's hands, and pulled Tonks in front of him.

At this time, their faces were so close that they could even feel each other's breathing.

Tonks' face turned red immediately, and her ears turned red as well. She seemed to know what was about to happen, and she closed her eyes nervously.

Ethan looked at Tonks, who was trembling slightly because of nervousness, and kissed her lips.

Ethan hugged Tonks' waist and felt the girl's delicate lips. Time seemed to slow down very slowly. Tonks also changed from being stiff at the beginning to slowly starting to actively respond to Ethan.

Just when Ethan was about to take the next step and move his sinful hand downwards, Tonks exclaimed.

"Not now, Ethan! We are at the Ministry of Magic!" Tonks blushed and gasped. She had almost lost her position just now.

Ethan also felt that the current scene was not suitable. If someone suddenly pushed the door in midway, he would almost die.

"So what are you going to do about Rita Skeeter?" Tonks tried her best to change the subject.

"I grabbed a handle on her, and now he has to fall into my hands." Ethan whispered in Tonks's ear.

Tonks's ears seemed to be very sensitive. The airflow when Ethan spoke hit Tonks' ears, making Tonks blush again.

"What's the reason?" Tonks asked curiously.

"Rita Skeeter is an illegal Animagus. She turns into a beetle to steal other people's secrets." Ethan said mysteriously.

Tonks looked very surprised when she heard Ethan's words, and then her eyes lit up.

"That's right!" cried Tonks, "no wonder she gets so many scoops!"

"Rita Skeeter can't run away now! What are you going to do? Put her in Azkaban?"

Tonks said excitedly that she now hated Rita Skeeter.

"No, Rita Skeeter is a very good mouthpiece. Maybe she can be used for other purposes." Ethan whispered to Tonks.

Ethan had no intention of hiding the matter of Rita Skeeter from Tonks. Sometimes sharing some secrets with each other could make the relationship between the two closer.

Tonks was very smart. From Ethan's words, Tonks quickly analyzed that Ethan had no intention of reporting Rita Skeeter's matter to the Ministry of Magic.

It's clear that Ethan has bigger ambitions.

"Ethan one by one" Tonks held Ethan's hand, "I don't understand your plan, but if you want to do something, I will support you." Tonks held Ethan's hand. Hand said seriously.

There was silence in the office. Ethan and Tonks looked at each other quietly, as if they were having an in-depth emotional exchange.

"Okay, Ethan, I have to go back, otherwise Scrimgeour will yell at me again later," Tonks broke the silence first and said to Ethan.

She left a quick kiss on Ethan's face and planned to walk outside.

Suddenly she seemed to think of something, and she lay down in Ethan's ear and whispered softly: "That was my first kiss just now."

After saying that, Tonks ran out of Ethan's office quickly.

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