Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 116 Totemology

quack quack -

The door was pushed halfway open.

Through the gap, Sarah could clearly be seen standing outside the door dumbfounded, motionless as if under a hold spell.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

The second hand on the clock in the room rotated one frame at a time.


Will let go of his hands, pulled on his trousers, and put on his wizard's apprentice robe.

Sit down with your back against the rattan chair, pick up a notebook, and lift it up to cover your face.

After turning over two or three pages, he put down his notes, looked at the gap in the doorway, and showed a dazed expression.

"Why are you back?" Will frowned.

"I'm here to talk to you about totems..." Sara's short body got in through the gap in the door.

"You don't have to try to please me. If it's useless, I can't give you anything." Will shook his head.

"No, I..."

"Your name is Sarah, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"You are Amy's friend, and you came to me to learn intermediate exercise with her, right?"


"So, think about it carefully, what did you do when I taught you just now?" Will put down the notes in his hand and looked directly at Sarah.

"Did I do something wrong?" Sarah trembled.

"In the beginning, both Amy and Mary came to me with impure thoughts, but as time passed, they all slowly immersed themselves in training like physical exercise, and you?"

Will stood up and walked around Sarah.

He put his nose close to Sarah, took a few deep breaths, and then licked Sarah's cheek again.

"You don't smell of sweat at all." Will pointed to a few puddles of water in the room that hadn't dried up. "Did you see that? That's the sweat from Amy and Mary."

"I..." Sara lowered her head in shame.

"If you still come to me with this mentality to practice physical exercise next time, you don't have to come, and don't let me drive you away." Will sat back on the rattan chair and stared at Sarah steadfastly.

The look in the eyes seemed to say "Why haven't you left yet?".

After being reprimanded by Will, Sarah's eyes were red, but she didn't intend to leave at all.

"I am a bloodline."

Sarah's voice was as weak as the chirping of a mosquito.

But Will heard it anyway.

However, Will was even more angry.

"What's wrong with the bloodline people? Don't bloodline people need to practice? You don't have to come here anymore, get out!" Will glared at Sarah, and almost threw Sarah out with his own hands.

"No, listen to my explanation." Sara said quickly: "My blood is too thin, and the magic power in my body is not enough for me to temper my body once."

After hearing Sarah's words, the anger on Will's face gradually receded.

Advanced second-class apprentices need to draw out the magic power in the demon seed, use the intermediate exercise method to run the magic power, and temper the body.

The magic power of the bloodline person comes from the bloodline deep in the body.

If the blood is too thin, there will be a situation where the magic power is not enough to complete the tempering of the body.

It's not that Yongsheng can't become a second-class apprentice.

You are going to a destination, and the car blows out on the way, can't you just walk?

It's just time, which is tens or hundreds of times that of ordinary situations.

Ordinary first-class apprentices may be able to advance to second-class apprentices in a year or two.

However, it may take tens or hundreds of years for a first-class apprentice like Sarah whose blood is too thin to advance to a second-class apprentice.

"Father sent me to the academy just because he wanted me to hook up with people with bloodlines, conceive a child, and increase the concentration of bloodlines in the family." Sara smiled wryly.

Will understood Sarah very well.

Wasn't Fern Furlong, who recommended Will to the Academy, the same?

After solving a doubt, a new question came to mind.

In Sarah's situation, it can be said that there is no hope of advancing to a second-class apprentice in this life.


"Why are you looking for me?"

Wouldn't it be superfluous to ask Will to learn the intermediate exercise method?

Speaking of this question, Sarah's glasses lit up.

Sara, who usually wears black-rimmed glasses and has an expressionless face, now shows some signs of madness.

"I'm very interested in totemology, archaeology, paleontological remains..." Sara's eyes sparkled with excitement, "I heard that you have been looking for knowledge about this, I have wanted to know you for a long time !"

"So that's what happened." Will patted his head.

"Why are you so interested in this area of ​​knowledge? Especially totemology?" Talking about the things of interest, all Sarah's shyness disappeared.

Why would Will want to know about totems?

Why are you interested in paleontological remains?

Why do you care so much about altars, formations, and rituals?

Everything stems from Rep's death.

What is the small altar in the lair of the four-armed ghost ape?

What are the energy crystals on the altar and the spiritual body inside?

Why did Rip die?

Will wants to unravel everything, wants to avenge Rip, and wants to eradicate the spirit body in the four-armed ghost ape's lair sideways.

Of course, Will will not tell Sarah these things.

"It is rumored that in the distant era when the world was just opened, there were twelve trees of life. These twelve trees of life gave birth to all things in the world. The first worship of life, the first totem, is the tree of life."

"Yeah." Sara looked at Will excitedly.

"In the distant era, there were no words and languages. All words and languages ​​are derived from the most primitive totem of the tree of life. To study the history and changes of totems is to study history and explore the truth about the development of all things from ancient times to the present. ’ said Will.

"I think so too. Since the original tree of life totem, the totem has extended thousands of branches, which are mainly divided into three genres..."

As if meeting a confidant, Sarah and Will discussed totemology.

Sarah's knowledge is truly astonishing.

Knows a lot of remote knowledge that Will has never heard of.

At the beginning, Will still held a bit of contempt, but gradually, only admiration remained.

"Sara's bloodline may be very meager, but bloodline does not affect IQ, and her memory and analysis ability can barely keep up with me, who has practiced clarity." Will sighed in his heart.

There are too many capable people in this world.

Strong strength is just one of them.

It's a pity that strength often represents everything.

Without strength, no matter how much you know, no matter how high your IQ is, it will be in vain.

"The saying that knowledge is power is true. The premise is that you have the ability to transform knowledge into power."

If Sarah is not interested in totem archaeological altars, but in other things like potions, the achievement must be extraordinary.

"There are always many partial geniuses in the world."

But in this world where strength is paramount, a genius without strength is meaningless.

In the room, the light from the oil lamp became weaker and weaker.

"The lamp oil is almost used up." Will got up to add lamp oil to the oil lamp. "Let's come here first today. We can meet up often in the library in the future. I believe we will have a good talk."

Sara is simply a moving library, if you don't make good use of it, how can you be worthy of yourself?


Sarah stood up reluctantly.

Perhaps Sara has never found anyone who can talk to her and keep up with her thinking since she was a child.

Sarah stood at the door, half of her body had already stepped out of the door.


The door was closed at once, but Sarah was still inside.

Sarah took off her glasses, revealing her flawless and innocent face, bit her lips lightly, and her eyes were moist.

"Actually, it's my first time."


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