Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 191 Wood Crystal

The breeze blows.

François froze.

Dust and dirt floated in the air, and dead branches, rotting leaves, and gravel fell like rain.

Ka Ka Ka...

An ancient tree that had been cut down in the middle and was only connected by a bit of bark could no longer support it, and fell to the ground with a crash, shaking the ground.

During the shock, Franro lost his balance and fell down.

Will wiped the sweat from his brow, and dark red blood flowed from his left eye.

Closing the left eye, it feels like half of the cheek has lost consciousness.

"Because of the excessive use of the Eye of Reality before, the demon seed was already injured, and just now he forcibly used the magic power, and the injury was added to the injury. It is impossible to recover within a few months." Will slumped on the ground.

This battle is really too difficult.

If it wasn't for the seal of Alder, he might not even be able to escape.

Looking at the figure of Franlo on the ground, Will sighed, "Why bother? Is it worth it to sacrifice your life for a trivial matter?"

If Franro knew it would end like this, he would definitely not provoke Will.

But it was too late.

People always have to pay the price for their actions.

"His magic weapon is really powerful, with strong physical defense and healing ability, but it seems that he can't defend against the magic seal well? If his brain is rotten, he can't heal well, right?"

If even the Seal of Alder is defended, Will can only escape.

If Franro ignored everything, even the treasures in Murin Black Castle, and insisted on chasing and killing him, he would probably have to confess to the Lutoka Mountains.

"Fayin is indeed the most powerful force in the apprenticeship stage, and it is comparable to the magic weapon."

If Franlo knew that he could seal, and be more careful when fighting, he would not be easily killed.

"That's the way the wizarding world is, intelligence is important."

Fortunately, Will had fought Franro once before, and he knew his bloodline ability and how to deal with it.

Otherwise, the first contact will definitely suffer a big loss.

After resting for a while, Will got up and walked towards Francois.

"Magic weapon!" Will's eyes lit up.

The power and preciousness of the magic weapon will make every apprentice covet it.


After walking in, Will noticed that the armor on Franro's body was actually covered with large and small cracks.

A little touch and it will break.

"Self-destructed?" Will's face was extremely ugly.

After a few kicks, the armor covering Franlo's whole body was instantly shattered, turning into pieces the size of soybeans and scattered on the ground.

"Unfortunately, I thought I could get a magic weapon and study it."

Will rummages through Franco's body.

Only a few bottles of potions were found, nothing else of value.

The potions are good, some of them are high-level potions.

After drinking, Will's health improved a lot.

"No more?" Will rummaged through François unwillingly.

Stripped François naked, still nothing.


Will notices something is wrong with Franco's heart.

He cut open his chest and took out his heart.

Holding Françoise's heart in my hand feels like holding an orange.

"Is this really a human heart?"

Black flames emerged from the heart, devouring all life force that could come into contact with it.

The spiritual power penetrated into the heart, and there was a golden character inside.

"It's interesting!"


A sudden burst of heart.

The black flames were extinguished, and the golden characters dissipated in the air, turning into little stars.

"It's good to have a background."

That golden character is the real magic weapon.

Franro's family, I don't know how many years ago, developed a magic weapon that perfectly fits the bloodline ability.

The difficulty of refining is low, the materials are easy to find, and it can be refined in large quantities.

It can integrate the magic weapon into the blood, and it will continue to become stronger with the improvement of the user's strength, even if it reaches the official wizard level, it will not fall behind.

As long as the golden characters are still there and the person is still alive, the magic weapon can be condensed again.

"The ability is practical, it can evolve continuously, and it is not afraid of being robbed by others. This magic weapon is quite powerful."

It's a pity that the magic weapon has merged with Franro's blood.

After Franro's death, the golden runes would dissipate sooner or later, and Will just accelerated the process.

"The wizarding world is still very mysterious!"


After adjusting his mood, Will looked at the dead ancient war trees around him.

The battle with Franro was just a small episode.

Kill and kill.

What is there to show off?

Earning magic stones and becoming a third-class apprentice is the most important thing he needs to consider now.

Walking to an ancient war tree, he pressed his hands on the trunk, sensing the vitality in the dead tree.

I found a point in the tree where the vitality is most concentrated.

After a tree with a strong vitality dies, there is a chance that the remaining vitality will be condensed in one place to form a crystal called a wood crystal, an energy crystal containing a strong vitality.

This process is very long.

And the stronger the tree's vitality, the greater the chance of condensing wood crystals.

And the probability of the ancient war tree condensing the wood crystal is - 100%!

A wood crystal, ranging from a few high-level magic stones to dozens of them.

There are thousands of dead ancient war trees here, representing the crystals of thousands of trees. If you can dig them all out, it will be easy to earn thousands of high-level magic stones.

"Has the vitality dissipated?"

Coalescing wood crystals takes time.

However, if it is left for too long, the vitality in the wood crystal will also dissipate.

"Every one of the wood crystals here is top-quality. In theory, each wood crystal is worth tens of high-level magic stones. Unfortunately, it has been too long, thousands of years, and many wood crystals have dissipated. What comes down, the quality also drops.”

Time, indeed time is the most ruthless thing in the world.

"Even so, it's enough."

I found a few more trees, and finally dug out a fist-sized, oval black wooden ball from the trunk.

Feeling the powerful vitality contained in it, Will smiled happily.

"There's not much time, so hurry up."

One wood crystal after another was dug out by Will.

Empty backpacks are filled.

Carrying a half-person-high backpack filled with wood crystals, Will was satisfied.

"Thirty-one wood crystals, counting ten high-level magic stones each, there are three hundred and ten high-level magic stones, which is enough for me to advance to a third-class apprentice."

The burden in my heart finally disappeared.

In the future, you no longer have to worry about longevity issues.

He just needs to study hard, with his talent and ability, it's only a matter of time before he becomes a third-class apprentice.

"There's about an hour left."

Glancing at the chain bridge, both Xuesha and Im have not returned yet.

I don't know when they will come back.

There is also the possibility of never coming back.

But Will wasn't going to wait for them anymore, he was going to leave.

One needs to know how to be content. Thirty-one wood crystals in a backpack are enough.

If the time is accidentally passed, it will be miserable.

"One last look."

Carefully opened his left eye and activated the demon seed.

In the field of vision of the eye of truth, a series of vibrant colors emerged.

The eye of truth sees the force of life.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in the eyes, as if someone was holding the eyeballs tightly, Will quickly closed his eyes.

"If it wasn't for the excessive use of demon seeds, it would save a lot of time if you could use the Eye of Reality to find wood crystals, and there would be a lot more wood crystals."

Just thinking about it now is useless.

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