Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 193 Princess Corini

"After going through some adventures, they must be very tired, their strength may be greatly reduced, and they may be seriously injured. My current physical condition may be good."

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

"Even if they came out of Murin Black Castle without any injuries, I immediately fled into the deep forest, and they didn't dare to chase after me."

So Will sat cross-legged and began to drink the potion.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Twenty minutes passed.

The sun rises, the sun shines on the world, and the Shadow Gate on the ground completely disappears.

It is impossible for Xuesha and Im to come back.

Will sighed, not knowing whether it was sadness or joy in his heart.

"Three geniuses with outstanding family background, talent, and strength, who were expected to become official wizards, fell like this, and died in this remote place in obscurity, unknown to the world."

After lamenting the impermanence of the world, Will concentrated on recovering his body.

Xuesha and Im can't come back, and his last worry is gone.

As long as there is enough dry food, it is completely fine to stay in the ruins for ten days and a half months, and then leave after the body is fully recovered.

After drinking the potion and eating dry food, he began to rest.

From the time he came to the Lutoka Mountains, through the jungle to the ruins, and into Mullin Black Castle for six hours, counting carefully, he hadn't slept for almost a day.

After closing his eyes, leaving a trace of subconscious vigilance around his surroundings, he fell into sleep.

This sleep was very deep, a few hours of sleep was like sleeping for days and nights.


Opening his eyes all of a sudden, his body bounced off the ground.

The scorching sun was in the sky, but Will felt his body was shrouded in cold air.

He didn't wake up naturally, but was awakened.

The eyes looked towards the place where the abnormality occurred.

It was the wreckage of a gate, where the Shadow Gate where they entered Murin Black Castle.

The Shadow Gate, which had already disappeared, has reappeared.

"Da da da……"

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the depths of the darkness, stepping on his heart, restraining his breathing.

"What's going on? Once the Shadow Gate is closed, it is absolutely impossible to open it with their current props and skills——Xue Sha said so."

Did Xuesha lie to him?

Not necessary?

"Judging from the sound of footsteps, there is only one person." Will put his whole body into a state of readiness, ready to rush into the jungle to escape at any time.

Is Xuesha?

Or Im?

The answer is - neither!

A beautiful woman with blond hair walked out of the Shadow Gate.

Tall and curvy figure, fair skin, perfect face.

She is very similar to Xue Sha, yet distinctly different.

One of the biggest differences is height.

Princess Xuesha's height is considered tall among women, but she is only on par with Will, only a little over 1.7 meters.

And she is more than 1.8 meters tall, half a head taller than Will.

"Princess Corinne?"

The one who came out of the Gate of Shadows was actually Princess Corini?

"Impossible, how could you be in there? How did you come out alive?... No, who are you?"

Will noticed the strangeness of "Korani".

Her eyes were actually black, exuding an ominous aura.

Looking at those black pupils, Will thought of the heart he saw in the abyss of Murin Black Castle.

Colani turned her neck stiffly when she heard Will's voice.

He gave Will a creepy smile.

A trace of Yin Qi seeped out from the gaps between the white teeth, and Will, who was far away, felt trembling all over.

The face, figure, and clothing are all undoubtedly Princess Corini.

But her smile, eyes and breath have changed too much.

Will had an intuition deep in his heart that even in his heyday when he was not injured, he was definitely no match for Corianne.

"How is it possible? She was just an ordinary bloodline half a year ago, and her strength is only a little stronger than the peak knight!"

Will is more willing to trust his intuition than common sense.


The opponent is dangerous, the opponent is invincible, and the opponent is malicious.

That being the case, why hesitate?

Not even a backpack.

The core of the giant tree was also thrown aside.

No matter how valuable something is, no matter how many magic stones, there must be life flowers.

Now he just wants to live.

Will's reaction was quick, but the opponent was even faster.

Will rushed out less than ten meters before he was caught up.

"Do you want to use acceleration mode?"

Although the speed of the other party is fast, it is still less than the speed of sound.

After activating the acceleration mode, you will definitely be able to get rid of the opponent.

"No, it can't be used."

A strong intuition told Will that he must not use the acceleration mode and must not expose his true strength.

Even if it is death.

The problem is that when a person is dead, what's the point of not revealing his strength?

With only a few steps left, he rushed into the jungle.

Ke Laini pinched Will's neck with her left hand and lifted it up, staring at Will with eyes like abyss, without a trace of expression.

Will's face was flustered, his body was struggling constantly, and he kicked Ke Lai Ni's body with his hands and feet.

But he didn't use his life force.

At this critical juncture of his life, he was still thinking about something.

Connie was indifferent to Will's struggle, and stabbed Will's chest with five fingers of her right hand.

"I, I, I..." Will's eyes tightened.

As long as he burst into acceleration mode, there is a high chance of escaping.

Colani's right hand stabs into Will's chest, holding the still beating heart.

Although there was always a feeling that the heart was being held tightly before, this time, the heart was really held.

Feeling - kind of bad.

"Who are you? Princess Corinne?"

Corinne didn't answer.

"My partner, the person who is traveling with you is a man named Tucci, what happened to him?" Will's face was distorted by pain.

Ke Laini's hands slowly tightened.

"Is it still too late to surrender? You also need a younger brother, right? I..."


Heart broken.

Will's body convulsed violently, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the hole in his chest, dripping all over the floor.

Will's skin was cold and pale from the blood loss.

Eyes scattered.

Limb weakness.

After a few minutes.

Will tilted his head, dropped his hands, stopped breathing, and the vitality in his body began to dissipate.

Ke Laini held Will's neck, her black eyes stared at Will, her face was expressionless, she didn't know what she was thinking.

It's been a long time.

"What I have been looking for is nothing more than that."

Throw Will aside like trash.

turn around.

Looking at Mulin Heibao who changed her fate.

To think of the life lost in her hands.

Think about her experience over the past year.

Thinking about the price she paid for going deep into Murin Black Castle and gaining strength.

Pulled out a jewel dagger from the twin peaks on his chest, it was the magic weapon of Princess Xuesha, but it was in Ke Laini's hands at this time.

There was still residual heat on the sword.

"I am……"


"Ke Lai Ni, yes, I am Ke Lai Ni, only this, I will not change." His eyes crossed the Lutoka Mountains and looked into the distance.

"Next, let's go there, it should help me speed up my recovery."

Ke Laini's figure flashed, rushed into the jungle, and disappeared into the distance.

Only Will was left lying in the rubble, exposed to the scorching sun.

The weather is so hot, the sun is so hot, but it can't warm Will's cold body.

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