Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 225 Life Medicinal Bath

The carriage moved forward in the heavily fortified military camp.

Passing by a watchtower.

Whenever the carriage passed by, the soldiers on both sides would stop and give a military salute, looking at the carriage with respect and admiration.

Inside the carriage.

Kailin and Tessa have been secretly competing, eyes collided, and sparks flew.

Will calculated various plans and progress in his mind.

He didn't have much time to stay in Kawa City, and many things had to be finished and dealt with.

Originally, I wanted to count on Tessa.

It's a pity that Tessa's performance disappointed him too much. After he left, it's a good thing that Tessa can maintain her current state.

Let Tessa educate the wizard who will arrive at the station in the future?

Let Tessa help the development of Kava City?

"My power alone is limited after all."

Once, he arrogantly wanted to change the world by himself.

After growing up, he discovered how naive his thoughts were.

"The world, not my world, belongs to the people, and only the people can change the world and create history."

Even if his strength beats the world.

Even if he stands on top of the world.

Even if he becomes an omnipotent god.

If that power cannot serve the people, lead the people to happiness and happiness, and let the people have the same power as him, then it will be meaningless.

"Equality is not only equality among peoples."

He is also a member of the people.

What he has, the power he has, why can't other people have it or get it?


Time flies so fast while thinking.

Not long after, the destination has been reached.

Walking towards the experimental site of the life medicine, along the way, the smell of the medicine became stronger and stronger.

into a shed.

Thirty simple wooden beds and thirty wooden barrels filled with potions were placed in the shed.

Commander Terry, Commander Lied, Commander Vic... all the high-level officials in Kawa City are here.

The most conspicuous of them was a gray-haired man with a crazy look - Judd, a pharmacist in the army.

As an experienced pharmacist, Judd's level is among the ordinary people, and he is already the top group of people.

Upon seeing Will come in.

Everyone greeted Will respectfully.

Judd stared at Will frantically, as if looking at a peerless beauty.

I saw Judd approaching Will, and stuffed a bunch of crumpled papers into Will's hands, "Master Will, this is where the life potion has been improved."

Will already knew this information.

Although a year ago, he had already handed over the task of developing and improving the life medicine to Judd.

But he still pays attention all the time.

As for the progress of the life potion, he knew every step very well.

"This time I increased the amount of three grams of heart powder, replaced the green frost grass with ground snake root, and invited workers from the imperial capital to improve the stove, and the temperature is more stable..."

Judd spoke excitedly, as if taking credit for Will.

Summarizing and discussing is one of the secrets of success.

But it also depends on timing.

Now a bunch of bosses are waiting to see the results of the experiment, who wants to hear your jabbering?

Will stopped Judd with two or three words and let him start the experiment.

The experiment begins.

The new life potion is quite different from before.

Previously, life potions were infused through the heart.

Because the operation was too difficult, the wound was easily infected, and it was easy to cause psychological trauma, so it was quickly abandoned.

Changed the way of oral administration and external application.

Thirty experimenters were brought up.

These thirty people are all reserve knights, and they are healthy, strong-willed, loyal and honest.

Instead of experimenting with seriously injured and dying people as before.

Among the thirty reserve knights, half, that is, fifteen people, practiced breathing techniques.

The other fifteen people have reached this level by practicing breathing and gymnastics.

Thirty reserve knights lay naked on the bed.

Judd took his pharmacists to rub medicines and acupuncture for the soldiers.

After the life potion is improved.

The safety is much higher, the refining method is also much easier, and the difficulty of operation is also reduced a lot.

It's just that the process is more cumbersome and takes more time.

Unlike before, a needle pierced the heart.

Whether it is life or death, success or failure, it usually takes a few minutes to see results.

Hurry up and it only takes a few seconds - potion that cannot withstand the potion of life, death.

Rubbing potion, massage acupuncture points, acupuncture.

half an hour later.

Thirty soldiers drank the internal medicine, with a dozen silver needles inserted into their bodies, and walked into the wooden barrel.

Close the lid of the wooden barrel, leaving only a gap for breathing.

The stove caught fire.

Under the scorching flames, the wooden barrel began to steam.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the dull sound of pain coming from the barrel.

In the narrow wooden barrel, soaked in medicine, his eyes were dark.

Under the barrel, the flames were burning.

Like being in a steamer.

This kind of pain is unimaginable and unbearable for ordinary people.

If it's just a short few minutes or ten minutes, that's all. The problem is that it needs to stay in the barrel for three hours!

Even if it successfully stimulates vitality.

One step closer to strength.

There may also be many psychological problems.

Whether it is worth it or not is another matter.

Given Will's choice, he'd rather get a shot in the heart.

But after two years of research and improvement, this method is now the safest and most secure.

As long as you can bear the pain, this method is beneficial and harmless.

Everyone who uses the medicated bath of life can get nourished by the medicated bath and become stronger.

Even if the cultivation base cannot break through to become a quasi-knight and knight.

There is no doubt that the strength has become stronger.

Moreover, the same person can use the life medicine bath many times.

Although the success rate is much lower than injecting life medicine from the heart, you can try it many times?

Once is not twice, twice is not three times, three times is not four times...

As long as your talent is not too low, or you have practiced physical training, a reserve knight, the probability of stimulating your vitality within five times is 80%.

At the peak of the quasi-knight, the probability of becoming a knight within ten times is 50%.

Hold on, becoming a quasi-knight and knight is not a dream.

However, this requires a very strong will.

In a dark and narrow wooden barrel, it was boiled for three hours with an unpleasant smell. This kind of crime is not something ordinary people can bear.

Even Will himself can't guarantee 100% that there will be no psychological problems.

In the anxious waiting, three hours is so long.

When the time comes.

Stop the fire immediately, lift the lid, and fish out the person.

Everyone in the barrel looked sluggish, in a trance, and their eyes were dull.

A dull look.

Now, what they need is a good rest and proper psychological counseling.

Unfortunately, the rest is fine.

Psychological counseling?

This world is not that advanced.

Others need to wait for the test subjects to rest and take the test before knowing the results.

But Will was different.

He easily saw the changes in the soldiers' bodies through the eyes of reality.

"Have four people stimulated their vitality and became quasi-knights? Four out of fifteen? The probability is pretty good."

Although a total of thirty people participated in the experiment.

But the fifteen people who practice breathing and gymnastics are just for comparison.

Have practiced breathing exercises, but still want to stimulate vitality?

"That's why I think breathing exercise is a failure!"

In fact, in his opinion, isn't life potion a failure?

It has become a life medicine bath!

"The success rate is touching, the process is cumbersome, the mental damage to people is high, the price is still quite expensive, and it takes too long..."

There are too many shortcomings in the life medicine bath.

But, something is better than nothing, right?

With the life medicine bath, the number of quasi-knights in Kawa City can be increased by 50%, and the number of knights can be increased by two layers.

Plus a large number of reserve knights trained in breathing exercises.

The military strength of Kawa City has more than doubled.

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