Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 231 Good Teacher

For Humu, he was still looking forward to it.

But think about it too.

How much treasure can a person who is not outstanding in background and talent sent to the resident be able to possess?

Think everyone is like him?

"When the monster runs amok, the body will mutate, the strength will increase sharply, and at the same time it will erode the body, the lifespan will be greatly reduced, and the difficulty of advancing will be greatly increased."

No matter which wizard encountered this situation, his heart could only be described as despair.

And looking at Humu, you feel very proud?

"What ignorance!"

Entering the academy, I only want to become stronger, and spend all my time on cultivation.

Don't think about learning more knowledge.

In the end, just like Xiumu, he didn't know he was going the wrong way, and he showed off excitedly in front of him.

"As a result, I have been rambling on and on for a long time, and my strength has improved quite limited."

However, third-class apprentices are much stronger than second-class apprentices.

It is inevitable for Humu to be a little proud because he has grown from a second-class apprentice to a first-class third-class apprentice, and his strength has increased by more than several times.

It's a pity he met Will.

Looking at the three people lying in a pool of blood.

They were born in insignificance and died in disgrace.

Regarding their death, he only felt comfortable in his heart.


Will asked someone to carry out the dead Hume, Wade, and McGonagall to get rid of the blood.

Three high-ranking kingdom special envoys were killed by Will in one day.

How do the people of Isser feel?


I dare not have it!

Everyone acted as if this had never happened.

It's just that they kept Will even more at a distance.

The nobles who originally wanted to please Will wanted to hand over the banquet invitation to Will, but they held it tightly in their hands and dared not hand it out.

No one dared to offend Will, the god of death.

Will also fell silent.

No one bothered.

They practice alone in the house every day, waiting for the arrival of the convoy.

Today, a guest came to the door.

General Harder came to visit with a timid little boy.

The little boy hid behind General Harder, trembling uncontrollably, not daring to look directly at Will.

"Master Will, this is my grandson Bill." General Harder pulled the little boy out, "Bill, meet Lord Will soon!"

"Master Wei, Will, it's an honor to meet you." Bill made a lame knight salute.

Will could see that Bill was afraid of him.

It's no wonder that the city of Yisai has been full of rumors about him recently, comparing him to a devil.

In this regard, he is also very helpless.

"Firstly, I didn't harm anyone, secondly, I didn't blackmail, and thirdly, I helped you get rid of the real scourge, Xiumu and the other three. Why do you feel that I am more hateful and frightening than Xiumu and the others?"

Rumors are always so unreliable.

Will didn't intend to explain, anyway, he was leaving in a few days.

"Master Will, I would like to ask you to guide Bill's breathing method." General Harder pleaded.


Bill wanted to object, but after being glared at by Harder, he lowered his head obediently, not daring to raise any objections.

"No problem." Without thinking about it, Will immediately agreed.

During the three years, General Harder helped him a lot and sent him many letters and items.

He is still very happy to pay back a little now.

"With only a few days, I may not be able to teach him much."

"It's all right, it's his greatest honor to get your guidance." General Harder quickly thanked him.

"You must listen carefully to Lord Will's words. If you have neglected Lord Will, be careful that I will break your leg." After explaining a few words to Bill, General Harder left.

Will studied Bill carefully.

In his early twenties and thirteens, he has fair skin and a beautiful appearance.

When he grows up, he must be a rare and beautiful man, and he will become the dream lover of many young girls who are pregnant.

"How old are you?" Will smiled kindly.

"Twelve." Bill stood upright, and his answer was short and powerful, like military training.

"How long have you been practicing breathing?"

"I started practicing at the age of five, a total of seven years."

"What level is it?"

"I just reached the reserve knight level two months ago."...

The two asked and answered, and within a short time, they had already asked more than a dozen questions.

Will originally wanted to get closer to Bill, and he always tried to be as friendly as possible. Unfortunately, the relationship between the two has no tendency to improve at all.

If he is willing to use spiritual hints, he can easily reverse this rigid relationship.

But it's better not to use the practice of affecting people's minds and going against the wishes of others.

"It may be very hard in the future, you have to plan."


Since the relationship is not good, I simply don't do it.

Anyway, he can't teach for a few days.

After that, we may not see each other for the rest of our lives.

It's better to be a devil coach and train Bill hard.

In the shortest possible time, teach Bill the most knowledge.

And the price?

Probably ten times more tiring than the final sprint one month before the college entrance examination.

After that, the painful training began.

Every day, the boy's screams of pain can be heard from his house.


"I'll give you a massage."


"I will heal."


"I have a refreshing potion."


"Do you know that our time is precious? It's too late to study and want to sleep?"


"How dare you say that the ideological and moral course is useless? Is it a waste of time? It seems that you have become more courageous, dare to question me?"

The all-round development of morality, sports, art and labor is Will's educational policy.

Compared with strength, ideology and morality are what Will values ​​most.

Of course, he also knew.

Know that this world is a world honored by power.

Therefore, his arrangements for the teaching of culture classes will not affect Bill's cultivation.

So he arranged the cultural class in the middle of the night.

Wouldn't it be nice to train during the day and study at night, combining work and rest?

When he left, it was only ten or so days, and Bill's strength had grown tremendously.

Not surprisingly, it is not difficult to become a quasi-knight after two years.

And Will also helped Bill modify the breathing method, so that the breathing method fits Bill's body better, and the training speed is faster and the combat power is stronger.

Before parting.

Seeing Bill crying and not wanting to part with him, Will's nose also felt a little sad.


"General Harder, this is the homework I assigned to Bill, and you must urge him to complete it in the future."

Mathematics, Chinese, geography, foreign languages...books like hills.

This was written for the children in his hometown when he was free.

However, the children in the family are still young and will not be able to use it for the time being, so I will give it to Bill first.

"Bill, you don't need to thank you as a teacher. This is what a teacher should do." Will patted Bill's head and said reluctantly.

It feels good to be a teacher.

No wonder I heard that some people are good teachers.

It turned out not without reason.

The joy of teaching others is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Bill's face was pale, his eyes were empty, and he let out a weird "hehehe" laugh from time to time.

"Oh, is it so painful to be parted from being a teacher?" Will rubbed Bill's head.


When I met you, I tried my best to please you, but how dare I not appreciate it?

"Of course, I didn't intend to take revenge?"

The teacher is stricter and assigns a "Three-Year College Entrance Examination and Five-Year Simulation" test paper as homework every day, all for your own good!

Moreover, those test papers and books were all written by him, stroke by stroke.

"I raised you like my own son—"

Those book test papers were originally intended to be left to the children in their hometown, but now they are selflessly given to Bill.

"So, do you still have any dissatisfaction?"

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