Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 287 Outdated Shining Mode

"Luo Ji's mental strength is already close to the peak of a third-class apprentice, and he's only slightly stronger than me, and he hasn't even doubled the gap."

"Bloom is the strongest third-class apprentice and the first person under the official wizard. The amount of mental power may have surpassed the limit of the third-class apprentice, but it is only two or three times that of mine."

"So... hmm?"

Will was taken aback, "The theoretical value is 10,000?"

There is always a big difference between theory and practice.

In a previous life.

After the research of scientists, it is concluded that ten human beings can theoretically punch dozens of tons of force.

And the most powerful boxing champion at that time was only able to hit nearly a thousand catties of strength.

This is the gap between theory and practice.

"Theoretically, the spiritual power of a third-class apprentice can reach 10,000. In fact, the peak of the general third-class apprentice's spiritual power is only 3,000."

"Bloom, known as possibly the strongest apprentice in history, surpassing the limit of apprenticeship, has only about 7,000 mental power."

"Is it really possible to reach 10,000 apprentices?"

It is impossible to practice only advanced meditation without other ways to improve spiritual power.

"After my advanced meditation method reaches the fifth level, my spiritual power should be around 3,000, which is comparable to that of Luo Ji, and far less than 10,000."

After reaching the full level of meditation, how can I improve my spiritual power?

All he could think of was by using potions.

Maybe mental skills have a little effect too?

Thinking about it, Will suddenly laughed, "Why am I so troubled? It doesn't matter if he is more or less, as long as he can reach the standard of an advanced official wizard?"

When Vertelli and Rudolph attacked the official wizards, their spiritual power was probably only more than 3,000.

Then test the magic power.

"Seven hundred and thirty-two?"

a little less.

However, considering that he has just advanced to a third-class apprentice, there is still a lot of room for improvement, so this value is normal.

"Then next..."

Will's eyes lit up.

The data he tested just now are all based on physical ability, without using vitality and magic power.

And it is impossible to test one's own strength without using vitality and magic power.

"Blazing mode!"

The body crackled, and the height of 1.7 meters suddenly increased to 1.9 meters, and the whole body was shrouded in white light.

without using skills.

"Strength first."

One hundred and fifty thousand.

"And then there's speed."

Nine hundred and fifty-six hours.

"attack speed."

2.3 times the speed of sound.

Will frowned, "Isn't there too little promotion? Impossible?"

When he was a second-class apprentice, after using the shining mode, his combat power could be multiplied several times!

Now it seems that it can only be increased by 1.67 times.

And he had a premonition in his heart that as his strength continued to increase, the effect of the shining mode would drop rapidly until it was completely useless.

"Why is this happening?"

After thinking hard for a while, he showed a helpless expression.

"So that's how it is." He already understood, "The Shining mode is developed based on vitality, and it's a variant of knight martial arts. The same is true for the previous burst mode, as well as the acceleration mode. They are all derived from the breathing method."

The strength of a paladin is equivalent to the peak of a second-class apprentice.

When he was a second-class apprentice, the breathing method greatly improved him.

The flash mode developed based on breathing method is also very effective.

When he became a third-class apprentice, it was quite different.

"The battle of the third-class apprentices mainly relies on magic power. To put it bluntly, vitality is just a relatively advanced technique of exerting force, which is completely incomparable with magic power."

He has brought the knight system to an end.

"My previous battles were mainly about knights. It seems that I will change it in the future."

He believes that the limit of the knight system is definitely not a paladin.

But the wizard is a system that has been studied by countless human elites for hundreds of thousands of years before it is gradually perfected.

It is impossible for him to perfect the knight system by himself and make the knight system reach the same level as the wizard system.

He also didn't want to waste too much time on developing the new realm of knights.

"It doesn't matter what state is above the paladin. For the knight system, what I need to do is to simplify and popularize the breathing method. When the existence of knights and great knights increases thousands of times, several paladins will appear every year. After that, it’s not too late to study slowly.”

It is absolutely impossible to perfect a power system by relying on the power of one person.

It requires the participation of countless industry elites and geniuses.

"The shining mode is outdated." Will sighed softly.

It took him three years to successfully develop the shining mode.

As a result, only two years have passed, and it has only been used twice in battle, and it has already been eliminated.

How can you not be sad and lost?

The next battle should be based on magic power, supplemented by vitality, and the new mode should also be related to magic skills and spiritual power.

For the new model, he has no clue yet.

But don't worry too much.

He has just advanced to a third-class apprentice now.

After that, I will be a tutor in the college for about five years.

There is still plenty of time.

"I don't know what happened to the acceleration mode?"

With his current physical strength, he should be able to reach three times the speed.

Just wondering if it will be the same as the shine mode?

After use.

Will sighed slightly, "Sure enough, the acceleration mode based on vitality has greatly reduced its effect on a body that has fused with demon seeds and possessed blood."

He can only accelerate 1.5 times with all his strength now.

After that, he tried various knight martial arts, but the results were not satisfactory.

"My fighting power is much stronger, but the fighting skills and methods I worked so hard to lose all of a sudden will make people sad."

Among all the skills he has now, the only ones that can significantly improve his combat effectiveness are thinking acceleration... and seals.

He has collected the five great seals.

"Although the seal is powerful, it needs to be sealed when it is released, which is too troublesome."

In the past, it was necessary to draw out the magic power from the monster seeds, and the time to seal was very long.

It's much better after becoming a third-class apprentice now, but it still takes a second or two.

With his current strength, if he encounters an opponent who needs to use the seal, a second or two is enough to be fatal.

"Fayin shouldn't be such a troublesome thing, right?"

Will made an Alder sign at random.

"Dharma seals are the most powerful force in the apprenticeship stage. Those who learn the Dharma seals are naturally stronger than other apprentices. I have learned the five major Dharma seals. The improvement of strength should be very powerful, right?"

Unfortunately not at all.


An invisible shock wave flew forward.

The power has become much stronger, and it has the ability to easily seriously injure him, and it can instantly kill him when it hits a vital point.

The speed is three times the speed of sound.

When I was a second-class apprentice, I felt that my speed was as fast as lightning. After I became a third-class apprentice, I didn't feel so powerful.

After the shock wave travels a certain distance, it dissipates automatically.

"The legendary seal is nothing more than... eh?!" Will's expression changed suddenly.

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