Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 464: Harvey's Morning Exercise

The sky was still shrouded in a black curtain.

A young man in a black suit, Harvey was already waving a long sword in the open space.

It wasn't just him who was in the clearing.

There are also many morning guards and servants who occasionally pass by.

No matter who it is, everyone's eyes can't help but fall on Harvey.

With the cultivation base of a quasi-knight, kill the bandit Sige who has the strength of a knight.

Leading three hundred cavalry to break through the enemy's five thousand square formation.

Eliminate eleven dens of thieves in one month...

There are too many achievements.

And the age is only seventeen years old.

Rickon is the only one who can match Harvey among the younger generation.

People all admired - "Master Harvey is indeed Lord Will's son."


The sun rises slowly from the land in the east.

Harvey retracted his sword and stood upright, wiped off the sweat on his forehead, and took a long breath.

Then looked around.

The place where he is now is an open space that originally belonged to Albert Castle and was specially used for training.

Why do you say it is the original?

Because if you look around, you will find that the surroundings are empty.

What about the walls?


What about the castle?

there is none left.

Since the Albert family became the viscount family, the original castle has become relatively small.

How can a castle that can only accommodate a hundred people at most be worthy of a viscount?

It is impossible to even hold a banquet and invite more guests.

Three years ago, over a thousand people came to the celebration banquet for promotion to Viscount. As a result, there was no room for so many people in the castle, so they could only hold a banquet in the wild.

Just think of so many knights, barons, viscounts and even earls with titles gathering in the wild and eating with wooden stools.

I feel ashamed just thinking about it.

But there is no way.

Albert Castle was too small at that time.

"It has been built for hundreds of years, and our family has continued to expand and improve the castle from generation to generation. I didn't expect it to be demolished. We did it ourselves."

For Albert Castle, he wanted to stay.

Not only him, many people have this idea.

But as the saying goes, nothing can be broken.

Watching the busy construction workers, watching the new Albert Castle built from scratch bit by bit.

Harvey was full of anticipation.

"What does the new Albert Castle look like?"

"How does it compare with that of the Quimpers?"

"What about the Earl Jiali family in Anluo City?"

"Speaking of which, it's really big!" Harvey looked around, "The area of ​​the castle has expanded by more than a hundred times. It's been half a year since construction started, and the foundation has just been laid."

"It will take at least half a year to live there."

"There are also training rooms, lounges, entertainment rooms, living rooms... and other rooms that need to be renovated."

"In addition to the main castle, there are many auxiliary buildings that need to be built."

The entire new Albert Castle was planned by Will.

In addition to Albert Castle, you can see that there are also construction teams in the distance.

"Do you want to develop a new city from scratch with Albert Castle as the center?"

"That's right, which viscount and earl family is not located in a prosperous city?"

"It's just that our place is so remote, can we really build a city? Even if it can be built, how many years will it take? Ten, twenty, or fifty years?"

The naming of the new city was originally intended to be named after Will, called Will City.

For some reason, Will kept refusing.

Will proposed to name it after someone else, like the ancestor of the Albert family or something.

Viscount Leo and the others completely disagreed.

In Harvey's own opinion, too.

His father, Will, was the most powerful person in the history of the Albert family, and everything he achieved today was due to his father's hard work.

Wasn't it a matter of course that the new city be named after his father?

After a heated discussion.

Will compromised.

Viscount Leo also compromised.

The name of the city is taken from the name of Will Albert, named - Witt City.

Feeling pretty good?


"Brother, brother..."

The childish girl's voice suddenly sounded.

Set your eyes on it.

A little girl with a ponytail and a fluffy dress approached Harvey with an innocent smile on her face.

Standing among a group of rough men, the delicate little girl is so conspicuous.

The girl ran towards Harvey with the basket in hand.

He took out a bottle of juice from the basket and handed it to Harvey, "Brother, are you thirsty? Here."

Harvey took the juice and gulped it down.

The girl's name is Nicole, she is fifteen years old.

Harvey has many brothers and sisters, and the relationship is also good, especially Rickon, who is a good buddy.

But when it comes to relationship, in terms of intimacy, it is better to have the same mother.

Nicole's mother is also Niya.

"Brother, you wake up so early every day, aren't you sleepy?" Nicole's big eyes shone with innocence.

"If you want to become a paladin, what kind of hardship is this?" Harvey laughed.

Originally, his goal in life was just to become a great knight, to become a baron.

Everything has changed since Father Will came back.

His goal is to become a paladin like his father.

The goal is to inherit the title and become a viscount.

I originally thought that after saying this sentence, I would get admiring words from Nicole's sister, "My brother is so amazing", "I like my brother the most", "I will marry my brother in the future".

I didn't expect it to be.

"But brother Nikon has become a formal knight half a year ago, brother, you are still struggling in the quasi-knight stage." Nicole's innocent words ruthlessly poked the pain in Harvey's heart.

Harvey's face suddenly changed.

Rubbing Nicole's cheeks.

He said bitterly: "I'm playing big chess, do you understand? I'm laying the foundation for the future. The taller the building, the better the foundation. Do you understand?"

"But brother Nikon is younger than you?"


Harvey let go of Nicole, looked at the rising sun with his hands behind his back, and said like his father Will: "You won't understand my realm. Summer insects can't talk to ice ones."

Waited for a long time.

"Why is there no sound?"

"Could you be fascinated by my handsome appearance?"

The eyes quietly glanced aside, where is Nicole's shadow?

"Morning uncle."

"Morning, auntie, auntie will pour you a glass of juice."

"Wow, that's amazing. You are a new great knight, right? What? Want to learn from your father? But you are a bit old."

"Hey, I'd be ashamed if you praised me so much."

Nicole kept running around in the crowd, like a happy little princess.

With a dark face, Harvey listened to Nicole's voice in the distance.

I was speechless for a while.

What was he fighting against the air just now?

Nicole doesn't care about that at all.

And it's just a knight, the Albert family doesn't want too many people now!

It is better to say that there are already too many, so many that they need to be carefully selected, and there are many great knights who came from other provinces.

Because his father was a paladin.

It is the ultimate goal of all knights.

It is the god in the hearts of knights.

There is no need to solicit at all, just sitting with a name, and countless strong knights will come to seek refuge.

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