Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 474 What kind of spirit is this?

On the MiG plain.

All evil beheaded for public display for three days.

After three days, Will immediately untied the man and took him off the cross.

Except for the remains of a small number of people who were collected by their families, the rest were cremated and buried together—out of respect for the dead.

In Will's view, death can purify all sins.

the day of burial.

Accompanied by everyone.

Will took the lead and stood at the front.

Behind him are representatives sent by various nobles in the province of Doria.

Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of people followed.

With his right hand on his chest, Will drew a cross and said a eulogy.

"Sinner who has committed countless crimes."

"You have paid for your crimes."

"So far."

"I forgive you on behalf of the people."

"I hope you all rest in peace."


Will waved his hand, "Scatter the ashes."

Following Will's order, the guards poured buckets of ashes into the fish pond.

"I originally wanted to scatter your ashes in the sea."

"But you also know that our Cairo Empire is an inland country, a bit far from the sea."

"But don't worry."

"I have found an alternative location, which is the fish pond in front of me."

"Fish ponds and the sea are actually about the same? Isn't the sea larger in size? There are more types of fish?"

"This small fish pond is a small sea."

"Besides, all rivers go east to the sea, as long as it is water, it will return to the sea one day."

"One day, you will return from this small sea to the vast blue ocean."

After pouring all the ashes into the fish pond.

Will ordered someone to take out several baskets containing fist-sized stones, and arranged the baskets one by one along the edge of the fish pond.

"How can the buried person lack a tombstone?"

"The name and year of birth and death of the deceased are engraved on the stones in the basket."

"Everyone helps throw the stones representing the tombstones into the fish pond, let the dead know that we have forgiven them and let them rest in peace."

It was found that everyone did not move for a long time.

Will stepped forward and picked up a stone from the basket.

I glanced at the name engraved on the stone, closed my eyes, recited the name silently, and mourned for three seconds.


Throw the stone into the fish pond.

Then, Will asked the representatives of the nobles to come forward one by one, and each of them threw a stone as he did just now.

With Will himself and the nobles taking the lead, the people came alive.

At first, one or two people came forward cautiously.

After that, there are groups in twos and threes.

Finally, they rushed up in a swarm, scrambling to throw stones into the fish pond.

Although the scene looked messy, everyone did what Will demonstrated.

Hold the stone with both hands, mourn for three seconds, and then throw it out—although most people can't read and don't know what is engraved on the stone.

Seeing the smiles on people's faces, Will also smiled happily.

"see it?"

"Those villains, each one deserves death, and each one is deeply hated by people."

"But now, people are scrambling to mourn for them."

"Forgive them all."

"What kind of spirit is this?"

"Because everyone knows that knowing the mistakes can make a big difference, and the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns."

"It was them, it was the people who told us."

"No matter how big a crime you have committed before, as long as you sincerely repent and are willing to pay the corresponding price, the people will forgive you."

Will glanced at the nobles standing around him, "Have you learned?"

"... I learned it." The nobleman replied obediently.

The voice sounded sparsely, sounding weak.

"Awareness is still too low." Will shook his head in disappointment, not saying a word.

Not long.

The tombstones are gone.

The funeral ceremony was successfully concluded.



Return to Albert Castle.

Will just learned about Harvey's marriage.

He was deeply moved by this, "I still care too little about my son. I don't even know that he has a favorite woman. It seems that I am still not competent as a father."

Harvey's object is the granddaughter of Viscount Carlo of the Quimper family, who is one year younger than Harvey.

She is a lively and lovely little girl.

On the day of marriage proposal, Harvey shyly hid behind Will.

Looking at Harvey's various performances, Will finally understood the biggest difference between Harvey and him.

"Harvey is very similar to me in appearance, talent, and pursuit."

"There is no doubt that he is my proud son."

"Then why do I always feel incongruous with him? Occasionally feel extremely disappointed with Harvey?"

"Because he's missing something."


Harvey's situation is much better than him, and he has inherited his secret of becoming stronger-love and justice.

It's a pity that Harvey, who lacks courage, cannot comprehend the true meaning of love at all.

That's why he is so far behind his peers.

"Thinking back when I was back then, I was not ambiguous at all in doing things."

"After thinking that I found love, I started immediately, without delay."

"Although I chose the wrong one."

"The person I really love is Niya, but I fell in love with Niya's sister, who is called so-and-so."

"All in all, courage is important."

On the other hand, Harvey, who is seventeen years old this year, looks like a pure boy, and he doesn't even seem to have touched a girl's hand.

It doesn't matter if you touch it or not.

What matters is courage.

It is the persistence that runs through one's own ideas.

Will stroked his chin and murmured in his heart: "Not only does it look innocent, but it's said that it's also innocent in reality. This is not acceptable."

"The number of people in my Albert family is still so small now."

"The important task of revitalizing the family is still on our shoulders."

"You are the next heir of the Albert family, my good son."

"How can you not work hard to spread the branches and leaves?"

"Even as a father, I have worked so hard to find a way to spread the blood of our family all over the world. Can't you learn from me?"

"I heard you don't mess around with maids."

"Is it stupid to learn chivalry?"

Will himself agrees with Harvey's spirit and approach.

He wanted to do that too.

It's like he doesn't want to accept other women at all in his heart, and has no love for other women except Niya. He just wants to grow old with Niya.

The problem is, that's the way the world is.

He wants to achieve democracy, freedom, rivers and crabs.

Want to realize Internaxonal.

Want everyone to be equal.

The question is how?

Want to do it all in one step?

Want to complete the transformation of the communist world in just a few decades of feudal slavery?

"Although I have countless classics in my mind."

"Have the right theory."

"If I go to a world without extraordinary power like my previous life, I might still be able to fight, maybe I can really succeed."

"But this world is the wizarding world."

"In this kind of world, if you want to shout out 'the princes and generals are better than each other', it will not be resonant and successful."

"Because this is a world where bloodlines exist."

"I can only compromise again and again."


"When will the day come when there is no need to compromise?"

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