Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 566 Bloodline Talent—Phantom Spirit

He has never suffered setbacks, and has become a first-class wizard all the way.

This is something that countless people dream of.

But it also caused.

With the same hard power, he would definitely not be able to beat Will in battle, especially in close combat.

He is still very clear about this.

Cracked fist.

The bones of the body are howling.

The powerful strength of the enemy rushed to the internal organs through both fists.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

If he continued to fight recklessly, he would definitely lose.

"Hmph, I also sometimes lose my mind because of anger."

"Melee combat has never been a wizard's specialty, let alone mine."

"Why should I fight him to the death?"

Soros reacted quickly.

"Let you see what the power of an official wizard is."

"Let you feel the horror of an atomized wizard."

"Regret living in this world!"

A phantom sprang out of Soros' body.

It was a translucent phantom that was exactly the same as himself from clothing to appearance.

The phantom stood firmly on the ground as if it existed in reality.

Phantom's pupils shone with a light called wisdom.

It looks very similar to Will's flesh and blood clone, but its essence is completely different.

That is the bloodline ability of the Duke Nelson family - Phantom.

Phantom of bloodline ability.

It can create a clone of a spirit body that is exactly the same as itself in terms of ability and thought.

Can use all the skills of the ontology.

To be able to think like being.

Has the same strength as the body.

Moreover, the biggest difference between the phantom clone and the main body is that the phantom is not afraid of being injured and will not die completely.

After the phantom returns to the main body, the experience and knowledge learned during the appearance will be returned to the main body together.

And the phantom will also unconditionally loyal to the main body.

It is a perfect bloodline talent that can be called god level.

To say the only flaw.


Physical strength, mental strength, and magic power are shared and will not increase.

For a phantom, the consumption is doubled.

For two phantoms, the cost is doubled.

Three phantoms...

and so on.

When using some extremely expensive big moves, it is much more powerful without phantoms.

But this shortcoming is not worth mentioning in the face of the power of the phantom.


Soros summoned not one phantom, but three!

Plus himself, it is equivalent to four Wills before him.

This is not as simple as one plus one.

The combined attack of four like-minded people increased the threat by dozens of times.

"Haha, interesting and interesting!"

Under the combined attack of one person and three phantoms, Will was continuously injured, with horrific injuries appearing on his body.

But Will laughed.

Don't take your injuries seriously at all.

Instead, he mocked Soros.

"Brother Soros, do you only have this strength?"

"The legendary magical and powerful bloodline talent phantom, but that's all."

"Equivalent to four guys who have no blood talent and can only level A, do you think they can pose a threat to me?"

Will's sarcasm is not without merit.

Think of Will as a legendary apprentice, who has learned thousands of skills and developed countless attack skills.

Still suffering from the lack of offensive blood talent, the attack power is too low.

Phantoms are magical and powerful.

But you can only attack normally, without the special effects of blood talent.

It's okay for ordinary people, but facing people of the same level, especially defensive enemies, it's hard to even break the defense.

The defense of Will's Shadow Armor is not bad, and it has a resuscitated body that can quickly heal the body.

Even if he stood and let Soros attack, he couldn't kill him.

In his opinion, Phantom is just a perfect auxiliary ability after all.

"I heard that third-class apprentices can summon up to three phantoms. After becoming a first-class wizard, there should be more? Don't you plan to continue summoning them?"

"You're too happy."

Soros' face didn't change in any way.

Not offended by Will's words.


A hazy wave of magic power shrouded Soros himself and the three phantoms.

Will himself is too familiar with this wave of magic power.

"French Seal BUFF?" Will exclaimed in surprise: "Can you pass the phantom seal in your body? BUFF can also be used universally?"

The magic fluctuations emitted by Soros are clearly the power of the seal.

And it's still five ways!

The five seal buffs gathered together, even Will, who had not become a first-level wizard, could not do it. This is the patent of a first-level wizard.

"It's too late to regret now."

Soros and the three phantoms besieged Will.

After adding five seal buffs, the power of each of his punches has changed.

Heat, Shockwave, Imprisonment, Confusion, Defense.

Faced with this situation, Will had to use the Shadow Armor.

After becoming a first-level wizard and integrating the Shadow Armor into his blood, great changes have taken place.

When used, it no longer exists in the form of armor.

Instead, it turned into countless quaint bright red lines all over the body.

With the Blessing of the Shadow Armor, Will's combat power instantly soared.

But he was still suppressed by Soros.

Because Soros used not only the Fayin BUFF.

The phantom in Soros' body is still sealing.

When fighting fiercely.

Sometimes, the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius erupts suddenly.

Sometimes, internal organs are smashed by invisible shock waves.

Sometimes, the head will suddenly dizzy...

All kinds of French and Indian attacks are hard to guard against.

"Phantom is indeed a perfect auxiliary ability."

Will, who still despised phantoms before, had to change his mind and sighed.

Faced with Will's praise, Soros was not happy.

Because obviously Will still has energy left.

"What the hell is going on with you guy?"

"Are you really just a first-level wizard?"

Soros couldn't help feeling anxious.

He has been a first-level wizard for more than 30 years, and he can't beat Will in melee.

After using the blood talent phantom, he was still played by the opponent.

The five great dharma seals came out together, but they failed to make the other party take it seriously.

"Tch, so what?"

"It's just a fearless struggle."

"Do you think this is my true strength?"

Will's performance was indeed beyond his expectations, much stronger than he had imagined.

If he had met the current Will twenty years ago, he might have failed miserably.

It's a pity that there is no if.

"If you have the ability, just take my move!"

"If you can survive this trick, then you are qualified to see my true strength."

"That's when you'll understand what true despair is!"


Two phantoms flew out of Soros' body again.

Five phantoms surrounded Will in a five-pointed star orientation.

The phantom's hands aimed at Will one after another, and the huge magic power turned into an invisible binding force to fix Will.

Arden's seal!

Five signs of Arden.

The seal of Arden, which is used in conjunction with some kind of enchantment, has increased its power by more than several times.

Almost instantly, Will felt his body was tightly bound and unable to move.

It's not just the body that's bound.

Even the magic power and spiritual power in the body are extremely difficult to mobilize.

"Experience the power of the unity of the five great seals!" Soros said with a cold expression, raising his hands high.

Through the Eye of Reality, Will could see the phantom in Soros' body rapidly forming a seal.

In Soros' hands, a chaotic magic block with a destructive aura is taking shape.

and grow rapidly.

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