Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 602 Imperial Granary

It can be said.

For any official wizard, having a friendly and trustworthy potion master is a beneficial and harmless thing.

"Wizard Furgo, I came to you today mainly because I want to ask you for help." Will said.

"Go ahead."

Furgao, who just received the gift, is in a good mood.

"When the Cairo Empire was first established, it had eight provinces, you should know?" Will asked, playing with the wine glass in his hand.

"You mean?"

Wizard Furgau raised his head all of a sudden.

"Daliro Province was a prosperous place known as the granary of the empire during the Holy Empire." Will gritted his teeth, "I didn't expect that after the split of the Holy Empire, the Cairo Empire, which inherited the granary of the empire, got nothing but disaster."

"It's not easy."

Wizard Furgo frowned.

"The empire's granary, a province is occupied by a monster, how can we bear it?"

"That's not an ordinary monster." Wizard Fuergao shook his head with a wry smile, "It might be a monster with crystallization-level combat power."

Ordinary monsters are just animals with powerful bodies and magical powers.

There is no difference between IQ and ordinary animals.

But some Warcraft will mutate.

Intelligence is very high, comparable to ordinary adults.

The strength is also very strong, no less than a first-level wizard.

It's just that there are very few such monsters, far less than the number of official wizards.

Compared with wizards of the same level, their combat power is also much weaker.

After all, the other party does not have a systematic method of cultivation, nor does it have the witchcraft summed up and developed by the predecessors, nor does it have powerful witchcraft.

Just fight with instinct and body.

How can combat power be compared with wizards of the same level?

"Even if the opponent really has crystallization-level combat power, there is no threat to our lives." Will persuaded: "I don't want to kill it immediately, I just want to see the strength of the opponent."

"What about this?" Wizard Fergol was still hesitating.

"The reward will not be less."

After all, the opponent is a Warcraft that has lived for thousands of years.

It is rumored that there is a crystallization-level combat power.

It's better to be on the safe side.

The fighting power of Wizard Fuergao is not much weaker than him.

The two joined forces, I believe there will be no accidents.

If the opponent is weaker than imagined, maybe they can join forces to kill?


Wizard Furgo nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go immediately."

Will laughed.

stand up.

Stepping on the translucent magic ladder and walking towards the sky.

Wizard Fergo opened his arms, and his body quickly grew in size. In less than a breath, he had turned into a huge bat with wings spread more than ten meters.

Witchcraft - return to the source of the form.

When becoming a first-level wizard, the concentration of monster blood in the body exceeds 90%.

In this case, can it still be called a human being?

Still maintaining a human body?

Will it affect combat power?

And witchcraft returning to the source can transform the body into the shape of a monster, greatly enhancing the strength of physique and blood talent.

The effect is similar to the plague of rage that Will learned.

Although the enhancement of combat power is a bit weaker, it is more convenient and has no side effects of madness.

Will had struggled for a while between the two witchcrafts of Returning to the Source and the Scourge of Rage, which one should be solidified.

In the end, I chose the disaster of fury.

The reason for this choice.

First, if he solidifies his original form, his future fighting form will mainly be that of a monster, which is unacceptable to him.

"I'm a human, and I'm actually fighting like a monster?"

Second, the power of the disaster of rage is even stronger.

"Since you want to improve your combat effectiveness, why not find the strongest one?"

Due to the appeal of two reasons, Will gave up the return to the source and chose the disaster of fury.

Will stands in midair.

Transformed into a bat, the wizard Vollgo soars freely in the sky.

"You don't want to walk over like this, do you?" The voice of wizard Fuergao was deafening as if it had been amplified by a loudspeaker.

Will smiled.

There are six matching bumps on his back.

The bulge grows rapidly.

Open up.

Turned into three pairs of flesh wings.

This kind of meat wing was also used when he fought Soros.

The difference from last time was that this time the three pairs of meat wings were covered with large and small air holes.

The magic power flowed into the air hole, turning into dragon flames and gushing out.

Three pairs of wings.

Like three pairs of flame wings.

Will flapped his wings and soared in the sky.

"I didn't expect Longyan to be useful like this." Wizard Fuergao sighed as he watched and Will.

"It's just a last resort. Whether it's mana consumption, flying speed or agility, it's far from comparable to you with wings." Will said the truth.

After all, false wings cannot be compared with real wings.

"Better than nothing, isn't it?"

Wizard Fergo flapped his wings, and a white sound cone appeared behind him.

Will followed.

The two of them soared in the sky like shooting stars.

Plow two white cloud paths in the clouds.

Because they all use mental power to eliminate their own sense of existence.

People below the official level of wizards can't see their existence at all. They stare at the cloud road that suddenly appears in the sky, thinking it is a vision of heaven and earth, and many people kneel down to pray.


With the supersonic speed of the two of them, it didn't take long to get close to the destination.

Enter the territory of Daliro Province.

A huge lake is approaching towards the front.

It was a huge lake named Lake Vinilo, 130 kilometers long and 70 kilometers wide.

It is the largest freshwater lake in the Eastern Continent.


Will and wizard Furgo are suspended at an altitude of several thousand meters.

Looking down at Lake Vinilo.

Looking at the beautiful lake like a mirror, feel the huge magic power contained in it.

The faces of both of them could not help but become dignified.

Especially Will, who has the Eye of Reality, can see more intuitively how powerful and terrifying it is.

"It's just a monster."

"Isn't it normal for Warcraft to have power beyond ordinary people?"

"Back then, I was not even a third-class apprentice, and my magic power was less than a thousand. Didn't I still subdue the Comoros monitor lizard with a magic power of 530,000?"

"The amount of magic power does not equal strength."

After taking a deep breath, Will nodded to Wizard Fergo and said, "Let's go down."

After finishing speaking, the two did not hide their breath.

The powerful coercion unique to official wizards radiated without any scruples.

Like two suns falling downward.

The waters with a radius of tens of kilometers immediately rolled violently.

Countless fish swim towards the distance quickly.

Flying birds all over the sky screamed in terror.

The wild beasts and monsters drinking water on the shore of the lake looked up in fear at the two rays of light falling from the sky, and could not help but prostrate themselves on the ground.

In Lake Vinilo, there are many magical beasts that are comparable to third-class apprentices.

There are many powerful monsters with tens or even millions of units of mana.

In terms of pure strength, very few monsters are not weaker than the fog wizard.

But under the coercion of Will and Wizard Fergo, he could only flee in a hurry, crawl on the ground, and howl in a low voice of fear.

This scene gave Will infinite confidence.

"That's right."

"That's it."

"The opponent is powerful, but it is just a mere monster."

"So what if you are stronger than me? What if you have more magic power than me?"

"Do you know witchcraft? Do you have a witchcraft? Have you learned the exquisite skills and techniques passed down from generation to generation by wizards?"

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