Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 696 Boy Will, the battle is over


"Haha, hahaha..."

The troll king laughed in a low voice, and the louder the laughter, the louder it turned into a belly laugh at the end. The tension and fear just now seemed to have never existed.

Those expressions just now were not fake.

It is indeed afraid, it is nervous, it is worried about Will's exposed strength, and it is afraid of Will's three witchcraft scrolls with unknown abilities.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle, the troll king has been probing.

Test Will's strength, and test the abilities of Will's three witchcraft scrolls.

Finally at this moment, everything is known.

"It's used."

"You finally used all your abilities, all three of your witchcraft scrolls."

"It's a pity, if you replace the spiritual defense witchcraft with the spiritual attack witchcraft, then I will die."

"A wrong choice of witchcraft led to your failure."

"This world is so cruel."

It can see that Will has no one to hold back, and he has already done his best.

Generally speaking, the strength displayed by Will can definitely defeat it.

Half-step crystallization.

Eight bloodline talents.

Mastered the crystallization talent to form an array.

Also possesses the Wraith Horn of Wraiths, and transforms Wraiths into Scrolls of Witchcraft.

After the superposition of the power of the three sorcerers, the music of time, the baptism of the gods and the magic of the source, an unimaginable power broke out.

It is enough to crush ordinary crystallization powerhouses.

Even the king of trolls, who can be resurrected continuously, seems so powerless.


"Boy Will, the battle is over."

The body of the troll king suddenly turned into pure magic power and rushed into the veins of the earth.

After that, seven springs of magic power gushed out from the ground and condensed into seven figures, each of which was exactly the same—the king of trolls.

Each of the seven troll kings held a large axe.

Except for one of which is real, the other six axes are illusions.

However, since the giant ax of the troll king itself is the condensed belief of countless elites of the troll clan, it doesn't pay much attention to materials and entities.

So even if it is an illusion, it still has power, which is equivalent to 70% of the genuine product.

Seven trolls with exactly the same appearance and strength, holding seven identical axes, surrounded Will in the middle.

The pupils of the billions of trolls on the seven axes opened, and billions of eyes of nothingness fell on Will.

Will could only feel the weight on his body being heavier and heavier.


The body is constantly being corroded, at least one-third of the body is corroded every second.

The king of trolls is constantly dying in battle, so why isn't Will?


Looking at the king of seven trolls surrounding him, Will, who was originally extremely confident, suddenly fell into the abyss.

He already understood the meaning of what the Troll King said just now.

He did choose the wrong one.

The Troll King's mental attack is indeed quite troublesome, but it's just troublesome. Even without the spiritual defense witchcraft, the impact on the battle is not particularly great.

At the beginning, it was just because I knew that the king of trolls would attack mentally, just in case, so I chose a defensive witchcraft.

Among the three major witchcraft scrolls, Joy of Time and Yuanmo Heart Turn are necessary, and they are the guarantee of victory.

Therefore, the baptism of the gods should be replaced.

As the troll king said just now, replace the spiritual defensive witchcraft with a mental offensive witchcraft.

If that's the case, he's 100% sure of the victory.

The spirit of the king of trolls resides in the veins of the earth, just like salt dissolves in water, in the veins of the earth, its spirit is everywhere.

But in essence, there is only one copy of its spirit.

When fighting against the strong, it must gather the scattered spirits to prevent the enemy from using mental attacks.


Since it is confirmed that Will has no means of mental attack that can threaten it, naturally he doesn't have to worry about it so much.

So the king of trolls dispersed his spirit again, gathered their magic power, and condensed into seven entities.

In theory, more can be condensed, and a dozen or so are no problem.

The problem is that it doesn't make sense.

In front of such a powerful Will, the number of clones is meaningless.

The real killer feature of this trick is the axe!

It is estimated that the ax with the strange ability can only be divided into seven parts, no more.

"You won't give me the chance to go back and choose again, will you?"

"You want to kill me."

"Because you know that next time I'm ready, you will definitely not be my opponent."

"However, you underestimated me. I will never run away. The victory of this battle, no matter what, belongs to me!"

Will wants to escape, but there are still many ways.

The next time you come, it will be a 100% winning rate.

But if you do that, the people living in the entire Parasu province, his decades of hard work and construction, will be ruined.

"Life is always full of surprises."

"There are surprises, and there are miseries."

"However, do you think this will kill me?"

"I did expose all my hole cards, but the battle I just had was just for fun, and I wasn't serious at all!"

It's not that Will doesn't want to be serious, it's that the Troll King is too weak.

Killed casually, why take it seriously? Is mana consumed in vain?

Will took a deep breath.

"Then let's fight!"

With a lightsaber in his left hand and a light whip in his right, Will rushed towards the troll king.

Under the heavy pressure on his body, his speed was only fifteen times the speed of sound, more than half slower.


Will and the king of seven trolls kept fighting.

Under the siege of the troll king, Will kept falling into a disadvantage.

It turned out that he kept killing the trolls and consuming the magic power of the trolls.

Now it has turned into a troll that keeps attacking him and seriously injuring him, forcing Will to consume a lot of magic power to recondense his broken body time and time again.

Sorcery Primal Heart Turn draws very little power from trolls and leylines.


Will roared again and again, like a dragon roaring unwillingly before dying.

In exchange, it was the excited laughter of the troll king.

Even people who can't see the battle clearly can know who is at an advantage and who is at a disadvantage as long as they listen to the voices of one person and one demon.


Everyone in Parazu province looked towards the direction of the battle, worried for Will.

Especially those who are responsible for maintaining the ley line blockade enchantment.

Those third-class apprentices were carefully selected by Will, and they were trustworthy people. Even if they were ordered to commit suicide, they would never frown.

Watching the battle between Will and the Troll King, even though Will now seems to be on the disadvantaged side, they believe in Will unconditionally.

Because in their hearts, Will is a god!

It is impossible for the gods to lose!

As for the others, the idea is quite different.

Wizard Furgao sighed and shook his head, "After all, it was a bit short."

He has seen the end.

Will's talent and rising speed are indeed very fast. Originally, he thought that Will's current strength was the same as his own.


"It's just a little bit worse."

"But your future is unlimited, and a short-term failure doesn't mean anything."

"The king of trolls is just a stepping stone for you."

Will couldn't win.

But the troll king couldn't kill Will either.

If you ask why, when they are people who eat dry food?

Among the three first-level wizards, Itana's strength is no less than that of ordinary atomized wizards.

The four of them worked together to create a little space for Will to escape.

"I hope after this failure, you can mature."

"The dangers in this world are much more than you imagined. Even a second-level wizard can't do whatever he wants, let alone you?"

"The last time you angered the orc, luckily the other party didn't pursue it, otherwise you would still be able to live well?"


Itana watched the battle nervously, thinking of ways in her mind, but no matter what she thought, she couldn't think of the possibility of victory.

The Troll King is too powerful!

"Master Will, there is really no other way this time."


Ander clenched his fists nervously, his mood was so turbulent that he could hardly maintain the ley line blockade barrier, he just wanted to rush to help in the battle.

But he remembered Will's previous instructions.

"No matter what, you can't untie the barrier."

"Even if I'm in danger, even if I'm about to fail, unless I give the order again."

"Must remember!"

Will's words kept replaying in Ender's mind.

After a long while, Ander managed to suppress his suspenseful heart.

While maintaining the barrier, Ender watched the battle between Will and the Troll King, "Grandpa, I believe in you, you will definitely win."

He knew what kind of tragedy the humans in Parasu province would face if Will failed.


Luna St. Louis.

This former princess, former queen, and present queen mother.

She was brought up by Will from the age of fifteen. Will taught her wizard knowledge and refined all kinds of powerful and magical potions for her, allowing her to have a half-step liquefaction state as soon as she became a wizard.

She believes that even if she grew up under the guidance of her ancestor, the wizard Eluman, her achievements would never be so high.

At the same time, Will is his husband.

She also bore Will two offspring.

Her connection to Will was so deep, but...

Luna's face was expressionless, and there was no worry or tension in her eyes.

Yes, just indifference.

Is it out of trust in Will's own strength? Think Will can defeat the Troll King 100%?


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