Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 958 The Only Hole Card - Probability Fluctuation Fist

It's normal for Karen to have such thoughts.

Because Will was accompanied by an elf, and the elves were the creators of Pandora's armament, the armament she wore belonged to an extremely powerful third-level elf in the age of mythology.

Later, after the elves disappeared, they were crushed into the hands of the Wing Clan, and in the end she paid a huge price to borrow it from the Wing Clan.

There is definitely more than one third-level powerhouse in the elves, and there is definitely more than one Pandora weapon. It is very possible that Will can find other Pandora weapons under the guidance of the elves.

the most important is--

If Will is not armed with Pandora, why is he still so confident when almost all attacks have failed?

Will's strength far exceeded her expectations. If she hadn't been armed with Pandora, she wouldn't have been able to deal with the power of time and space at the beginning, not to mention the black hole seal that terrified her.

When she first faced the black hole seal, she was almost desperate.

Fortunately, she has Pandora armed.

As long as he can use the Pandora weapon proficiently, all of Will's tricks can create restrained weapons.

But if Will also has Pandora armed, then there is no way.

Will's own strength is much stronger than hers, and because of the guidance of the elves, the use of Pandora's weapons must be superior to hers.

So she must lose?

For a moment, Karen didn't dare to take any action at all, but just looked at Will anxiously.


"Is Pandora armed?" Will touched his chin and said, "I don't need that kind of dragging thing."

People of different realms and strengths will have corresponding weapons.

Ordinary people's weapons are cold weapons. Are cold weapons powerful for improving strength?


A group of unarmed farmers may not be able to kill a soldier in heavy armor who does not make any resistance after beating for a long time.

Among the wizards, the apprentices' weapons are called magic weapons, the first-level wizards use the first-level wizards, and the second-level wizards can refine the second-level wizards.

Every weapon can make its own strength grow explosively.

It is normal for the strength to skyrocket by dozens of times, and it is nothing if it is hundreds of times stronger, and it is understandable to soar thousands of times.

Like Will before, with the strength of half-step crystallization combined with the first-level witch weapon phantom horn, killing the high-level crystallization troll king is like killing a chicken.

Thinking that he challenged the third-level junior demon king in the sealed land with the second-level consciousness, the reason why he was able to confront the demon king head-on in a short time was the phantom horn.

The second-level witch tool, the horn of the sky, made his speed hundreds of times faster, and at the second-level level, he had a speed comparable to one-tenth of the speed of light in one fell swoop.

Whether it is a magic weapon, a first-level witchcraft or a second-level witchcraft, the improvement in strength is very large.

What about the Pandora weapon, the exclusive weapon of the third level?

As big as the lift!

And it's not a one-star improvement, but if it is used well, it will be hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times of improvement!

If a powerhouse at the peak of the third level can display the full power of Pandora's armed forces, it is normal for his combat power to soar ten thousand times.

It's like the gap between ordinary people with bare hands and soldiers who own and use all hot weapons proficiently.

The Pandora weapon is a very wonderful weapon. It can be a toothpick or a nuclear bomb. It depends on the user's ability to transform into a weapon.

Yes, the various weapons used in Kallen's battle were actually transformed from Pandora's weapons.

The Pandora Armor does not have a specific shape or function. It can be transformed into a weapon of any function and shape according to the user's will, and there is no limit in theory.

Pandora Armor is a weapon worn on the soul of faith, it is idealistic.

Spiritual power is a very powerful and very headache thing.

To put it simply, Pandora Arms is to transform imaginary weapons into entities.

You imagine any door, so any door appears.

You imagined the bamboo dragonfly, so the bamboo dragonfly appeared.

You imagine a time machine, and a time machine appears.

Pandora's armed forces are like Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket, which can be transformed into many things with magical abilities.

As for the principles of these things——

What is the principle of bamboo dragonfly, arbitrary door and time machine?

Why should idealistic props come out of fantasy follow the principles in reality?

Pandora's armed forces are like props in fairy tales, and the principle of fairy tales?

Of course there is a reason, such as chanting a specific spell with loving thoughts? For example, place stones in a certain arrangement? Like singing on a full moon night?

Fairy tales also have the principles of fairy tales, but they are different from reality.

Of course, Pandora's ability to arm the items that can be transformed is limited, and it can only exist for a short time.

After all, Pandora's armed forces are just a simplified and inferior version of the fourth-level soul transformation skills, just like the seals learned at the apprentice level.

The seal is the most powerful force in the apprenticeship stage, and any magic weapon has to be leaned aside, but in fact the seal is only a simplified version of the first level of witchcraft.

For a wizard who has learned the first level of witchcraft, the sign is no different from juggling.

Will, who has become a fourth-level wizard and has practiced soul transformation to the extreme, what use is the Pandora weapon, which is a mere third-level weapon, to him?

The Pandora Armor seemed to him like a child's toy car.

How can a toy car compare to a real car?


"Then you don't have a Pandora weapon?" Karen asked with narrowed eyes.

"No." Will admitted honestly.

"Hehe, then do you have any tricks?" Karen smiled.

The power of time and space, the power of elements, physical attacks, and spiritual attacks finally failed even the black hole attack, what else could be done?

To be honest, Kallen can't think of it!

"If you want to say it, there is still the same, the probability fluctuation fist."

"Probability fluctuation fist?"

"A special skill that can control probability."

"Control the probability?" Karen sneered, "I want to see how you can control the probability!"

Kallen accelerated towards Will with a whoosh.

Will remained silent, raised his fist and threw it at Kallen.

One person and one fox were moving rapidly between the sky and the earth at sub-light speed, the air was continuously ionized under their high-speed movement, and the soil hundreds of meters around them instantly gasified.

They turned into two auroras, constantly colliding, exploding, and fighting between the sky and the earth, like thousands of suns exploding.

Thousands of meters of high mountains instantly shattered, kilometers of wide lakes suddenly evaporated, and vast grasslands suddenly turned into inland seas.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The physically ineffective clothing transformed from the Pandora weapon on Kallen's body began to slowly shatter.

"Everything has its own principle of operation, even if it is transformed with an ideal prop like Pandora Armor, it's just a little different from reality." Will gradually had the power to resist, "As long as you understand, you can If you control it, you can control the probability."


Karen didn't expect that Pandora's armed forces would actually be cracked by Will.

Now Will can only decipher a little bit, as time goes by, will Pandora's armed forces be fully deciphered? All transformed weapons are invalid?

That time was when she lost!

"How could you be so ridiculously strong!" Kallen roared unwillingly.

But she also knew that angry roars were useless, and if she wanted to defeat Will, she had to do so before Pandora's armament was completely broken!

That is to say——

Will must be killed in the fastest time!

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