Year of Herbs

Chapter 134: Crab Boss Soul

"Bai Xiaosheng is really a terrible person..." Hua Rongyue thought silently, she used to think that even Bai Xiaosheng should obey the rules of reality. In a real world, with the ancient traffic environment and information dissemination speed, it may be difficult for Bai Xiaosheng to achieve the exaggeration in other martial arts novels.

But today Hua Rongyue felt that she was wrong.

Bai Xiaosheng may not be a person, he may just be a will of the world...

Otherwise it would be difficult to explain why the other party knew that Yi Linglong was still alive.

There are only three places where Hua Rongyue's identity can be revealed - one is the people inside the six doors, and the other is those who Hua Rongyue was ordered to fool before, such as Wu Ci , and another is a part of the people on the flower boat...

Six doors Hua Rongyue couldn't ask, Hua Rongyue checked all the people on the flower boat on the day he got the news, but got no news. At the same time, six doors Doors do the same thing.

There are records.

Although they did not find Bai Xiaosheng after some investigation, this actually increased Hua Rongyue's sense of awe for this arena. Before, she used to rely on Yi Linglong's light to make herself bully elementary school students like she was using a large number, which made her despise this river and lake a little more.

But the existence of Bai Xiaosheng made Hua Rongyue realize again that there are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this arena.

"Sir, the people you asked us to find have now been completed according to your requirements, let's see what to do now..." The people on the flower boat found Hua Rongyue and gave Hua Rongyue took a look at the training plans of several idols that they had launched a few days ago.

Hua Rongyue took the plan and looked at it carefully. There are both men and women. Everyone seems to be a shining star. It's a pity that they didn't announce it.

Hong Kong truth, who is relying on their own fire these days, except for those who are really strong to the sky, no one is behind them. Hua Rongyue also has self-knowledge. Huachuan has done a very poor job in the aspect of publicity. He has always been thinking about how to live in the dark, but never thought about how to stand in the sun and speak. Naturally, he does not understand this aspect. .

Xiaosheng helped to "promote" it.

Look at how Hua Rongyue knows how to use resources.

For the ancient rivers and lakes, word of mouth was still the most basic standard for evaluating a person. At present, the public opinion platform with the widest audience and the largest number of followers should be Bai Xiaosheng. The various lists he has compiled are very famous in the rivers and lakes.

Although Hua Rongyue couldn't catch him before, he thought that if he met, he could discuss it, even if he couldn't bribe, he should be able to force it... Xiaosheng's list directly gave her a chill.

Hey, although the flower boat is rich, it can't stop spending so much. Hua Rongyue is a very long-term thinker, probably following her mother, who was born when she was born She was the one who had already planned all her living expenses for the next 20 years.

Hua Rongyue is a little worried now, she thinks that there will be twenty babies born on the flower boat in the next year, and there was no family planning in ancient times. What should I do with the second generation of the flower boat? How will her pension and medical insurance plans be realized in the future...

When she was so worried that she was bald, she flipped through the information on her hand. It was all from the rivers and lakes these days. The internal struggle of Tianyi Building was very fierce, and the original owner had something wrong recently. It looks like what Qiushui An has really expanded its business, occupying the site of the previous flower boat. What boat has been successfully sold to Six Doors, and the flower boat has made another profit...

In these serious pieces of information, Hua Rongyue saw a mixed piece of news - the one from Bai Xiaosheng was recently listed, so that everyone knew about Yi Linglong The news that he didn't die, so there have been a lot of people going to the Qinhuai River recently, and most of them are people from the rivers and lakes who went there because of their fame...

There are also men and women, old and young, these people in the rivers and lakes. The attitudes of these people on the Qinhuai River are also very different. Obviously, some people like Yi Linglong very much. Some people were very annoying, so some people tried **** the Qinhuai River to find the place where Yi Linglong was stabbed and injured. stabbed to death.

Hua Rongyue frowned at the first sight of this news, and the person who had been observing Hua Rongyue's expression smiled awkwardly, thinking that she might have accidentally passed it on Not so good news.

In fact, the person who spread the news has his own selfishness. It stands to reason that ordinary people would not mix such serious news with a news that is similar to that released by the Tourism Bureau, but the problem is This person is one of the few people who knows Hua Rongyue's identity... He couldn't figure out what Hua Rongyue was thinking about. He felt that although this matter might not be that important, he still had to consider the boss's mood, so he put this The news was given to Hua Rongyue, and I wanted to ask the boss what he thought.

In fact, there is something more extreme they haven't said yet... Was Hua Rongyue shed a lot of blood on the bridge at that time, a group of people even brought the goddess over there to curse Yi Linglong with blood . In the past few days, not only the spells on the bridge are very popular, but the villains are also very popular...

"They... it's too much!" Hua Rongyue slapped the paper on the table after watching it for a while, only to feel that there was a lot of anger in her heart and she didn't let it out.

The buddy next to him was startled and asked shiveringly, "Sir, are we going to teach them a lesson?"

"You must teach me a lesson!" Hua Rongyue was extremely indignant.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back and do it right away." The person on the opposite side nodded, thinking that when he went back, he would find a few who could fight, and then kill a few people on the Qinhuai River to stand up. It's better that everyone is afraid to go there again.

Hua Rongyue said sadly: " can they not give money when they come to visit?"

…the flower boat messenger, “…what?”

Hua Rongyue suddenly seemed to have opened up the second line of Ren and Du at this moment, she suddenly realized another excellent publicity point besides Bai Xiaosheng... that is herself! Who is more famous than her in the whole flower boat now?

"It's really a loss... I must learn a lesson next time, and fights must be fought in my own home, otherwise I won't be able to receive any ticket money in the future."

Flower boat messenger, "...what?"

…To be honest, Hua Rongyue is not really a person who likes to be in the limelight. After all, she has a completely opposite personality to Yi Linglong. It’s just that money has swept her mind at this time. She probably belongs to the crab boss now. in the state.

Probably if a flying devil now asks her "I'll give you two dollars, can you sell SpongeBob SquarePants to me", she will say yes.

If you want to talk about a modern conspiracy girl, a star girl, why can't there be an easy girl or an easy boy in ancient times? Hua Rongyue was thinking about this question.

"You do this first, and after you go back, make a batch of small swords to sell on the Qinhuai River, and call it 'reproduce a copy of the sword that stabbed Yi Linglong seen by witnesses at the scene. Compare the five miniatures and suppress the hardcover version, let's find out what's going on." Hua Rongyue said.

The man in the flower boat, "…"

Rongyue Road.

The person from the flower boat, "…Did you get the point wrong?"

"Then it's the next thing to debut..." Hua Rongyue glanced at the gray sky outside and said, "The original plan was in Tianyi Building, but this time it was changed. It's the restaurant we recently sold."

"I want that restaurant to become the most famous restaurant in Jiangnan overnight."

The person from Huachuan went back with a confused look on his face. To be honest, he felt that every time he came to find his boss, his three views could be refreshed, especially when it came to money, their boss was really An indescribable little genius.

As for why Hua Rongyue chose Tianyilou as the place for her subordinates to debut, it was because at the beginning of this time, she knew everything about Tianyilou, and almost every detail was in her in control.

During this period, infighting in Tianyi Building continued, but gradually the situation became clear. It was obvious that the new owner had taken a firm position. During this period, Yi Linglong's martial arts progressed the fastest.

At that time, Yi Linglong was terrifyingly strong, and at that time, Tianyilou's martial arts moves were greatly improved. It was completed under the research of Yi Linglong and several seniors. It is said that Yi Linglong is a great hero of Tianyilou in martial arts.

This is why Jiang Lianhuan once thought that Hua Rongyue's martial arts had the style of Tianyi Building, but it was not like the current Tianyi Building. At that time, he thought that Hua Rongyue might have dealt with people from Tianyi Building before, but he didn't get along well, so he didn't get into it.

But then Hua Rongyue has to face a difficult problem - she can't explain why the martial arts she used a long time ago are so similar to the martial arts of Tianyi Building a few years later, you know that Yi Although Linglong is gone, the seniors are still there.

Hua Rongyue didn't know much about martial arts at first, so she always felt that others couldn't see it, but as her understanding of martial arts gradually increased, she realized that she wanted to see it from one person's martial arts The origin of the other party is simply very easy, not to mention her from the same source.

She had to figure out a way to not let others see that something was wrong.

Especially a monkey spirit like Jiang Lianhuan.

If people find out that the honest Hua Rongyue has something to do with Yi Linglong... that would be bad.

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