Year of Herbs

Chapter 149: Grove 2

According to a standard statement, Yun Jinfei's operation is a rollover, and it is still a very tragic rollover.

Six doors are a bit confused here, mainly because everyone may have thought that an accident would happen in advance, but they did not expect it to happen so quickly, and they did not expect that Yi Guzhou would be the first to do it without saying a word. .

After a glance, no one stood up to speak at this moment.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Yun Jinfei's hand was just pulled from the tree. When they came down, everyone felt pain when they saw it, and no one wanted to be nailed there like Yun Jinfei, but Yi Guzhou had already walked towards him slowly, saying as he walked, "This time honestly Tell me, who sent you here?"

Yun Jinfei had a thick layer of cold sweat on his forehead after hearing this question.

It was not clear whether he was frightened or in pain.

If the words from Yi Guzhou's mouth should be regarded as the perfect ending of their mission, then they can only be said to be a passing ending without being discovered where they came from, but this ending At present, it seems that it is obviously difficult to achieve, because Yi Guzhou walked over and even pulled Yun Jinfei out. The knife that came out was pressed back at once.

For a while, people nearby can clearly hear Yun Jinfei's screams, it's really the kind that makes all the white hairs sweat out of everyone's backs, except for the pain, I'm afraid now There was nothing left in Yun Jinfei's mind.

"I'm the most annoying who will lie to me, let alone pretend to be Yun Jinfei to lie to me." Yi Guzhou said with a sneer, "Yun Jinfei? I can believe it, but didn't that guy Yun Jinfei disappear a few days ago?"

The people around were startled, Yi Guzhou said, "Next, let me guess where you came from... The Right Way? Tianyi Building? Or from the imperial court?"

These words seem to be about taking off Yun Jinfei's vest. It's clean, everyone's heart beats fast.

"Where's Mr. Hua?" Someone finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice, and even a few people who were Yun Jinfei's little fans couldn't help but look for Hua Rongyue's figure in the crowd .

No way, the people sent from the Six Sects are actually mostly civilians... The ones who can really fight have not beaten Hua Rongyue.

As one of the best fighters, everyone knows that Hua Rongyue is very good at fighting. Although most people have never seen him fight, they still can't help but regard him as a fighter. Savior.

At this moment, everyone realized that Hua Rongyue had disappeared.

Disappeared? Where have people gone?

In an instant, everyone had all kinds of emotions in their hearts. Some people thought that Hua Rongyue's disappearance was looking for an opportunity to prepare for a sneak attack. Others thought that Hua Rongyue's departure at this critical time was really too much of a chain. In short, I have everything I want, and there is a lot of harassment.

In my heart, but only at this time did I realize that Hua Rongyue is indeed a good player in calming the atmosphere, and now even he has run away, which makes these newcomers feel a sense of despair in an instant.

Just when the leading people couldn't hold back and wanted to shout, a voice suddenly sounded from above everyone's head, "The one who sent him is me."

Because the sound came from the top of the head, everyone looked up at the same time, but the positions they looked at were different.

After everyone looked up, did they realize who was there? This is just sound transmission. Because of the sound transmission's profound skills, everyone mistakenly believed that the sound was transmitted from the top of the head.

Only Yi Guzhou stared straight at a place, there was a man standing in the corner, and his figure was looming under the shade of trees. Can see dazzling gold and stunning purple, but can't see anything else.

Yi Guzhou was not polite at all, and directly pulled his knife from Yun Jinfei's wound. When he came out, Yun Jinfei almost fainted. He threw the flying knife fiercely at the place where the figure was, but after a second, there was already no one there.


In just a short moment, that person has appeared in different places, and it is still very close to Yi Guzhou's position. It was more than ten meters away just now, and now it is a short distance away Five or six meters.

He was sitting on a low branch above Yi Guzhou's head. He was light and light, and seemed to have no weight. The purple and gold hem was blown lightly by the wind. Looks like it's going to blow people away at any moment.

The moment everyone raised their heads, they all took a breath, and a word quickly popped into someone's mind.

—“Who is this?”

The man sitting on the branch is wearing a purple robe, purple is a very unique color, it is not as dark as blue, nor as warm as red, but a kind of mixed in the middle color, but with a bit of its own unique feeling.

Only at the first sight of the man on the tree can one recognize that it is Hua Rongyue.

In fact, most people are blank.

Actually, Hua Rongyue hasn't done much change in facial features all the time, just the same nose, eyes and mouth from beginning to end, so how can she make so many people admit their mistakes What about people?

I am afraid this is a mystery to Hua Rongyue herself.

But her sudden appearance on it really shocked everyone. On the one hand, some people were stunned because they had never seen Hua Rongyue like this. On the other hand, some people were shocked. The reason why some people were stunned was that they didn't expect Hua Rongyue to dare to jump out at this time.

"Hua, Hua..." A girl stared at Hua Rongyue in stunned mouth, not knowing what to say. Besides, everyone was silently waiting for Hua Rongyue's next move.

"Can Hua Rongyue do it? There was a living example just now... Isn't he afraid that he will be skewered into meat skewers after being found out?" thought so.

Hua Rongyue, who appeared in front of everyone, was definitely not inferior to Yun Jinfei in terms of evil, no... Maybe it should be more evil.

There was a kind of surprise in that evil spirit.

That's why so many people are shocked, this is not what Hua Rongyue has always been in their minds, or they can't even imagine that Hua Rongyue can do it Come out like this.

For example, the dean who taught you every day suddenly turned into a speeding car. The party looks like the male protagonist of a romance novel.

This is a huge shock to those who have not known Hua Rongyue for a long time, or who are still young. They carefully identified it for a long time, and finally recognized it from the vague outline That should be the Hua Rongyue they are familiar with.

But if you really let them say that this person is familiar, I am afraid none of them can tell.

What is familiar? clothes? temperament? These things have been changed from beginning to end, and in this case, even the familiar eyebrows make them reluctant to recognize.

Hua Rongyue usually looks like she can stack up a bunch of eyebrows and eyes similar to "elegant, gentle, calm, indifferent". At this time, with his high-spirited temperament, all of them are It has become a stunning beauty that is almost never found in the past.

It seems that at this time, many fans of Yun Jinfei realized that Hua Rongyue was not an old uncle.

He seems to be the same age as them, and looks pretty good too.

Of course, there are many people who have seen Hua Rongyue, so they are very familiar with Hua Rongyue's appearance. They watched Hua Rongyue and Yi Guzhou face to face for a long time, and they seemed to be confirming something to each other.

Hua Rongyue slowly raised her hand, holding a blade in her fingertips. She took a look at Yi Guzhou, seemed a little careless, and then loosened her fingertips, The blade fell to the ground.

Yi Guzhou didn't care about his own flying knife, everyone only heard the sound of "ding ling" as the blade fell to the ground, and everyone didn't even dare to breathe.

The knife was the one that pierced Yun Jin's flying hand just now, but Hua Rongyue took it down with ease.

After a long time, I heard Yi Guzhou speak.

He said straight to the point: "You are Yi Linglong."

After saying this, let alone the killer on the Tianyi Building side, even the six doors were quiet.

…Huh? !

Wait, how did the plot come to this suddenly?

Everyone in the six doors turned to look at Hua Rongyue almost unanimously after hearing his words.

Have you hinted that you are Yi Linglong?

At that moment, the blankness and admiration in everyone's eyes almost drowned Hua Rongyue.

I go! How was this recognized? Wait, that doesn't seem right... how did this trick him into recognizing it?

If Yun Jinfei, who was already dizzy beside him, was still conscious, he might cry and faint in the toilet.

What is the gap? The people in Six Doors only saw what the gap is today. The gap is too obvious, and they really admire Hua Rongyue. From their point of view, the Yi Linglong in front of them is enough to be real.

It's really that kind of temperament feeling, when the aura of a strong person comes out, people can't help but want to tremble, and they can't tell where Hua Rongyue looks like, anyway, it's that kind of thing Unique feeling, just like him.

The admiration of everyone in the six doors seemed to outsiders to look like the members of the organization had finally found the boss, which also made Yi Guzhou confirm his guess.

He looked at Hua Rongyue and said coldly, "I thought it was the eagle dog of the imperial court that was interested in me. I didn't expect it to be you."

"I wonder what you want to do here today?"

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