You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

: Summary and preview of this volume (must see)

Why does the [Loyal Minister Volume] end before Le Yu dies to replace the next object?

Short answer: Because at this point in time two branches will be extended.

A branch leads to the [Loyal IF Line], which is a happy ending for a happy reunion.

A branch leads to the [Next Volume], which is the true ending.

Here's why the two branches were written and a summary of this volume:

-----I am the dividing line between listening to the sun and being sick-----

Perhaps many readers have already seen that the book "Dead and Alive" is actually a work of Tingri's disease.

After all, apart from being sick, it's hard for you to explain why an author would write an online article with such an unreasonable core setting. There are thousands of ways to make money online, but if I had to choose this one, it must be because I was sick.

Readers who can see here, thank you very much for your support for this sick book. I think the terms readers and authors can no longer describe our relationship. I would like to call you "patient friends"!

Although it is said to be a diseased work, in order for patients to have a good reading experience (pay for subscription), in fact, Tingri has been suppressing her own disease, trying her best to write online articles that fit the market. The plot is full of sugar, no ice, more milk and less milk. Tea, sago and coconut fruit are added to death.

Yes, the ghostly appearance of "Death and Alive" is already the result of Tingri ∠ (°ゝ°) suppressing the disease. You have never seen the heyday of Tingri's disease.

However, from "Double-faced Man" to "Assassin", from "Assassin" to "Loyal Minister", Tingri felt more and more that his condition could no longer be suppressed, and it was about to explode.

It's interesting to say that the "initial plan" that Le Yu said in the last chapter of this volume is actually the initial outline of "Loyal Men". I originally wanted to write a plot where Le Yu was given death by the queen, but for some reason, it became, um, a romantic comedy?

Although I feel that this volume is neither romantic nor comedy.

All in all, ∠(°ゝ°) Tingri realized that he was going to get sick, and stopped his hand in time.

From the first volume to the third volume, the more I wrote, the more I felt that the plot that I had conceived before the book was really sick, really crazy, and completely inconsistent with the current market rules.

I think I'd be a fool if I wrote this kind of sick plot.

So is there any possibility to change the incident plot to a normal plot?

Honestly, there is.

But here comes the question - this book is meant to make me sick, if you don't make me sick, why should I write it?

However, everyone is an enthusiastic patient who has cared for me to this day, and I can't bear to let everyone taste the **** of words that I have produced with all my strength without any psychological preparation.

So, I choose to write two lines.

The first line is [Loyal Minister IF]. In this line, Le Yu has lived a life like a fairy tale, and happiness is the ending.

"Ordinary Listening Japanese Patients" can delete this book after reading [Zhongchen IF]. For you, this book is over, it is over, thank you very much for your support all the way, please look forward to listening Japan's next non-ill new work!

And the second line is the [Next Volume], which is the true ending.

Tingri's illness, which was suppressed in three consecutive volumes, will erupt with all his strength in the fourth volume. Really, when I typed some plots, I wondered if I was insane, why would I like to write such plots?

Of course, those conventional poisonous spots won't appear. Tingri is just getting sick, not trying to disgust people. You can still trust Tingri's character at this point.

So the plot that Tingri wants to write is the kind that doesn't disgust you, but makes you feel uncomfortable...

The theme of the fourth volume has already been raised in the third volume:

"Curses are not meant to kill people, but to make life worse than death."

I've already said this, so if you consider yourself a "senior Japanese patient", you can try the new volume. If something doesn't feel right, delete this book immediately, and don't let my sick author sully the good listening day in your mind.

I said this in advance. If you are unhappy, unhappy, and want to kill someone, don’t blame Tingri. Tingri already knew that she was going to get sick, and warned all patients as early as possible.

Self-knowledge is one of my few strengths - so you know why I don't like having book clubs?

Next is the summary of this volume. In fact, there is nothing to say. In fact, this volume was written too fast. All the dark lines converged in Yanjing. Not to mention what it is.

Moreover, Le Yu's strength is also expanding too fast. At the end of this volume, he has actually cleared the book, which is why he wrote the "Loyal Minister IF" line - at this point, it can indeed be completed. .

If it is written according to the upgrade flow, Leyu should change the map twice in the outer area, and then go to Yanjing to end everything. But the results of this book were average, and I didn't want to write too long, so I fast-forwarded directly to The original setting of Jue Shenbing was not what it was written now. I secretly read this chapter and said, I thought 'there is still such an operation', and then I copied the ideas of the patients. Thank you for your support. You can guess the prototype of the fourth absolute weapon, which is related to escape and is one of the most famous props of Dota.

By the way, because I don't look at the comment area or the background, when I didn't know, there were suddenly a few more alliance leaders, I really hope there will be more... No, I am very grateful to all the alliance leaders and all the players. Appreciate the enthusiasm of the patients of the day.

In order to make the rewards worth the money for the leaders of the alliance, Tingri named and praised them here: Taipa, the village head of the new village, the book review manager, the house is full when the flowers are full, the doomsday pie is made with a microwave oven, the stars are still on the armor, the Buddhist system Chen Erha, Struggling for a decisive victory in a well-off society in an all-round way, 喰feng, jkzz, Mao Momo, Lihua Kanbegonia. Thank you, it is you who made Tingri affordable to eat beef brisket Laoyi noodles with fried sauce.

Thank you to all the book friends who contributed to the Easter Egg Chapter, because I don’t like to watch the backstage, I am very sorry for not being able to flip the cards in time.

Finally, if Tingri finished writing the [Loyal Minister IF] line, and suddenly felt melancholy in her heart, and it was the Spring Equinox, then Tingri might just finish the book, no longer tossing Leyu, and let Leyu have a good year.

But it's also possible, because all the elements are already in place, Tingri still couldn't help but get sick, and accidentally created the **** of the fourth volume, please take care of Tingri's sickness.

I'll warn you again—hey, **** ahead.

And the title of the next volume (if there is one) was thought of before the book was opened.

Volume Four, God of War.

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