Yun Chujiu had almost made up the story in one night, so he started to tell it without the urging of those hateful eagles.

"Ahem, before telling the story, I have to declare that this story is purely fictitious, and any similarities are purely coincidental."

Those who hate Tiandiao's disdain yelled twice, do you still have to say it? ! Of course it is fictitious. They hate Tiandiao and they are not idle. They go to raise some Yuanxiu to play.

Yun Chujiu continued: "Speaking of which, the one who hates the sky carving a handful of insects and a handful of leaves fed the boy Yuanxiu to the age of eighteen. Not only did he help him feed him fat and fat, but he also figured out a way to start him from a young age. Cultivation, cultivation base far surpasses those of the same age."

The Hate Eagles feel that what Yun Chujiu said is very in line with their aesthetics, such as white and fat.

In their view, whether it is a monster or a monster, the meaty ones are good-looking, and they are so ugly that they are thinner!

So, one by one, they stretched their necks and continued to listen to Yun Chujiu's words.

"By the way, Heng Tian Diao gave that male Yuan Xiu a very special name. He thought he was raised by Heng Tian Diao, so his surname was Diao.

Because he wanted him to be the number one in Yuanxiu, he named him Diao Number One. "

People who hate the sky eagles have expressed that this name is good!

They also hate that the Tiandiao clan can come up with such a level and such a domineering name!

"Heng Tiandiao felt that since Diao's first cultivation base was successful, he couldn't stay by his side forever. It was time for him to become famous in Yuanxiu.

Thus, Diao first turned out.

In the entrance examination of Winter Academy, a magic spell was useless, and he achieved the first place in the entrance examination only by virtue of wisdom, which is a blockbuster. "

The hated eagles nodded one after another. It is true that they hate the humans raised by the eagles, so smart!

As the saying goes, you can show off what you lack. The Hate Eagles actually know that their brains are sometimes not bright, but they always want others to praise them for their wisdom.

Therefore, what Yun Chujiu talked about could be regarded as talking about their hearts.

Yun Chujiu continued to preach: "Many people are not convinced of Diao No.1's first place in the entrance examination, thinking that he is just a good head, but in fact, his cultivation level is not very good.

Diao Yi did not argue, instead of choosing the strongest command branch, he chose a somewhat obscure logistics branch.

In his opinion, the logistics branch is the branch with the most potential, because the logistics branch trains commanders.

Everyone sneered at this, thinking that Diao No.1 was simply whimsical and nonsense.

Unexpectedly, during the first monthly assessment, Diao Yi slapped them in the face severely.

Diao No.1 not only won the first place in the logistics branch, but also participated in the assessment of other branches, all of them were first! "

The Hate Eagles were very relieved when they heard it, and they flapped their wings to express their excitement.

Yun Chujiu didn't expect them to come out like this at all. Poor her small body was like a small leaf in the wind, and was directly lifted out.

Fortunately, one of the Hengtian Eagles grabbed her with his mouth, otherwise she would have to fall off the cliff.

The Hate Eagles suddenly became a little bit silly, and Xin said that Yuan Xiu is weak, and even the strength of their wings flapping can't help it.

Also, she didn't hate the gods, she definitely couldn't.

The Diao No.1 in the story must be much better than her!

They wanted Yun Chujiu to continue speaking, but they didn't expect the little silly eagle to come back at this time.

After seeing the dozens of Hentian Eagles, they flew away in a hurry.

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