During Potions class, the students stopped their movements one after another, their eyes focused between Harry and Snape.

"What are you doing, Potter?"

"I-I'm looking at the steps," Harry said falteringly.

"What is in your hand, give it to me!"

Harry showed obvious refusal, and the hand holding the parchment subconsciously hid behind him, but Snape came over and snatched it away. He started to read the text above.

Harry's teeth were scratching with rage, he had done nothing wrong, and he was not like Crabbe and Goyle who stirred the cauldron "bang" and violated classroom discipline, so why bother him?

Soon, Snape's expression turned suspicious as he moved between the parchment and Harry, looking at him with a look that made Harry uncomfortable, using Occlumency subconsciously.

A mocking smile was pulled from the corner of Snape's mouth.

Harry felt a surge of relief for no apparent reason. He actually started expecting Snape to find fault with him and ask him where he got this stuff so he could say 'I got some help from Professor Hepp and the Half-Blood Prince, and I honestly think they teach better . ’

He didn't care that Snape had published many papers on the new material, larval mucus, a new material, and newspapers commented that he was 'only one recommender' away from the Merlin Medal. All he knew was that he and Snape had each other. Hate, every time that hatred waned a little, Snape managed to push the disgust in Harry's heart to new heights with a word or two, or even a look or two.

But Snape ignored Harry.

He went around to the other side and reached out to take the textbook on the table, Ron and Neville let out a faint moan from their throats as if they were being strangled, but Harry shook his head at them and they were relieved immediately Come.

Hermione snorted softly from her nose.

Snape flipped through the textbook, but it was just normal material, except that he found two more pages of parchment inside. You don't have to look at Harry to know that there are simplified steps for the softener and booster, because it's stuffed in it himself.

Snape read it very carefully, and there was only the sound of the boiling "goo" of the crucible in the classroom, and soon white steam began to fill the whole room, but the students in the class seemed to have forgotten to take care of their homework, staring intently at it. side.

Snape put down the parchment, his hooked nose looming in the steam.

"I underestimated you, Potter." He said calmly: "Obviously, once again, you have acquired something that is not yours by virtue of your unexpected fame. Maybe I should look up the members of the 'Harry Potter Admirer's Club' The list, the names on it might surprise me."

"It's interesting, I'll watch it," Harry said through gritted teeth, and couldn't help thinking: Ask where the stuff on it came from, he couldn't wait...

"You should call me 'Sir,' or 'Professor,'" Snape said coldly, turning his back to the podium through the hazy haze. "Harry Potter, tampering with textbooks, operating in violation of regulations, contradicting the teacher, how many points should I deduct for you?"

Although he couldn't see the eyes, Harry could feel a malicious look falling on him.

The Gryffindor students glared at Snape.

"I thought normal professors would reward normalized whimsy!" A choked voice echoed through the mist.

"Who!" Snape yelled angrily, but the voice died. He waved his sleeves, the window suddenly opened, the pearly white mist in the classroom was drained in the blink of an eye, the students below stared at him, Harry noticed Seamus quietly taking his hand from his throat, he was sure There must be a wand hidden in that voluminous robe.

"No one admits it? Huh?" Snape said slowly, and the students were immediately taken aback. It was clear that Snape was quite satisfied with the atmosphere in the class. He took a note out of nowhere and spread it out. Slowly, he picked up the quill on the podium and filled it with ink:

"Let me see, Gryffindors take five for each—"

"Wait!" Harry yelled, feeling like he had to do something. Snape stopped cooperatively, his eyes showing the sophistication and cunning of hunters driving their prey, which let Harry know that all his struggles were in vain. At this time, Harry's mind flashed, and Professor Hepp took out this The memory of the teaching material jumped out. Harry shouted, "You can't deny this method unless you want to deny yourself—"

As soon as the words came out, both Harry and Snape were stunned.

Hermione was also stunned, she thought of something, inhaled softly, and looked at Snape in disbelief.

"Shut up, Potter," Snape said. "Sit down—and you guys, I'm going to see what you can turn in this class!" Walk around and point out the mistakes of the students one by one.

Harry sat down dazedly, staring at his cauldron.

"It's really yours, Harry!" said Ron aside. "We've got to hurry, we don't have much time left, eh? I thought it was too thin before, but it's just right now."

Harry didn't listen much in the afternoon class, and Sirius also asked him what was wrong, and he passed by with an upset stomach. In the evening, he, Ron and Hermione were doing their homework in the library. Ron was surprisingly efficient today, finishing his homework an hour earlier than Harry.

He even spared no effort to look at the fifth-grade potions textbook given by Professor Haipu.

"It's a pity, I can only read the words written by Professor Haipu, the other person's handwriting is too scribbled." Ron couldn't help muttering, his eyes were close to the page, staring at the black ink stain .

Hermione's attitude is very complicated. Her method is to help organize the notes, but she will never follow the above.

"Hermione, what Snape taught in class was wrong." Ron pointed to her with the steps in the textbook.

"That's a textbook error," Hermione said calmly.

"Um—what did you say?"

"If you listen to the class carefully, you will find that Snape will show the ingredients and preparation methods on the blackboard every time. You don't think the above things are exactly the same as the textbooks, right?"

Ron stared at her dumbfounded, and even Harry, who was a little depressed, stared at her.

Hermione sighed, "Harry, you can't just listen to half of what you're saying. Although Professor Hepp implied that Professor Snape was a half-blood prince, he also said that Snape taught the orthodox method—"

"Wait!" Ron roared. "The Half-Blood Prince? Who? You mean Snape? Him?" "You...you all know? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

He threw a barrage of questions in one breath, but neither Harry nor Hermione answered him. Harry was depressed and didn't want to answer, while Hermione was quickly packing up, stuffing the parchment, ink bottle, and textbooks into her bag, zipping it up, and standing up nimbly.

"Where are you going?" Ron shouted.

"Of course, hurry up and run away, remind me that Mrs. Pince will appear in about ten seconds." She slid away quickly.

Harry and Ron were stunned for a few seconds, then called out in unison and quickly packed their things. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the sullen face of the librarian, Mrs. Pince, appeared, full of anger.

"Shouting in the library! What's that? Doodling on books? Serious blasphemy! Despicable behavior—"

"This is my book!" cried Harry, snatching the Potions textbook from her, and running out of the library with all sorts of odds and ends, a flying feather duster behind him, he and Luo Endu suffered a few times.

"That's too bad, couldn't Hermione tell us in advance?" Ron rubbed the back of his head angrily. "It's all swollen."

When she returned to the lounge, Hermione was sitting elegantly reading a book.

Ron immediately became annoyed and scolded her so much that Hermione's eyebrows twitched. Although Harry had some complaints, he had other things to do, so he used earplugs to listen to the spell, interrupting Ron and asking, "Hermione, have you thought about Firenze and Luna's prophecy lately?"

"You're still struggling with this," Hermione said, seeming to have forgotten about it.

"Merlin's beard," Ron said excitedly, immediately forgetting his attitude, as if he wasn't the one who scolded Hermione earlier. "That's a prophecy pointing to the Deathly Hallows, and we can even take it as proof that the Deathly Hallows really exist!"

"Maybe," Hermione said lightly. "Remember what we discussed last time? The Elder Wand might be real, but the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak—"

"Harry's Invisibility Cloak might be one of them," Ron said, and those were the possibilities they had discussed.

"Well, I don't want to argue with you." Hermione said, "but the resurrection stone." She said firmly: "There can't be such a thing, at most, at most, some counterfeit goods that deceive the world, and the efficacy is greatly reduced. , it may even be an evil weapon, and it can only be used to control the army of corpses or something."

Harry and Ron stared at her. They were also used to hearing these truths, but unfortunately, they couldn't come up with any evidence to refute them, just like before. So for now, I can only listen to Hermione repeat it again.

"First of all, in the fairy tale of the three brothers, the resurrection stone can't bring people back to life, remember, the second child who got the resurrection stone finally committed suicide; secondly, all existing magic theories do not support resurrection from the dead. There are more similar substitutes, such as ghosts, magical portraits, memories in classroom 7, and even..." Hermione gestured, and Harry and Ron knew she wanted to say Horcrux.

"...It's just forcibly dragging a remnant of the soul to survive in the world."

"The time-turner barely counts?" Harry asked softly.

"But it absolutely cannot support the return of a definite dead person to the world - as a living person!" Hermione said firmly, "Remember Ms. Grey, as long as the dead person chooses to 'go on', no one can stop it. "

"And the last, I don't know if you have noticed, Luna's prophecy - let's think of it as a prophecy, it said that she passed by the resurrection stone, which means that she can't get the resurrection stone in the end, or use the resurrection stone to satisfy her. own wishes."

After a moment of silence, Harry said, "Hermione, maybe you're right, but that doesn't stop Luna's prophecy mentioning the Resurrection Stone - or something like that in the school. If so, it would now In whose hands?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore?" Ron guessed. "Or on Professor Hepp!"

"That's not necessarily true," said Harry. "It's possible the owner doesn't know it."

"What's the meaning?"

"The Elder Wand is supposed to look like a normal wand, right? If it's particularly conspicuous, it can be seen at a glance, and it won't become an unsolved mystery," said Harry. "The Resurrection Stone may be the same, just Like—like—" He racked his brains for an example.

"The Philosopher's Stone?" said Hermione.

"That's right!" Harry slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "I've seen the Philosopher's Stone, and I've touched it! Compared with its huge fame, its appearance is very ordinary. I mean, it's a piece of color with a little bit of color. Bright red stone, it's not even comparable to moonstone."

Of course Ron and Hermione knew what moonstone was. It was a very useful potion material and could also be used in accessories - with a little polishing, these stones would bloom into a moon-like blue or bright blue. White iridescence.

"Then there's no way to find it," said Ron disappointedly.

"Seriously," Hermione looked up from her book, "do you realize that there are less than four weeks left for the O.W.Ls exam? Even if you can make up the exam, I doubt that after a year of delay, you will still be able to graduate before graduation. Get enough N.E.W.Ts."

Harry and Ron immediately became like roosters, lost their temper, and started lazily doing their homework. After a while, Hermione dropped the book in her hand, stood up and left as a winner.

"It's back to you, I've finished reading it."

As the exams approached, everyone was working hard to revise. Although Harry yawned, he still struggled to read the words on the textbook. At this time, "Advanced Potions Making" left by Hermione seemed very attractive, and Harry always wanted to see the description of the compound decoction in it.

"How did you do it?" He rubbed his forehead sleepily.

"What?" asked Ron, who was reading the history of magic textbook with gusto, which seemed unbelievable to Harry. If Ron didn't doze off for five minutes every time he looked in, it meant he was behaving abnormally.

"You look like you're on a stimulant," Harry said again, yawning, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"What's the stimulant? Forget it, it doesn't matter. But I did drink something."

Ron looked left and right, sneaking out a small vial of potion from his pocket.

Harry stared blankly at the glass bottle, he recognized what was inside, after all he had just seen it in Potions class today—

"Energy tonic?"

"Shh! Sneaked out of class," said Ron, handing it to Harry from under the desk, and Harry suddenly understood why Ron had been so energetic all afternoon, and Ron said in a low voice, "We need it, It's just right for us."

Harry suddenly felt a little bit moved. The effect of this potion is to temporarily increase the vitality of the user and make people energetic.

"How's it going?" Harry whispered, feeling like he had to, since their grades were hovering between 'pass' and 'fail' a few weeks ago, and he just didn't have the guts to drink Ron— — or myself — a potion that I made with my own hands.

If only Hermione was here. Harry thought that she was absolutely trustworthy in this regard. In the second grade, she successfully brewed a compound decoction, and the effect could last for an hour. This is the content of the improvement class.

But on second thought, if Hermione knew, she would be more likely to immediately exercise prefect power and confiscate the vial in his hand.

"It works great!" said Ron, pointing to himself.

For the next ten minutes, Ron enthusiastically promoted his potion, while Harry hesitated - he seriously doubted that Ron's enthusiasm came from the side effects of the potion, but it was not unacceptable, he sipped a little took a sip.

"How does it taste?" Ron asked expectantly.

"Um...maybe not bad?" Harry replied uncertainly, not seeing any effect.

"One more sip," Ron urged.

Harry took another sip when someone tapped him on the shoulder, "I heard you had a fight with Snape, Harry?" Harry choked, the potion stuck in his throat, and he started violently The cough took a long time to heal.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," said Fred, spreading his hands. "What are you drinking? Scar water?"

Harry rolled his eyes at him angrily. George sat next to him and took the small glass bottle from Harry's hand and looked closely. The light blue liquid inside only covered the bottom of the bottle. George shook and sniffed again, "Vigor Potion?"

"Very knowledgeable." Ron pretended to praise.

"I hope you take it strictly according to the instructions." Fred suddenly said.

"Otherwise?" Harry asked worriedly, but Fred's and George's faces showed both fear and schadenfreude.

"It's nothing, but I might not be able to sleep," George said briefly.

"—Slightly excited." Fred said with a nostalgic look regardless of the pale faces of the two of them.

After they left, after a while, the last person in the lounge also left. Only Harry and Ron were left, but they didn't feel like they were going to sleep at all, "It can't go on like this, there is still class tomorrow." Harry made a quick decision and took Ron back to the dormitory.

But they lost sleep completely, tossing and turning in bed, and finally slipped back into the lounge.

"Unexpectedly, being energetic is torture," said Ron, staring straight at Harry for almost three seconds. He took out a textbook on the history of magic for a while and planned to fight at night, and for a while he wanted to practice magic with Harry, and now he proposed to go out for a walk.

"You can read with me," said Harry, who was reading the book "Advanced Potions Making" that Hermione had left, and the chapter titles on it alone were exciting enough: Living Hell Potion, Polyjuice Potion, Infatuation water, blessing agent, joy agent...

But he was mainly looking at the annotations of two people, and thinking that one of them might be from Snape when he was in school, he was tired for a while.

Ron's symptoms tended to worsen, and he began to become hysterical and inexplicably worried, "What if I can't fall asleep again?" He said with a look of horror: "Or can't sleep until the medicine wears off?"

"That's the effect of Living Hell Potion." Harry couldn't help showing off the knowledge he had just seen. "If you need it, you can make one yourself in the future, provided we can go to higher classes."

In the end, Ron made a very unreasonable request, which would never have come out of his mouth when he was normal.

"Knock me out." Ron said with a sad face.

"What?" Harry looked at him in surprise.

"I don't care! I'm going to bed, and there's class tomorrow," said Ron, and then he started to ramble, walking up and down the lounge, coming over to tease Harry from time to time, and finally Harry drew his wand and agreed with Rowan. Grace's request.

With a flash of red light, Ron fainted happily.

After Harry sent him back to the dormitory, he looked at Ron with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and was suddenly a little frightened. What if he became like this for a while?

Who will knock him out?

But when he saw Neville, Seamus, and Dean sleeping soundly, Harry was a little relieved, and if necessary, he could wake one of them to help stun him before he got into more trouble. Own.

Harry returned to the lounge with a small magic lamp in an uneasy mood, staring at the old textbook in a daze.

He glanced at the sky, the moon was still hanging high, and the end of the forbidden forest in the distance was a shade of gray-green. He estimated that there were still four or five hours before dawn, which meant that he had a lot of free time to do what he wanted to do. thing. Maybe it's a good idea to hang out? He suddenly thought of the idea that Ron had come up with before, and his stomach rummaged.

Wouldn't the side effects of the potion have already begun to take effect?

He murmured in a low voice: "God Guard." A stag jumped out, its silver body was crystal clear, and its fur was clearly visible. Harry gently stroked the stag's antlers and head, and it felt real.

The unease in his heart disappeared, and he continued to read the book "Advanced Potions Making".

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