A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 594 Influence and coping (ask everyone for a monthly ticket)

At breakfast the next day, Harry had red eyes and poked his omelette with a fork.

"Harry, are you all right?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"It's alright," said Harry, his voice hoarse but in great spirits. "The medicine isn't over." He turned to Ron, and said vaguely, "Maybe need your help tonight."

Ron nodded knowingly.

Hermione on the side was surprised by the tacit understanding between the two, and pouted. But before she could say anything, Neville came over with the book "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms" with a thick stack of parchment on the book.

"I have sorted out the 100 most common plant potion materials." Neville said, "I refer to the O.W.Ls exam questions in previous years, and there should be no omissions."

Ron was stunned by the confidence in the words, and Harry quickly took out three pieces of parchment from his bag. "This is the latest simplified process of three potions. Give it, um-"

"Hannah and Susan," Neville grinned, "they can't wait to test. Hermione—"

"I'll check it out in the afternoon," Hermione said. "Or will I rate it strictly by O.W.Ls?"

"That's how it works, otherwise the grading scale that Susan got from her aunt would be wasted," Neville said. "And the antidote, there is no set plan for this part, and you have to deeply understand the principle..."

Hermione nodded slightly in agreement.

"I can only offer some ideas—"

"Actually, most poisons can be solved with bezoar." Harry interrupted after reading a night of idle books. Neville then saw Harry's red eyes, and he was so startled that he almost knocked over the soup bowl.

"Harry, your eyes—"

"Nothing," Harry muttered.

After Neville left, Harry, Ron and Hermione came over to see Neville's work. Each piece of parchment was painted with seven or eight kinds of plant materials, not only with names, but also with stick figures drawn with simple lines. Several arrows are derived from the potion material, and the end of the arrow is written with the name of the potion in which the material appears, and the role it plays in it.

The first material is 'white fresh'.

Harry stared at the pattern next to him for two seconds, roughly matching his memory. Then carefully read the series of arrows drawn out. The first one is raw food or smear, which can heal superficial wounds; the second one is the extraction of essence, the healing effect is more outstanding, and two common ratios are written in small letters next to it; The third article mentions that Bai Xian can be used to make uplifting potions, which are used to wake people who have fallen into a magical sleep - "We should have prepared some!" Ron shouted when he saw this, and Harry woke him this morning. It took a lot of work at the time - Articles 4 to 8 introduced the effect of Baixian mixed with other materials, such as mixing with silver powder to treat the bleeding caused by werewolf bites...

"Excellent," said Harry. "How about Sister Greengrass?"

Before class in the afternoon, Daphne and Astoria came to the base of the 'Frontline Lookout Station'. The place had completely changed. Rows of cauldrons were being propped up, and a few students were adding materials to it. Hermione was checking that a pair was finished. drug samples.


"Slightly pale, but negligible;"

"The smell is normal."

"Next is the Scarpin Revealing Charm," Hermione waved her wand, and various phantoms appeared above the small glass bottle, and then their shadows jumped, Hermione muttered words, although she didn't know what she was doing, those shadows is becoming increasingly clear. The people next to him came to look at it.

"It should be fine," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Just about to try, who's coming this time?" Seamus Finnigan said happily.

Everyone took a step back. They obviously didn't forget what happened to Anthony Goldstein--Hermione didn't show up at the time, and as a result, Anthony's eyebrows and fine hair "swelled" after taking the improved hair restorer.

"His nose hair was a foot long!"

Since then, Hermione has become an integral part, responsible for testing and identification. And she also knows the most, seemingly useless, unpopular spells that can turn an accident from 'very bad' to 'fairly bad'.

"I'm coming." Justin Finchley stood up despite the whispered objections of his friend Ernie McMillan.

Harry stared intently at Justin, his eyes redder and visibly tired, but with the Dream Potion he had taken from Madam Pomfrey earlier in his arms, "Son, you really should Come here sooner." She said sternly. "The O.W.Ls exam does force a lot of people—"

"This, this was just an accident, Madam Pomfrey," Harry said hastily. He was only allowed to leave after repeated assurances that the magical potion would not be abused again.

At this moment, he noticed that someone was pulling his clothes from behind, he turned his head, lowered his head again, and stared at Astoria.

Astoria waved to him, motioning him to come out.

"Did you bring something?"

"A bottle of dragon's blood, half a unicorn horn, twenty secondary unicorn tail hairs, African tree snake skin, fire gray snake eggs, soundless bird feathers, dragon liver, scarab, Wangchuan River water... Here it is." Daphne said, patting her pocket.

There was a scream from the side - it was Ron who wanted to reach for it, but was slapped by Daphne with her wand.

"Conditional." Daphne said with a stern face.

"What conditions?" Harry asked sensitively.

Daphne curled her lips in Hermione's direction reluctantly. "Only she can use these materials. Everyone agrees-"

"Wait, how many of you are there?" Ron asked.


"So much!" Harry exclaimed in surprise.

"Do you know how much these materials are worth?" Daphne asked proudly, then glanced at Harry's red eyes a little dodgingly, "Just a bottle of dragon blood is worth 12 Galleons, we won't put precious materials Wasted on indeterminate tests, so the orthodox method has to be used, we have to see the correct steps! Look at your red eyes!"

"It's not a side effect of testing the simplification process!" Harry couldn't help defending himself.

But Daphne shoved him a small packet of potion ingredients, "I don't care, I'm just a message. You can decide the exact time, but we have to wait." She left with her sister, Harry and Ron were stunned, "She What's the point of being proud? It's not asking for us—"

"It's nothing to do with us, to be precise," Harry reminded Ron, scratching his head, "I just didn't expect Mafalda to actually pull so many people."

Yes, there is also a shadow of Mafalda in this matter. It can even be said that she connected the students of the four colleges in series. Now that she has successfully retired, she is actively expanding other businesses...

"We have to keep track of the progress of the Rune Yearbook. Wasn't there news that Digory had signed up some time ago? He may be invited during the summer vacation and can be predicted in advance. His popularity is still very high!" Mafar Da said impassively, tossing his reddish-brown hair.

A few of the younger kids nodded their heads as if pecking at the rice.

Before she knew it, Mafalda already had the first team.

When the moment was about to end, she took out a brand new notebook, lowered her head and looked at her clothes repeatedly, "How is it, isn't it perfect?"

A compliment.

"Mafalda, who are you going to interview?"

"Yeah, that's been one of my goals," she said happily.

Mafalda asked the little wizards to disband, and walked in the courtyard, kicking and kicking, while flipping through the topics of the next issue of the "Mystery Wall" tabloid.

"Professor Bubbage sings late at night, and there seems to be a major breakthrough in research - Draco Malfoy is sitting in the library all day, trying to become a therapist? And Harry Potter may have pink eye -" She looked overjoyed , "The next Quidditch match is Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff, and there are changes in the Potions class. I'll participate in it myself. What should I write? Students from the four major colleges are in series against the Potions class professor? But my dean!"

"I think it can be changed a little." A voice said suddenly.

Mafalda was startled and looked up to find that she had walked into the courtyard. She had just experienced the strong wind in March and the rain in April. It was a rare good weather. She looked at Haipu sitting on the bench. Professor, behind him is a cluster of flowers.

She walked over aggressively.

"I wrote you twenty-seven letters, Professor Heppe! You got me back three times—hey, what's this?" A stack of parchment draws attention.

"Just student work," Felix said, spreading his hands and the parchment was gone.

He leaned back in his chair and said lazily, "Because you haven't changed a word of the letter behind you, I don't think there's any need to waste time, in fact, if you do this in third grade, I'll put you in jail. "

Mafalda pouted.

"Why should I choose your class?"

"Maybe it's because this class is too important," Felix said as a matter of course.

Mafalda was stunned for two seconds, "I was almost fooled by you, that's not a student's homework at all, I saw it! The title is 'So-and-so research report', and the person who wrote this information is named Winnie. Valentine."

Felix looked at her in surprise.

"I'm sensitive to names," Mafalda said triumphantly.

"Did anyone tell you, Miss Prewett, that you have a big part of your personality that's flamboyant?" Felix said, "I think you've been at a loss for this, not too long ago... if you Forget I can help me recall, keyword: hair—"

Mafalda screamed in anger, Felix scratched his ears slightly exaggeratedly, and leaned back.

Mafalda got even more angry, cursing Umbridge in a low voice like she was caught in a sore foot: "Damn old hag." She stroked her hair, God knows when she came out of the Confusion Curse Break away and find out how shattered I was when my hair was bald.

Felix admired silently for a while, then said, "We've gone a long way off--"

"Then start the interview now?" Mafalda immediately changed her face.

"Oh no, I was just trying to make an ad, but just happened to hear something like that... we can discuss it."

"What? Quidditch, or Potions?"

"The latter," Felix said. "Don't you think the fifth and seventh grades are too dull, stuck in the house all day, going back and forth in the classroom, the library and the lounge..."

"So what's the matter?" Mafalda said disapprovingly.

"You will be like this in the future." Felix reminded her: "I heard that some students have broken down and were admitted to the school hospital. Tsk tsk, those professors are really bad-hearted."

Mafalda squinted at him, hesitating to remind him of his position.

"I saw some students spontaneously reviewing Potions recently? That's good, you mustn't bow your head to the evil forces... But the scope can be expanded a little, Sirius - ahem, it's your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor, it's so tiring to let you brandish small wooden sticks all day, I heard that he is still laughing at you in class for not being excellent..."

"And Professor McGonagall, who keeps her face straight, don't you want to see her surprised expression?"

"Surprise..." Mafalda pondered, "Scare the professor? Is there anything you can do?"

"I don't, but I guess the memory in classroom seven knows." Felix, "That's the scoop."

"Classroom No. 7, yes! There are many professors' memories in there, they know a lot of things." Mafalda narrowed her eyes, thinking that she had been looking for an opportunity to interview Headmaster Dumbledore, but unfortunately she failed to do so. The only time I was near the principal's office was when I was impersonated.

She skipped these unpleasant memories and thought along the lines of her previous thoughts. She could inquire about the secrets of their learning from those memories and make a series of reports. Especially those about O.W.Ls exams and N.E.W.Ts exams are sure to attract huge attention.

If I can reveal some of the professor's secrets... Mafalda opened the corners of her mouth and laughed.

"You can do more." Felix said, "I have a proposal that will make you famous... Have you ever thought about it, some of the textbooks in the school are too old and out of date, but you have to let the professors Realize that."

"It is unrealistic to fight directly. After all, there is no basis for empty words, and you must come up with real evidence. You might as well change your way of thinking. Memory also has brilliant knowledge, and it can better guess the minds of professors. If you can pull the memory to the students. On the side, let them use the students to start an intellectual contest with the ontology..."

Mafalda's eyes lit up.

"By the way, Miss Prewett, I broke the news to you at a huge risk. If it gets out—" Felix said seriously, "I'll turn you into a frog."

Mafalda was stunned.

"Have you heard the story of the Frog Prince? I hope someone in reality can accept a frog with a good heart. Well, I'm very curious..."

Felix shoved two silver sikos into her hand, "This is the advertising fee, I got it from Professor Bubagi." Then he walked briskly away - leaving the task to others The feeling is so pleasant.

As a result, Dumbledore was not satisfied, "You can be more aboveboard, Felix."

Felix pursed his lips. He was a snake. It was his instinct to set bait and attract people.

"You can do more," said Dumbledore, seeing what he was thinking, "the four founders of Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rodriguez Ina Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, each with their own personality.

Their spirit has been passed down from generation to generation and continues in the school today. If you want to change it, be it first. "

Felix smacking his lips, why did these words sound familiar? He seemed to have said similar things to many students, the most recent one was today. Then it should be...

"—and you have that potential."

Geez, he guessed it.

Ask everyone for a monthly pass!

The last day at the end of this month is New Year's Eve. It is estimated that everyone will be very busy at that time and will not remember to vote. The starting point will also be closed at the end of this month, so there will be no activities. Please don't deposit your votes, just vote if you have votes!

Finally, I wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance! ! !

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