American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 653: i'm a genius

Strange has been an academic bully since he was a child, a battle bully among academic bullies.

Whether it is primary school, middle school or university, whether it is an ordinary class, a preparatory class, or an elite class, whether the classmates are white, black, or international students from various countries that are famous for their academic hegemony...

Strange has never lost to anyone in grades.

He has always been number one since he was a child, and he is number one in any exam.

He remembered that in high school he had a terrible nightmare that made him wake up screaming on the spot - the content of that nightmare was: he was second in the school.

It is for this reason that he has become a leading neurosurgeon in New York and even the world.

And his talent was not limited to medicine.

After he came to Kama Taj, Master Gu Yi personally told him that he was the most talented beginner in history, and his future was limitless.

Because Strange is very confident in himself, he believes that he can become a very good mage even by self-studying the occult classics.

However, Gao Fei's remarks just made him a little unhappy - why do you teach me after you teach yourself?

Do you think your self-learning ability and comprehension ability is higher than mine?

Are you questioning my talent?

The proud Strange was never willing to show weakness, and he was very dissatisfied with Goofy's words.

"You teach me after you teach yourself? Thank you for your kindness, Goofy, but I think it's too inefficient..."

Strange shook his head and said,

"I know that Master Gu Yi entrusted you to guide me before he died, but that doesn't mean you have to do it. After all, you are just a novice in mysticism, so it's better for me to teach myself if you guide me..."

"After all, your self-learning speed may not be faster than mine."

The last sentence of this remark is the point - you may not be able to teach yourself faster than me.

Strange had to make it clear that it was a matter of his dignity.

But Gao Fei just smiled.

"No, Strange, I must be teaching myself faster than you."

"What?" Strange's already long horse's face stretched even longer. If Goo Fei's words before may have been unintentional mistakes, then what Goo Fei said now is a blatant provocation.

"You must be teaching yourself faster than me? Who gave you the confidence? Are you questioning the IQ of the best neurosurgeons in the world?"

"Even if this is knowledge in the field of mysticism, Master Gu Yi once clearly stated that my attainments in mysticism are extraordinary, and I am the most qualified person she has ever met!"

"Gao Fei, I know you are an excellent person in all aspects, and I respect you very much, but I don't agree that you think that you are more efficient in self-study than me. Your statement makes me feel that you are very arrogant. , does not help our communication!"

However, at this time, Gao Fei pointed to the table and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Strange, my brain and intelligence have surpassed the scope of human beings, and my way of absorbing information is completely different from yours. There is no comparison between…”

"Actually, I went to the library of the New York Temple last night and found some introductory books on mysticism. The content of almost 1.3 million words was completely digested within three hours."

Of course, this was the case when Goofy didn't use the time pause.

"With 1.3 million words of mysticism, you... digested it in three hours?" Strange didn't believe it at all. "This is simply a fantasy."

However, Gao Fei pointed to the nine books on the table arranged in a 3X3 grid, and said, "For human beings, it is just the input of information. I can simultaneously master nine books and master them at the same time. All content..."

Having said that, Gao Fei waved his hand, the nine books on the table turned pages at the same time, and Gao Fei finished all the contents of the nine pages in one second.

"Actually, the fundamental factor limiting my current speed is my vision, not my brain. My brain can actually hold more books at the same time, maybe eighteen books are not a problem..."

"But the human eye can only cover the contents of nine books at the same time, and no amount of content can be clearly seen. That's why I have nine books at the same time."

This narration of Goofy simply subverts Strange's cognition of human beings. At the same time, nine books can be understood and all of them can be understood. How is this possible?

"You just read nine books at the same time, who can guarantee that you really have mastered the contents of these nine books?" Strange still stubbornly asked.

Gao Fei smiled and said, "That's a good proof."

"When you came to me last night, I didn't know anything about white magic. It's no exaggeration to say that I started later than you, and you can even be my senior brother..."

"But now, I think I'm qualified to be your master."

Having said this, Gao Fei waved his hand forward.

Strange only felt a gust of wind blowing across his face, and then the surrounding environment changed completely!

The room he was in was still Gao Fei's study, and he was clearly in the New York Temple! The light in the empty corridor was dim, and two mages in the distance nodded towards them.

"This is…"

"The space magic is turned on without using the ring, this is really..."

Strange was dumbfounded and speechless, and Goofy waved again.

The breeze was blowing, and Strange's eyes were full of flowers.

After his vision was restored, he found that in front of him was a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

This is the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and this is Strange's home.


Strange completely believed Goofy's words, and he knew that everything in front of him was the proof.

"This is incredible, Goofy..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Now you know that my self-learning ability is indeed better than yours?"

Strange didn't want to admit it, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Maybe... that's it."

Then he asked incredulously, "But how is this possible?"

"Because my brain has been completely mutated, it's no longer biological, so to speak, no creature will ever be able to evolve such a developed brain."

Gao Fei said calmly and then waved again.

The surrounding space changed, and the two disappeared from the Upper East Side, and when they stopped again, Strange immediately gasped.

In front of you is the library of Kama Taj, where Casillas killed the librarian Jasmine last night, and now there are bloodstains of Jasmine on the floor of the library, and several mages are cleaning the floor with difficulty. .

Seeing Goofy and Strange suddenly appear, several mages were startled.


"Strange, where have you been?"

"Who is this friend? He looks familiar..."

Strange took a deep breath, calmed down, and then asked cautiously: "I guess Casillas must not be here? So where is Mordo? I want to talk to him..."

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