American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 654: Casillas' conspiracy

Strange's judgment was good, and Casillas was indeed not in Kama Taj at this time.

Knowing that Strange was looking for Goofy, he was worried that Goofy would come back in a short time. At present, Casillas has not yet mastered the establishment of the dark dimension master Dormammu in the Book of Vishante. With the ability to contract, he knew that he was definitely not Goofy's opponent.

So Casillas had to hide until he could gain Dormammu's power.

And Mordo was in Kama Taj, where he was burying the body of the ancient one.

It was not until he saw the ice-cold body of the ancient master in the tea room last night that Mordo realized what Casillas had done. He recalled the conversation Casillas had with him last night. At the time, the traitor was clamoring to correct Old One's mistakes.

Modu did not expect that Casillas would really attack Gu, let alone that Casillas had the ability to kill the Supreme Mage. He originally thought that even if Gu Yi was seriously injured during the battle with Mephisto , the strength should also be above Casillas...

But now the fact is in front of us, Casillas did kill the ancient one.

Looking at the body of his teacher, Mordo had mixed feelings in his heart.

He was a little remorseful and a little sad.

But at the same time he was wondering - is Casillas doing the right thing? Did he really correct Master Gu Yi's mistake as he said?

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind him, interrupting his chaotic thoughts.


Mordo turned and saw Strange and Goofy.

"Oh, Strange, you're still alive... are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Strange nodded and said, "Last night, Master Gu Yi taught me three spells before dying, and I was lucky enough to get my life back from Casillas' hands... I used space magic. Went to Brooklyn and found Goofy asylum."

Moro quickly turned to Gao Fei, nodded his thanks and said, "Thank you, Gao Fei."

Goofy smiled lightly in response.

Strange's eyes drifted to a coffin not far away, which contained the pale and shriveled remains of the ancient master.

"You have placed the mage?" Strange whispered, "She looks very peaceful now..."

"But the way she left was not at all peaceful." Mordo frowned. "The way Casillas murdered the mage was very cruel."

Because in the process of burying Gu Yi, Modu has helped Gu Yi put on new clothes, so now Strange can't see the huge wound on Gu Yi's body, which is what Casillas caused to her. Insult and hurt.

Thinking of this, Strange's heart ignited with anger.

"Where's the traitor?" he asked Mordo back, "is there any whereabouts of him now?"

"No..." Mordo spread his hands helplessly, "Apart from the Supreme Mage, Casillas is currently the Mage with the most advanced spells on earth. It's not that easy to find him..."

Having said that, Mo Du glanced in the direction of the library: "And that guy also stole the "Book of Emperor Weishan" that originally belonged to Master Gu Yi, this book will make his strength in a short period of time. It's advancing by leaps and bounds."

"Oh, no, you misunderstood." Strange explained quickly at this time, "Casillas didn't take all the "Book of Weishandi", last night the mage instructed me in a dying situation protected those writings..."

"Although Casillas snatched one of them, most of the Book of Vishante is in my hands."

"Is that so?" Mo Du was stunned, and then nodded slightly relieved, "That's great."

Then he asked, "By the way, which one did Casillas stole?"

"The second book." Strange said, "It's not the best one. It should be the best situation for us to take this book away, right? The role of this book in the three books is probably ...a link between the past and the next?"

However, Modu's expression changed instantly.

"The second book?! Casillas stole the second "Book of Weishandi"?"

"What?" Strange also became nervous, "Is there anything wrong with the second "Book of Weishan Emperor"?"

"The second "Book of Vishante" records the method of establishing a contract with Dormammu..." Mordo said in a deep voice, "I think I probably know what Casillas is going to do... He's going to be with Doma Mu establishes a contract, he will serve Dormammu!"

"And the Supreme Mage told us before that establishing a contract with Dormammu is a very dangerous thing. If the contract maker does not have a strong enough mind, then he will be bewitched by Dormammu as a puppet..."

"At that time, once Casillas follows Dormammu's way, he is likely to summon Dormammu from the dark dimension and help Domammy devour the earth!"

Hearing this, Strange broke out in cold sweat.

"So what do we do now? We have to stop Casillas, right?"

"How would he serve Dormammu? How would he summon Dormammu from the dark dimension?"

Mordo said: "In order to resist Dormammu's invasion of the earth, the Ancient One established three temples in London, New York and HK to limit the penetration of Dormammu, and she imposed special special , an irrevocable spell..."

"So as long as these three temples are safe, Dormammu cannot invade Earth..."

"But once these three temples are destroyed, the spell that the Supreme Mage left in them will also be invalid. In this case, Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, can invade the earth."

Strange listened to Mordo's narration quietly, and then quickly sorted out his thoughts.

"That is to say, we are now looking for the whereabouts of Casillas, while protecting the three temples, as long as the three temples are in good condition to catch Casillas, recover the second "Vivian" "Book of the Mountain Emperor", then Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, can't invade the earth?"

"That's right." Mordo nodded, "But it's not easy to find Casillas now. He is proficient in magic. Although his attainments are not as good as the Supreme Mage, he is more than enough to protect himself."

Strange is not worried about this looked back at Goofy and said: "But we have Goofy's help, as long as Ultron comes to help and recognize Casillas around the world The face, I think it should not be a difficult thing to find him."

However, in the face of Strange's request, Goofy pouted.

"Actually...I don't really want to help you find Casillas."

"What?" Strange didn't expect to be rejected by Goofy again, and asked in astonishment, "Why? Goofy, do you want Earth to be invaded by Dormammu?"

Goofy shrugged and said: "Strange, Mordo, think about it, the mages on Earth have been entangled with Dormammu for hundreds of years, and the Earth has always been under the threat of Dormammu's dark dimension. …”

"What if we stop Casillas this time? It's just a temporary stop to Dormammu's invasion. The dark dimension will still exist, and Dormammu is still a threat to Earth..."

"It's better to solve the root cause of the problem once and for all, instead of treating the symptoms and not the root cause - why don't we let Casillas lead Dormammu to Earth, and then kill him directly?"

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