American fame and fortune

Chapter 541 Hope is born

The sun had just turned to the west, and Ben Affleck came out of the door of the apartment and carefully helped Toni down the steps, even more caring than he did with Jennifer Garner, who was about to give birth.

He supported the person with his hands and said: "Slow down, slow down, don't be in a hurry."

Toni held Ben with one hand and touched her stomach with the other: "Maybe it's labor pain, my stomach hurts a little."

"Hold on, we'll be at the hospital in ten minutes at most." Daben helped the person into the back seat, got into the driver's seat, and drove towards the nearby maternity hospital.

While waiting at the traffic light, he called Casey Affleck and asked Casey to deliver the delivery bag to the hospital.

More than half an hour later, he was sent to the hospital. Daben completed all the procedures and breathed a little sigh of relief.

Cassie ran in from outside.

Daben took the maternity package from his hand and took it into the ward. He was quickly kicked out by the nurse.

Toni is giving birth.

Cassie sat on the bench by the door and asked, "What should we do next?"

Big Ben knew that he alone was not enough, and said: "I contacted Pete and Harvey. Harvey is in London having a verbal spat with Tolkien's copyright agency and will be back in a few days."

Thinking of how miserable she was, Cassie couldn't wait any longer: "It will take a while longer."

Ben's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Harvey calling, he walked to the end of the deserted corridor and answered the phone: "Harvey, I sent the woman who was pregnant with Martin's child to the hospital. She may be pregnant today." Production."

In London, Harvey Weinstein, who had just returned to the hotel after a round of quarrels with Tolkien's copyright agency, finally heard some good news: "Ben, you have done a good job. You must make sure that the child is born. Make sure that the child is born." The child was discharged safely."

Big Ben promised: "Harvey, don't worry, I will always stay in the hospital."

Harvey thought about the already released "Inglourious Basterds" and became famous.

This movie, one of his rare large-scale investments in recent years, did not receive the blessing of a heavyweight award at the Cannes Film Festival, and it did not have the commercial effect of an A-list star. After its release in North America, the box office performance was average, with a box office of just over 20 million US dollars in the first week.

In the end, we have to follow the old path, recover costs through offline markets such as DVD and TV copyrights, and then rely on time to generate profits.

Harvey didn't have to go this route. "Inglourious Basterds" increased investment and even set a record for Weinstein Films' investment in a single film. He also took the initiative to invite an A-list star with market appeal like Martin to be the leading actor. Wasn't it just that he wanted to To make a difference in theaters.

Doesn't he want to make his money back just through the box office?

Harvey felt heartbroken. The unplanned setbacks caused by this project cost him tens of millions of dollars.

Ultimately, this is all Martin Davis' fault.

Harvey's calculations were very clear. Maybe Martin messed with Pitt, which caused the first setback to the project. Then Martin refused his invitation, which caused the second setback. Then at the Cannes Film Festival, he snatched away the best actor, which caused the project to have a setback. The film has lost a major attraction for moviegoers.

Needless to say, poaching Wes Craven caused his Dimension Pictures to lose its biggest support in the horror genre.

Harvey quickly made a decision and said into the phone: "Ben, wait until the woman and child are discharged from the hospital, find a suitable opportunity, in a public place, the more media the better, let them meet Martin Davis, live Acknowledge yourself."

"What a great idea!" Big Ben laughed loudly: "There will definitely be a good show by then. Whether Martin admits it or not, it will discredit him!"

Harvey thought more: "No, an illegitimate child will only affect reputation, and will not cause a fatal blow to Martin. Based on my understanding of that bastard Martin, and the example of Nicholson, the leader of the trio, Martin will not recognize this child. of."

He asked: "Does that woman have videos and recordings of the relationship?"

Daben was full of regrets: "I tried it several times, but she was just enjoying herself and didn't think about it at all."

Harvey shook his head: "What a pity." He just felt a little regretful and said: "Martin will definitely refuse this kind of thing. Don't you have a good relationship with that woman? Do you understand?"

This is what Ben thought: "I know what to do."

Harvey quickly hung up the phone.

Just as I was about to go down for dinner, my wife Georgina Chapman made a video call.

The video was connected, and my wife, who was taking off her makeup, appeared on the screen.

Harvey waved: "Hi, honey, are you still in New York?"

Georgina tied up her long hair and said, "I'm going back to Los Angeles today. Some of my friends in the fashion circle want to go there with me. I'm going to hold another fashion party."

Harvey understood: "You sign the bill directly for how much it costs, and I will go to Los Angeles to settle the bill later."

Georgina was particularly happy: "Thank you, my dear, you are the best husband in the world."

Spending her husband's money to have an affair with another man is really exciting.

Georgina can't wait to get back to Los Angeles.

Harvey said: "Okay, let's stop here. I will go back to Los Angeles in a few days."

The video call was hung up and someone came over.

The assistant held the phone and said: "Boss, Warner Bros. just called and wanted to discuss the copyright issues of The Hobbit. They have made a condition and want us to give up the copyright for US$5 million."

"Five million dollars? People at Warner Bros. are dreaming!" Harvey is very aware of the market value of this series, and if it is put into operation, there will be billions of dollars in revenue.

He put on his usual tough attitude: "Go call Warner back and tell them that there is no negotiation for copyright!"

The assistant hurriedly returned the call.

Harvey was upset again. The brothers had been busy for thirty years, and the scale of their film companies was not even that of the half-dead DreamWorks, let alone the Big Six. In terms of revenue, it was not even as big as the subsidiaries of the Big Six.

Fortunately, he always finds a way to win Oscars and has the huge influence he has today.

Harvey sat on the couch and thought about more things, especially Martin.

Engaging in Martin is not only about venting bad temper, but also about actual benefits.

Harvey remembered clearly that Davis Film and Television Studio, a subsidiary of Martin, bought the adaptation rights of several literary works, and some of them have already entered the adaptation stage. Judging from Martin's vision in recent years, the potential value of these adaptations is extremely high. .

If we can get rid of Martin and win these projects...

Even in Harvey's state of mind, a chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on his fat face.


Under the night sky in Los Angeles, many people were busy. Jody got a series of hard copy copies and checked the information of relevant people. After calling one of them, he took a red-eye flight overnight to the city where the other person was.

As a senior entertainment reporter who has continuously reported on Brad Pitt’s nanny scandal and Ben Affleck’s teaching scandal, Jodi knows exactly how to operate this matter.

There are probably few more experienced reporters in the country than she is.

Jodi knew very well that she would be in great trouble if she couldn't get rid of Harvey Weinstein.

A car rushed into the hospital in Burbank. Brad Pitt, wearing a beanie hat, got out of the car and hurriedly ran towards the ward building. Before he could reach the door of the building, he saw Cassie smoking outside. - Affleck.

He walked over quickly and asked, "What's going on?"

Cassie said: "We are giving birth. Ben is guarding the door. Let me come here to wait for you."

Pete licked his dry lips and said, "Hope is finally going to be born!"

Cassie led the way: "This way."

The two of them went upstairs together, turned into a corridor, and saw Daben walking around anxiously, even more uneasy than when his wife gave birth to a child.

Pete, who has no children and has never been through this, said: "Hold on."

Ben nodded, looked around, saw no one else, and said: "I just contacted Harvey. Harvey will come to Los Angeles soon. He asked us to push ahead first and find where Martin showed up. Public places, especially places where many media reporters gather..."

After hearing this, Pitt said: "I still have some connections in the industry. You should also pay attention to the relevant media. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" starring Martin Davis will be released soon..."

When talking about this movie, Pete felt inexplicably uncomfortable and felt so congested that he could hardly breathe. He was the first to be chosen as the leading actor in this movie.

He paused for a moment and continued: "He will definitely attend some promotional activities, and then we will get rid of him together!"

Daben also said what to do if you don't recognize the child.

Peter nodded: "Let him taste the things that happened to us." He inferred from himself that Martin, who was also a bastard, said: "If there is one such thing, there will be a second and a third. As long as the third When one comes out, the others behind will also come out.”

Big Ben has experienced it and agrees: "Yes, I never believe that Martin will not have a second one!"

Suddenly, the door next to it opened, and a nurse came out and said, "Who are Toni Fairman's family members?"

The three of them went over immediately.

The nurse said: "Boy, mother and son are safe!"

Peter crossed himself: "God bless!"


Davis Manor was unusually quiet at night.

In the living room of the villa, when Martin ended the video call with Elizabeth Olsen, Bruce walked over and said, "Jody left overnight."

"She has a lot of experience in this area and is our best choice," Martin said.

Bruce scratched his head: "It's just that he's too thin and doesn't have much meat on his body."

Martin was surprised: "How do you know so clearly?"

Bruce didn't want to continue this topic, so he handed an invitation letter to Martin and couldn't help but said: "It's so weird. We were planning to get Harvey Weinstein, but his wife joined forces with your many supermodel mistresses. ... "

Martin corrected: "Not really, just collecting stamps for each other."

Bruce didn't dwell on it and said, "Georgina Chapman invites you to a fashion party in Malibu."

Martin took the invitation and found that in addition to Georgina, there were also Angela Lindewald and Big KK in the signature column.

Not only Lao Bu, but he also thought, why are things developing so weirdly?

Therefore, he contacted Angela, Georgina and others, and it was up to him to handle the party decoration and venue.

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