American fame and fortune

Chapter 542 The only test

On the coastal road in Malibu, a very ordinary Volkswagen sedan parked on the side of the road. Bruce in the driver's seat finished answering the phone and drove towards the vacation villa area in the north.

He said while driving: "Jodi got the first victim on the list, Angela Oye. After this actor suffered misfortune, he did not get roles and opportunities. Instead, he returned to his hometown after being threatened. He once told many media After reporting this situation, she said that after Ben and Damon contacted the media, there was no news from them all.”

Martin was not surprised at all. According to the reports he had read in his previous life, the two men had done similar things more than once.

Bruce added: "She was on her way to another victim, Emma O'Connor, and had already spoken to someone on the phone. Emma O'Connor responded to a very interesting situation and said a victim that will definitely surprise you. By."

"Even Meryl Streep doesn't know anything about him." Martin said calmly: "Does Harvey dare to mess with Shirley Lansing or Kathleen Kennedy?"

The latter is the first female producer in Hollywood, and the former is a media person at Paramount Pictures. It is said that Tom Cruise seems to have an affair with her.

Bruce said: "Emma O'Connor was assaulted in the early part of the new century. Once she saw a woman running out of Harvey's room crying with a palm print on her face. That person was named Jennifer - Siebel Newsom.”

"I've heard of this name!" Martin was sure of this, and then remembered that Louise had mentioned this woman when she talked about the representative of the California Donkey Party.

His face became very exciting: "The wife of the current San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom!"

Bruce nodded: "That's her. Before she married Gavin Newsom, she worked as an actor in Hollywood."

Martin said slowly: "Gavin Newsom is an important figure in the California Donkey Party. Many people think that he will run for governor in the next few years."

This incident touched him greatly: "Beauty is also a kind of capital. Maybe you can turn your life around with good luck. Harvey forced and semi-forced so many women, but in the end, some of them jumped on the branch...Old Bu, fortunately we are very particular about you in everything we do. I am willing to do so, but many times I am still the object of coercion.”

Looking back, I see how correct the Three Nos were!

Bruce felt the same way: "It's really hard for the two of us to stand on the same horse!"

Martin has a feeling that tonight's level won't be easy, and he might be given unspoken rules by a group of people.

He has long heard that angel supermodels headed by AA, KK, and Angela Lindworth have formed a fashion supermodel group. The conditions for joining are quite stringent and not easy to achieve.

Bruce and Martin talked about Sibel again. They would definitely not go looking for her foolishly, but after it happened, it was best for her to see it as soon as possible.

The Volkswagen drove directly into a vacation home where Martin had hosted a role-playing party a few years ago and got Wes Craven.

Strictly speaking, it is also the starting point of all conflicts between him and Harvey.

Georgina wanted to hold a party. Although the co-signers were KK and Old Fox, Martin still said that he would hold the party.

The "Inception" shooting incident seemed to have nothing to do with him, but it still made Martin extremely vigilant and even aggravated his sequelae.

I had a good look around the inside and outside of Martin's villa, it was very well decorated.

The person in charge of the party company came over: "Mr. Davis..."

"Okay." Martin nodded and said to Bruce: "Pay."

Bruce pulled out a check and paid the upfront fee.

The person in charge left the place immediately and Bruce checked it carefully.

As the sun sank into the sea, a very ordinary business car drove into the villa yard. As the tall and tight iron gate closed, Candice, the South African honey who was driving, got out of the car first.

Big KK, Old Fox, and Sienna got off the car one after another.

Angela turned around and took the last person out of the car, Georgina Chapman, who wanted to join the fashion supermodel group.

The British model and fashion designer dresses up and looks great.

The four supermodels came forward to hug Martin one by one.

Georgina finally came over, hugged Martin, stretched out her arms and said: "Welcome to Georgina Chapman's special fashion party."

After speaking, she opened her handbag, took out a check, and placed it on the table.

Martin didn't know what she meant.

Georgina said: "You arranged the party, but I have to pay for it." She didn't give Martin a chance to refuse: "You must accept it."

This is money from Harvey. If Martin does not accept it, Georgina will lack a strange pleasure.

She is not stupid or stupid, and she is aware of many of the bad things her husband has done.

Georgina has no psychological burden about joining the fashion supermodel team.

The leader of the fashion supermodel group, Angela Lindewall, came to the long table where the food was placed, picked up the red wine in the ice bucket, poured six glasses of wine, and signaled everyone to pick up the wine.

She raised her glass and said: "Today is a special moment. Georgina Chapman will accept the test of the fashion supermodel group. If she passes the test, she can join the fashion supermodel group. If she fails, she will join the fashion supermodel group after half a year." You can apply again to take the test.”

Everyone raised their glasses and drank together.

Big KK said at this time: "Four members of the fashion supermodel group are here!" She suddenly took two steps forward and looked at Martin carefully: "The only test for joining the group is that they are in normal condition and comply with the procedures."

Candice moved a chair over, placed it behind Martin, and said, "Please sit down."

Martin stuck to his principles and sat in the chair.

Sienna opened the back compartment of the business car and lifted two large boxes, which were full of colorful clothes.

Georgina brought another glass of red wine to Martin and said, "These are the costumes I specially designed for the party. The five of us will go on the show together. You can enjoy it."

Martin nodded, sipping his wine and admiring the fashion show.

Georgina's designs are very individual, and all kinds of clothing are mainly made of lines and dots, highlighting people's natural beauty.

The five of them walked along the edge of the pool, and when they were changing into their last outfit, they all came to Martin.

Five against one, that one becomes a vulnerable group and an object of coercion.

As Lao Bu said, Martin is really too difficult.

But Georgina shouted excitedly.

Tonight, she withstood the test and met the only conditions for joining the fashion supermodel group. She became the same person as the members of the supermodel group who tested her.

Angela Lindewall announced: "Georgina Chapman has experienced her only test and now officially joins the fashion supermodel group. We are a sister organization and a mutual aid platform. We work together to help each other and work hard within our capabilities. future!"

The only applause sounded, which seemed a bit monotonous.

The applause came from Martin. When everyone looked over, he said shamelessly: "You set me as the only test and condition for joining the fashion supermodel team without my consent. This is bullying!"

Carolina came over to comfort Martin: "This is what we think about it. You have a very high vision, a strong fighting ability, and you are still an American national hero. Most people can't get in touch with you. If you don't have enough charm, you won't look at it. In the end, you can pass your test." People must be outstanding talents, and by recruiting them, we will strengthen the strength of the fashion supermodel team."

Candice continued: "Angela said, if it wasn't a coincidence and we attended AA's bachelor party together, it would not be so easy to join the supermodel group."

Martin is very encouraging: "Tangtang, you are very good. Looking at all African women, you are second only to Charlize Theron."

Angela Lindwall shouted: "Okay, let's not talk about this, tonight is still very long, let's celebrate Georgina's official joining."

Inside the vacation villa, things became chaotic.

Around 11 o'clock in the evening, Georgina's cell phone suddenly rang, and the number displayed was a call from the UK. She quickly raised her finger and made a silent gesture to everyone.

Angela and Big KK were still messing around, but Martin, a good man, stopped them and asked them to calm down a little.

Harvey asked: "Honey, aren't you going to have a party tonight? Not at home?"

Georgina didn't panic at all and said with a smile: "I rented a beachside villa in Malibu. The party was held here. The party was not big. I only invited friends from the fashion industry."

Over in London, Harvey stood on the hotel balcony and said, "Well, don't leave it too late, it's not good for your skin."

"We will have a rest soon, and we will go back when I have people clean up this place early tomorrow morning."

Harvey said a few more words and hung up the phone, feeling something wasn't right.

In the past year, although Georgina has not shown it, her vague sense of alienation has become more and more obvious.

Especially for Georgina's fashion design career, the number of times she asked him for help was significantly reduced, and she truly broke into the American fashion and modeling circles.

This also made Harvey a little uneasy.

After thinking for a while and having no idea, Harvey's thoughts turned to Martin Davis.

He turned on his phone and dialed Ben Affleck's number: "It's me! Ben, it's been a few days since the baby was born. How are your plans going? Is there any new progress?"

In Burbank, Big Ben walked towards the end of the long corridor with the ward building and said: "You can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning. Peter and I have been paying attention to Martin's progress. Martin will go to Leonardo Hospital in a few days. There will be a public event held by an environmental protection organization, and media reporters will gather there, so I plan to take Toni and the children there.”

Harvey said: "Very good. After you launch the campaign, I will call some media friends to stir up public opinion."

Daben said a few more words and hung up the phone.

When I came back, Pete happened to bring some late-night snacks.

Daben said: "Let's do it at Leonardo's charity activities."

"Okay." Peter still had doubts: "We have to prepare for the worst. What if Martin admits it on the spot?"

Ben had already considered it: "As long as I go with Toni, Martin will definitely deny it."

It was not difficult for Peter to figure out the key and said: "It makes sense!"

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