American fame and fortune

Chapter 592 Encourage Nolan

The differences in distribution have not yet extended to other projects. "Inception" directed by Nolan, starring Martin, and invested and produced by Warner Pictures and Legendary Pictures, will be released during the Independence Day holiday this summer.

The production cost of the film was as high as US$160 million, and Warner Bros. spared no effort in promoting and distributing it.

From media reporters to critics to theater managers, "Inception" received extremely high praise from them at three preview screenings.

While Martin was filming "Gone Girl," Warner Bros. had already launched a massive promotional campaign for "Inception."

Giant posters have been hung on landmark buildings on the streets of major cities across the United States such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. At first glance, these posters may give people the illusion that the dream scenes in the movie are happening in reality.

Nolan has also transformed into a marketing director, constantly releasing various "real tidbits" from the crew during filming to gain the attention of the media and fans.

He led a viral marketing campaign and launched a series of activities on the Internet through core ideas such as dream machines and conscious crimes, allowing the audience to have a preliminary understanding of the key settings of the film in advance, making it easier to watch the film.

After taking care of the task at hand, Martin also joined in the promotion of "Inception".

In the lounge of Entertainment Weekly, Martin is preparing for the next interview.

Bruce knocked on the door and came in and put away his mobile phone. Seeing that there was no one else here, he whispered: "I just received news that Warner Pictures intends to adapt a fairy tale and magic production, and is already recruiting screenwriters and directors."

Martin was not surprised by this. He had considered it when he chose "Jack the Giant Killer": "Because of the huge success of "Alice in Wonderland," many Hollywood production companies have focused on classic fairy tales from the past. "

"The box office of this film is almost over a billion dollars." Bruce read in the newspaper: "Hollywood is seriously following the trend, how can other companies hold back."

Martin said: "There are many benefits to adapting live-action movies from classic fairy tales. Most of them exceed the copyright period. You don't have to buy the copyright at a high price. The story is spread throughout the city, the audience is extremely wide, and peripheral works are easy to develop..."

Some people once said that Hong Kong films were seriously following the trend, but in fact Hollywood was even worse. A live-action fairy tale movie became a hit and many projects were immediately approved in the industry.

Bruce scratched his head: "Warner won't make a live-action fairy tale movie that will be a huge hit at the box office, right?"

Martin thought for a while and said: "It is possible for other companies, but it is more difficult for Warner."

Bruce asked: "This new group of managers?"

Martin shrugged and didn't say much.

In my memory, when it comes to Hollywood movies, from shortly after 2000 to 2010, Warner Brothers had the strongest performance.

In the ten years after 2010, Walt Disney not only caught up, but also overtook Warner Brothers.

Martin didn't quite understand why, but due to the failure of the personnel struggle, Allen Horn switched from Warner Pictures to Disney Pictures, which made him feel that it had something to do with it.

It may be caused by many reasons, and Alan Horn is also an important factor.

There was another knock on the lounge door. Bruce went over to open the door and stepped aside.

Nolan comes in from outside.

Martin stood up to greet him, shook hands with him, and asked casually: "I heard that filming of "The Dark Knight Rises" has begun?"

Nolan nodded: "It's a little ahead of schedule. We have to take Bale's schedule into consideration. He has signed an epic film contract with Warner Bros., and filming will start in late July."

Martin said: "I've heard of "Exodus" directed by Ridley Scott."

Due to schedule and other factors, Nolan was not interested in this project. He said, "Hollywood has filmed such a boring story countless times for fear that the whole world will not know about it."

"No way, that's what they do," Martin said.

Nolan still remembers what happened during "Inception" and said: "They dared to do it, but they didn't dare to admit it, and they didn't dare to let people say it."

Martin was equally helpless: "Warner Brothers also informed me not to mention the kidnapping in Morocco during promotions."

"It was originally a good publicity point!" Nolan was very unhappy when he mentioned this, and was also very dissatisfied with Warner Bros.: "They say freedom of speech, but when it comes to those people, there is no freedom of speech. Only if you don't stand You are my enemy here!"

Martin sighed: "This is the general trend in the industry."

Nolan also knew that he had said a bit too much, but except for Martin, who knew the inside story, he had nowhere to talk to. He could only say: "Thank you for helping me vent my anger about Harvey Weinstein."

Martin smiled: "Mainly for myself, I was scared by him. I was lucky last time and the one who got shot was a stuntman. Next time it might be me."

Although Harvey Weinstein denied it, Brad Pitt admitted that Harvey coerced him into hiring a set art assistant on the set to do the thing.

Pitt became a prosecution witness, and Harvey was indicted on one more criminal count.

The assistant came over to inform the two of them that the interview was about to begin.

Martin and Nolan entered the decorated room together and were interviewed by Grace, the chief reporter of Entertainment Weekly.

The two parties communicated in advance and basically talked about movie topics.

At the end of the interview, Grace suddenly asked a question: "Martin, I heard some people on the crew said that you can't understand director Nolan's script?"

Martin considers himself a scumbag, but it's nonsense if he can't understand the script. He clarified: "Of course I can understand the script, and Director Nolan can prove it."

Grace looked at Nolan. Although Nolan liked to make big news, Martin denied it, so he told the truth: "Among all the actors on the crew, Martin is the one who understands the script the fastest."

Martin broke the news at the right time and said: "The rumors must have gone astray. When I was on the set, there was a stage where I was so deeply involved in the play that I couldn't tell which was reality and which was dream. Or was it Director Nolan who helped me get there?" Come out."

Nolan is worthy of being a director who can be distracted on the set and write "real footage". Almost without any pause, he immediately followed Martin's words: "I told Martin, wherever I am, it is reality, and where I am not, it is reality." It’s just a dream.”

Martin laughed: "Director Nolan easily helped me solve the problem of being too deep into the film."

He put away his smile and said seriously: "Director Nolan is extremely smart and leads a talented team. All of this makes me excited!"

Nolan also started the business mutual bragging mode: "Martin is the kind of actor every director is looking for. He can always understand my intentions immediately and achieve better than I imagined. I hope to continue to work with him in the future." cooperate!"

The two complimented each other for a while, and they seemed to regret meeting each other late.

Grace had no choice but to stop and ended the interview.

Nolan and Martin came out of the magazine together and said as they walked: "After the filming of The Dark Knight Rises is completed, I will say goodbye to superhero movies completely and prepare to work hard on science fiction."

"Call me if you need anything," Martin said.

Nolan stopped, thought for a moment, and asked, "I heard that you have a lot of differences with Warner Brothers?"

Martin has no need to hide: "It's mainly due to distribution commission, and Warner Bros. currently has the highest ratio in the industry."

The studio jointly established by the Nolans and Jonathan Nolan also participated in the production investment of "Inception" and "The Dark Knight Rises".

Warner Bros. is actually hurting their interests by taking away more distribution fees.

Martin also told another fact: "Our old friend Alan Horn is now the president of Disney Pictures. Disney Pictures' distribution commission in North America is only 27%, and overseas and offline are almost the lowest in the industry."

"Alan has contacted me." Nolan was thinking seriously: "Let's get together and chat when we have time."

Martin said, "Okay."

The two came out of the magazine office, got into their own cars and left.

Bruce drove onto the main road and asked, "You want to encourage Nolan to leave Warner Bros.?"

"No." Martin firmly denied: "I am just worried for my friend. He may suffer a lot of undue losses in the future."

Bruce looked at the time and said, "I'll take you home. You don't have to wait for me for dinner. You have a date."

Martin asked curiously: "Kim and Khloe?"

Bruce looked miserable, as if he was going to the execution ground: "Jodi made an appointment with me to celebrate her winning the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism."

Martin said: "Go to the basement storage room at home and get whatever gifts you need."

Bruce is still a bit stubborn: "I don't bring anything."

"That's right." Martin, the bastard, said directly: "For Jody, Bruce is the best gift."

Bruce drove into the Davis Manor, didn't want to say a word to Martin, changed into an ordinary car, drove out of Beverly Hills, and came to the front of the TMZ headquarters building.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Jodi, who was wearing exquisite makeup, opened the passenger door and got into the car. He came over and kissed Bruce: "Boss, you are so cool today!"

Bruce asked, "Where are you going?"

Jodi's desire to have sex and celebrate was written on his face: "Of course you go to my house. Half of the Pulitzer Prize I won is yours. Of course we have to celebrate together."

"All the risks were taken by you." Bruce said, "The credit is all yours and has nothing to do with me."

Jodi said: "I understand that it has nothing to do with you externally, but in my heart, half of this award belongs to you, but all the honors are given to me, and I must give you a reward."

Bruce also had the final insistence: "There is no need for any reward. I will go to your house for a meal to celebrate your winning, and then I will leave."

A smile appeared on Jodi's lips: "Okay, let's go eat first."

Not long after, the two entered Jodi's house together. Jodi personally cooked a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the award with Bruce.

After dinner at Davis Manor, Martin waited for a long time, but Bruce didn't come back.

At about ten o'clock, I finally received a text message from Bruce.

"I'm not going back tonight."

Martin finally waited for the opportunity and immediately replied: "No loyalty!"

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