American fame and fortune

Chapter 593 Did you become a spy?

The world premiere of "Inception" at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.

Both sides of the red carpet in front of the theater were completely occupied by two groups.

Some of them were dressed in black and held up various posters or slogans supporting Nolan.

These are all the die-hard fans Nolan created with "The Dark Knight."

In the hearts of these people, he is like a god in a movie.

The other group wore red cultural shirts with the symbols of the Coke Cult all over their bodies and heads. They were followers of the Coke Cult.

When Martin walked onto the red carpet, everyone in black and red gave out enthusiastic cheers.

"Leader, I love you!"

"Forever Coke God of War!"

"Joker, eternal god!"

"You are an agent of chaos!"

Martin waved as he walked, causing more shouts. He came to the area where members of the Coke Cult gathered, took the pen given by a believer, and signed several people's names.

"Coke! Coke..."

People around are shouting.

Like magic, Martin took out a long can of Coke with his backhand, opened it, and drank with the believers.

"Eternal Coca-Cola God Cult, Eternal Coca-Cola God of War!"

Amid the shouts of fans, Martin raised his Coke again: "Here's to you, my lovely friends!"

On the other side, in the area where black clothes gathered, the shouts became louder: "Martin, this way, this way!"

Martin put down his Coke and walked across the red carpet to the opposite side to sign posters of the Joker and Cobb.

Someone wearing clown makeup asked: "Will you appear in the new Batman?"

Martin smiled: "Sorry, this involves commercial secrets, I can't answer."

The young man in a suit next to him asked: "Martin, can you establish a Chaos Cult?"

When the question was asked, Martin simply pretended not to hear it, signed autographs for the fans, smiled and waved before leaving.

Arriving at the media area in front of the Kodak Theater, he accepted a routine interview with reporters and played hard for the film.

"Inception" received excellent reviews from its test screenings and deserves to be praised.

Afterwards, Martin came to the area where the crew and creative staff gathered and waited for the director to come over.

Mene came over and whispered: "Boss, I gave the pendant you gave me to Celine Dion. Celine was very happy and happily sang for me alone."

Martin said: "Celine is happy not because of the gift, but because you are the one who gave the gift."

Menei smiled cheerfully: "Boss, the gift you chose is strange."

Ellen Page saw the two people muttering and asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Martin pointed at Mene: "I'm asking him for advice on how to pick up girls."

Ellen Page didn't believe it: "At that party in Paris, I saw you leaving with a woman easily."

She shook her head and sighed: "I struggled for half a night, but I still couldn't pick up anyone. I was entangled by several men and almost couldn't get away."

"You should have called me then," Mene said.

Ellen Page shrugged: "You are with that woman who looks a lot like Sophie Marceau. I'm sorry to disturb you."

At this time, earth-shattering shouts were heard on the red carpet, and Nolan walked onto the red carpet.

He has unparalleled appeal among the black-clad moviegoers.

To this day, these people are still on IMDB, fighting to the death with fans of "The Godfather" and "The Shawshank Redemption."

Nolan quickly came to the waiting area, joined Martin and other creative staff, and stood in front of the sponsor's backdrop for a group photo.

Soon, a group of people entered the theater.

Guests and cast members were the last to enter, and everyone, including Martin and Nolan, came to the theater lounge to wait.

Nolan was obviously under less pressure than when "The Dark Knight" premiered. He told Martin: "The response to this summer's blockbusters has been good. I hope we can continue this good luck."

"It shouldn't be a big problem," Martin said.

The first movie to be released this summer is "Iron Man 2". Although the reputation is not as good as the first movie, it is a box office hit.

Subsequent films such as "Toy Story 3", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "Despicable Me" and "Kung Fu Dreams" all achieved box office success.

"Inception" chose the Independence Day schedule, which is almost the best in the entire summer, and there is also a major production in the same period.

"The Last Airbender" is produced by Paramount Pictures and directed by Night Shyamalan.

This director from India is a great person. He not only made the classic "The Sixth Sense", but he also cheated the six major Hollywood companies fairly and fairly.

After chatting with Nolan for a while, Martin saw Daniel and Jon Berg, the president of Warner Pictures, who were accompanying Kevin Tsujihara.

The latter came over directly, shook hands with Martin, and said: "I have always admired you very much. You have worked hard all the way from the bottom to become the first-line Hollywood star you are today. The roles and works you have performed are both entertaining and artistic. They are quite rare."

Martin understands what he means, neither humble nor condescending: "If possible, I also hope to continue to cooperate with Warner Bros."

Kevin Tsujihara said: "You take the initiative to give in." He still hoped to keep this cash cow, and casually wrote a bad check: "Warner will give you a superstar and the Oscar for Best Actor."

Hearing that the other party did not mention the concession, Martin smiled and said: "Let me think about it carefully."

Kevin Tsujihara was naturally condescending: "If you miss the opportunity, you won't get it again."

Without waiting for Martin to say anything else, he strode towards Ridley Scott, and beside him was Lao Lei's agent Ali Emmanuel.

Daniel came over and patted Martin on the shoulder, then followed.

On the contrary, Jon Berg stayed and said to Martin: "The filming of "Pharaohs and Gods" based on Exodus will start soon. Are you interested in playing the role of the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses?"

Martin shook his head: "I can't adjust my schedule. The promotion of "Inception" is over and I will be filming "John Wick 2" soon."

Jon Berg left without saying anything more.

Martin sighed secretly in his heart, he couldn't just dig the hole by himself and jump down again.

Ridley Scott's eyes turned around at this time.

Martin reacted quickly and nodded in his direction.

Lao Lei also nodded in greeting and whispered a few words to Ali Emmanuel next to him.

Ali went to Martin and said: "Ridley asked me to ask you, when you rejected his invitation, did you think that "Robin Hood" would fail at the box office?"

This film was released in May, with a box office of US$36.06 million in North America in its first week. Compared with an investment of nearly US$200 million, it can only be said that both the box office and the reputation are extremely unsatisfactory.

Martin spread his hands and said: "I just don't have the right schedule. You know my schedule is very full."

Ali asked: "Don't you think Ridley Scott is going to die?"

"Of course not!" Martin said honestly: "I also wanted to invite him to direct a movie project, but it's a pity..."

Ali knew some inside information: "It's a pity that the project was snatched away by Warner?"

Martin said vaguely: "Exodus is written in the Bible, and Warner can't talk about grabbing it." He began to pave the way for the future: "Tonight is not appropriate. Please tell Director Ridley Scott for me. I'm a fan of Alien, Blade Runner, Stickman, Gladiator and Black Hawk Down, and I've always wanted to work with him."

Ali knew Martin somewhat well enough to know that he was not joking.

Martin added: "If possible, can you leave me with Ridley's schedule after he finishes filming "Pharaohs and Gods"?"

Ali said: "I will give Ridley honest feedback."

Two people arrived late and entered the VIP room at this time.

Martin said something to Ali, walked over and said, "You two bastards, you're late."

Nicholson said: "Leo answered a phone call halfway and stopped for a while. This bastard could not drive as fast as he could sprint 100 meters."

"Shut up!" Leonardo glanced at the people in the VIP room, called Martin and Nicholson out with his hook, and said in a low voice: "Do you know where that call came from? Russia!"

Martin was stunned: "You...actually became a spy! Leo, I'm going to report you."

Nicholson immediately followed: "Is there a reward for reporting spies?"

Leonardo put his hands on his hips, turned around in anger, and said: "Have you forgotten that I plan to hold a big gathering of Russian and Ukrainian models!"

Martin's attitude changed instantly and he accused Nicholson: "Hurry up and catch the spy. The bonus can be used as party expenses."

He asked Leonardo: "Are you sure?"

Leonardo raised his head, pointed his chin at Martin, and said, "Aren't you going to Paris for the European premiere in a few days? I chose that time period, which is full of young models."

Nicholson didn't bother to refute Martin and said: "You didn't tell me first on the way, you bastard, you still think I am the boss? Very good, this time I am only responsible for bringing the gun!"

Martin was very self-conscious: "The party was paid for by Leo's contacts and I paid for it."

Leonardo put his arm around Martin's shoulders: "This is what good brothers should be like."

Martin was curious: "Who did you invite this time?"

"Don't have too much hope." Leonardo took precautions: "They are basically some second-tier Russian and Ukrainian models and actors. There are only a few supermodels, you know them."

Most of the Russian supermodels have walked in Victoria's Secret shows, and Martin not only knows them, but also has a deep friendship with them.

Bruce came out of the lounge door and said to the three Martins: "Get ready to enter."

The three bastards ended their chat and returned to the lounge.

Guests attending the premiere were the first to arrive.

Nolan and Emma Thomas then entered the theater with a group of creative staff, including Martin.

After the usual question-and-answer session from the media and fans, the crew took their seats in the front row.

Martin sat next to Nolan, who had Emma Thomas on his other side, then Mene and Tom Hardy.

The latter looked at Martin frequently.

With Brad Pitt's confession, Harvey Weinstein has lost control of a new criminal charge, and the so-called truth about the shooting on the set has emerged.

Most of Tom Hardy's grievances fell on Martin, and he felt that he had taken the blame for Martin for no reason.

But he knew that there was a huge difference in status between the two of them, so he could only endure any resentment.

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