Aztec Eternals

Chapter 340 Camp Roar and Chaos Battle

A huge fireball pierced the night sky, dragged a meteor-like trajectory, and fell on the dog's cottage, emitting billowing smoke. Countless rockets struck from the mountains, like a rapid shower, igniting the dry grass nests, gathering flames in the camp. A thunderous roar resounded in the silent night, like the wrath of a god, unleashing an irresistible disaster.

"Ah! The spell of the gods!"

Amoxi raised his head in shock, seeing the flames in front of his eyes, and the terrifying thunder in his ears. He smelled burning charcoal, as well as the blood that quickly diffused. Thousands of dog-born warriors shouted and charged in the battalion, fighting indiscriminately, falling into chaotic madness!

"Fire and thunder, blood and death... are the great chief's magic!"

Miwa looked in awe, looking at the place where the fireball rose. He stretched out his hand and shook the sun amulet hidden in his clothes.

"Praise be to Lord God! I pray for your forgiveness"

After a brief pause, Miwa looked at Amosi again. This time, his eyes were full of killing intent, without any hesitation.


"Alan, my daughter!"

When the sky fire fell, Amoxi suppressed the tremor in his heart. He took a deep look at the completely chaotic camp, then suddenly let out a low growl, and threw the stone spear in his hand at Miwa. Then, Chief Red Crow turned around quickly, and fled to the forest behind without looking back.

"let's go!"

Several elite red crows also followed the chief, turned and fled like foxes.

Miwa leaped to avoid the attacking spear. Then, he raised his hunting bow and shot a sharp arrow at Amoxi's back!


The night was deep and shadowy. Amosi leaned down like a turkey and ran in a zigzag, dodging the bone arrows.


Miwa shot twice, but both missed. He looked at Amoxi who was running away at a high speed, and roared angrily unwillingly.

"Amosi, you red crow like a fox!"

"Head, do we want to hunt him down in the forest?"

The red frog fighters nearby gathered together, waiting for the leader's order. Miwa looked ferocious, looked at the backs of the few who were about to disappear into the forest, and resolutely gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"No! Let's attack the big tribe's camp and spread the chaos for Chief Coca!"

The red frog fighters looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately became determined to die. Dozens of people were silent, and went to the nearest red monkey camp first.

The chaos in the rear battalion continued and became more brutal. The living run in chaos, and corpses burn in flames. The brutal camp screamed for only a moment, and the entire camp was completely out of control. Different tribes collided with each other, mingled together, killed together, and died together!

At this moment, all other tribes are enemies! A dozen or so howling tribesmen rushed forward frantically, brandishing their weapons.

Alan raised his hunting bow and shot three arrows without hesitation, knocking down the three nearest warriors. The other Red Crow warriors also mercilessly swung their batons and thrust out their stone spears, killing these approaching "enemies". More than a hundred elite Red Crows gathered into a team like this, and stood guard in the corner of the camp.

"Alan, more and more tribes are coming, and the camp is getting more and more chaotic! We can't wait here anymore!"

Mozi, the chief's personal guard, shouted anxiously. All the soldiers were woken up in advance by Alan, and they were able to gather in advance. The quarter of an hour of waking up early, at this time, is the difference between life and death. Alan is the chief's daughter and an excellent red-haired hunter. After accepting their kindness, everyone defaulted to Alan as the leader and temporarily accepted her command.

"Uncle Mo Qi, Dad hasn't come back yet!"

Alan gritted his teeth, stood on tiptoe, and looked towards the direction of the forest. The continuous flames illuminated the nearby camp red, but the distant mountains and forests could not be seen clearly. There is only deep darkness there, and from time to time there are beast-like roars, as if they want to swallow life.

"The camp is screaming, we can't wait any longer!"

The red-haired hunters gathered around and looked at Alan seriously. They temporarily obeyed Alan's command, but they would not always obey. Seeing this scene, Mo Qi approached in two steps and said affirmatively.

"The chief is far away and can't come back! The elite of the tribe are here, hurry up and take the soldiers away!"


"Alan, don't forget the words of the old chief. The continuation of the tribe is everything, and no one cannot be sacrificed. Hurry up and take the warriors away! If the chief really can't come back, there will be a new chief to lead everyone. I hope, that People can be you!"

"Uncle Mozzie."

Alan bit his lip hard, the pain made him more awake. She looked towards the camp, and what she saw was a hell-like scene. The flames were blazing, the tribesmen howled and fought, and the corpses fell everywhere. The Girl Hunter finally made up her mind.

"Go! Go north, go back to the old camp! Whoever blocks our retreat, kill him!"


The Red Crow warriors howled in unison, and then, led by Alan, headed towards the mountain road in the north.

Hundreds of meters away, at the Red Monkey Camp, a fight had just stopped.

"Zukata, continue to form a spear formation and guard the camp gate! Whoever rushes in will be killed! The red-haired elite, command the warrior team. Take out the prepared soil and extinguish the flames in the camp!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Zukata murmured.

The red monkey camp has complete fences and camp gates. Although part of it was burned away, it remains largely intact. At this moment, Zukata stood at the gate of the camp with his spear in both hands. Beside him is a small spear formation of forty or fifty people, and in front of him are dozens of fallen dog-born corpses. The young militiaman Chippawa also held a spear in both hands, mixed with several old Tarasco brothers, but there was not even blood on the tip of the spear.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Four thunderclaps exploded again, and terrified prayers rang out in the camp. The volley of rockets ignited the grass and illuminated hundreds of terrified faces.

The center where the tribal fighters gather is the firepit of the camp. Panting, Ozoma stood in the light of the fire, loudly comforting him, and counting the soldiers under his command. His cloth-faced bronze armor was already full of bright red, just like the blood-dripping club in his hand.

The Mexica attack was sudden, massive and shocking. There was a moment of chaos in the camp, some people took the lead in howling, and many people ran around indiscriminately.

Chief Red Monkey personally led his guards to suppress it. Without identifying his identity, he killed dozens of people in the camp before he barely stabilized the situation. Then, there were scattered tribesmen rushing in, and unidentified enemies attacked the camp. The sudden chaotic battle lasted for a moment, and dozens of warriors were killed in the tribe before the enemy was killed.

At this time, after a brief count, the number of Red Monkey fighters dropped by one-third to less than a thousand.

"Damn it! My warrior!"

Ozoma's heart bleeds. He looked at the night sky, and another round of fireballs hit, roaring and crashing into the camp ahead.

The shadow of the mountain fire not long ago is still deeply engraved in the hearts of tens of thousands of dog-born fighters. At this time, when the skyfire attacked again, the camp in front finally collapsed! Countless figures fled from the camp and crazily charged towards another camp. Then, thousands of soldiers in the two camps fought each other fiercely like they were possessed by demons. In less than a quarter of an hour, the screams and howls came with the wind, like the mourning song of an autumn bird dying.

"God! The magical weapon of the Mexica is so terrifying! Goddess of the Earth, please bless me, don't let the fireball hit here! The main god of Mexica, please bless me, I will be pious Offer a sacrifice!"

Ozoma muttered to himself, praying to the gods all over the sky, full of fear in his heart. Just a little bit, just a little bit, the Red Monkey camp will be completely collapsed! With a solemn expression, he asked the scout cronies.

"Which two camps are those?"

"The bombed camp was the flamingo camp, and the one that was rammed was the red salamander camp."

It was difficult to tell the direction at night, and the scout cronies squinted their eyes, checked for a while, and then answered in the affirmative.

"Haha, the dog bites the dog and has a mouthful of hair. Damn flamingos and red newts, let you laugh at me before!"

Ozoma cursed bitterly, then became nervous again.

"These two camps are near the Red Dog main camp!"

"Yes, Chief! The Red Dogs are over there, the one that burns the most!"

Hearing this, Ozuma hurriedly raised his head and looked at the Red Dog camp. The main camp was heavily attacked by the Mexica, and fires ignited everywhere. Amidst the raging flames, sporadic red dog fighters continued to escape from the camp and plunged into the darkness. However, the main force of the Red Dog camp did not seem to be broken up, nor did they howl like hysteria.

"Chichika Chief"

Ozoma's expression changed, different thoughts collided violently in his mind, and then turned into a long sigh.

"Hey! Where's Camp Red Deer?"

"As soon as the night attack started, the Red Deer tribe fled north in a swarm! It seems that Chief Masat took the lead and ran at the forefront."

The scout cronies asked sincerely without any scruples.

"Chief, the rear battalion has also collapsed, and all the ministries are in chaos. The Mexica will definitely attack in a big way tomorrow morning! Should we flee now?"

"...No. Keep the camp, wait first! Running at night, colliding with each other, I don't know how many people will be broken up and how many injuries will be caused."

Ozoma pondered for a while. He looked at the camp. Under the command of the red-haired elite, the soldiers had gradually restored order and were guarding the camp. Chief Red Monkey made up his mind and ordered.

"The Mexica's magical weapon is loud thunder and little rain. As long as we don't get confused, we can't kill so many people! Let's wait until dawn!"

"Listen to you! The Chief is smart."

The confidant nodded yes, with a smile on his face.

"Well, the sky fire can't shoot here, and all the tribesmen who collided will be killed! You are in charge of the situation outside, and I want to return to the big tent."

Ozoma looked around, suddenly his expression flashed. He involuntarily lowered his voice.

"Send two people to secretly escort the captured enemy leader to the big tent!"

"Ah, the leader just now? He took a spear. Zulcata's trophy. What do you want him to do, chieftain? Just a stocky red-haired hunter."

"Stupid! This attack came suddenly, it was very clear, it must have been premeditated. Don't ask him behind his back! Give Zukata a little reward, get him here, go!"

"Listen to you! The Chief is smart."

The cronies left immediately. Ozoma straightened up and looked around. Flames fell from the sky, and although they burned everywhere, they did not form a fierce fire head. Thousands of soldiers from various ministries ran around in the flames, fighting and killing each other, and very few were burned to death.

"The mountain camp lacks fuel to form a wildfire that will destroy everything."

Ozoma sighed, chanting in a low voice like a wasteland priest.

"But the flame of people's hearts has already ignited ragingly, and it can no longer be extinguished!"

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