Aztec Eternals

Chapter 341 Chichika's Oath

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The terrifying thunder is close at hand, like a terrible spirit, roaring close to the main camp. Roaring rockets pierced the night sky, and rolling fireballs struck from afar, turning Red Dog's front camp into a sea of ​​flames! Soon, the acrid thick smoke filled the camp, and the poisonous sulfur smell rushed to the face, making it impossible for even the bravest red-haired hunter to gain a foothold.

Chief Chichika's face was blackened, and under the escort of the brigade's red-haired hunters, he retreated to the high place behind the camp in embarrassment. The terrain here is steep and bare, with no burning trees. On both sides are towering mountains, and the mighty mountain wind blows away the poisonous smoke.

"Pull up my flag and gather the warriors of the tribe!"

As soon as Chief Red Dog got away from the flames, he roared urgently. He stood on the highest rock, holding a torch in his hand, and appeared in front of everyone.

The rockets all over the sky temporarily stopped, but the sporadic fireballs continued to rise. The fireball crashed into the camps everywhere, spreading unknown fear. Suddenly, in the faint light of the fire, hysterical shouts erupted from the flamingo camp, and countless figures rushed out of the camp and rushed into the nearby red newt camp.

Then, a burst of cries broke out in the Red Newt camp, and the figures of the brigade rushed out. Countless warriors rushed indiscriminately, brandishing their weapons, and stabbing into the body of the "enemy". In this terrifying night of flames, two large tribes loyal to the leader, and thousands of elite dog-born warriors fought frantically regardless of whether they were enemies or friends!

"No, my warrior!"

Chichika's eyes were tearing apart, and she growled in pain. He looked around, the fire flooded the lower part like a tide, and there were tribal warriors running around in a panic. He listened to the left and right, and the thunder echoed in the valley, mixed with the shrill voices of panic and fear. More than 10,000 Guaquili elites who worked so hard to gather suddenly and completely collapsed in the deep night under the unknown attack of the Mexica!

"No! Roar!. Roar! I'm going to kill you!"

Chief Red Dog's eyes were red and he roared angrily. How many past efforts and future plans were reduced to ashes with the fire in this night. After a while, Chichika managed to calm down. He walked a few steps, grabbed the collar of the tribal priest with one hand, pointed at the fireball rising from the enemy camp below the mountain with the other, and asked.

"Zuma, what the hell is this!"

"Ah! Chief, this should be the spell of the Mexica, or a weapon bestowed by the gods." The old tribal priest Zuma was strangled. He struggled in the hands of the Great Chief, struggling to make a sound, like an old owl in the paw of a coyote.

"It's like the previous one. The stone-throwing wood beast only throws fireballs."

"Stone-throwing wood beast?"

Chichika was slightly taken aback, and then showed some surprise.

"It turns out that the wooden beast a few days ago was for today!"


The leader of the red dog let go of his hand, and the old priest Zuma coughed repeatedly. In the Nahua language, Zuma means "angry" and Montezuma means "one who makes himself angry". Of course, in front of Chichika at this time, the "angry" priest Zuma could only passively bear the opponent's anger, and did not dare to show anger at all.

Chichika looked fierce, staring at the priest's old face, and asked again.

"Priest Zuma, what are those rockets and thunder?"

"Ahem! Chief, nature is unity and derivation, the coexistence of all things. The gods are part of nature and obey the laws of nature. Since the gods can create wooden beasts that throw stones and fireballs, they can also Create wooden beasts that shoot rockets, and wooden beasts that emit thunder. Now it seems that the god of Mexica is proficient in wooden beasts, and he must be an evil god who is good at creating things!"

Zuma made up her mind and replied decisively. No matter what the truth is, the most important thing at this moment is to give the tribal warriors who are afraid of the unknown an explanation that can be easily understood and comforted.

"All kinds of wooden beasts. An evil god who is good at creating things."

The fear on Chichika's face was fleeting. He then asked urgently.

"In this case, respected Priest Zuma, do you have a way to deal with the enemy's wooden beast?"

"Ahem. Chief, it is naturally a cycle of balance. The more powerful things are, the more fatal weaknesses they have. This is especially true for the creations of the gods, because they lack human souls."

Priest Zuma's expression flickered. While speaking the clichés of the wasteland priests, he was thinking quickly about his words.

"Well, you see, although these wooden beasts released thunder and flames, they were unable to move and attack the steep camp. Although the thunder was violent and the flames were hot, they were not accurate enough to really hurt a few people. This is natural There is a limit, there is a balance in everything"

"Priest Zuma! I ask you what to do now!"

After listening for a while, Chichika's expression became fierce again. He looked at the chaotic flames everywhere, as if a fire was burning in his heart.

"Can you cast a spell to counter the opponent's wooden beast?!"

"Uh, respected chief. The reason why the soldiers are so flustered is because they encountered the creation of the evil god for the first time, and in the dark night, they were swallowed by the fear of the unknown. As long as they meet more times and listen to the creation Roaring, discovering the weakness of creation, it would not be like this."

"Now, I want you to cast a spell! Can you?!"

"Ah, there are too many priests on the opposite side, and their magic power is too strong. My materials fell into the camp again, and they were all burned."


Chichika scolded angrily, and threw the old priest out of his hand.

"Take a few priests to appease my soldiers!"

"Ahem! Follow orders, Chief."

Zuma got up from the ground and left quickly as if fleeing.

Chichika's eyes were red, and she continued to stand where she was. He stared at the enemy camp opposite, like an angry northern bison.

"Uh, chief, I counted the warriors of the lower tribe. There are still about 2,000 people left, and about 800 have fled. Among the remaining warriors, there are 600 elite red-haired fighters, but they are basically there."

Uman came to the chief with a baton in one hand and knelt down on one knee to report. The Red Dog tribe is the most powerful tribe in the wasteland, and the proportion of red-haired hunters has always been high. When the sky fire hit, these elites barely maintained the order of the tribe, causing the soldiers to collapse and not disperse, and now they regrouped.

"Six hundred redheads are here!"

Hearing this, Chichika breathed a sigh of relief. The red-haired elite is the foundation of the major tribes, equivalent to the veteran soldiers. If the tribal fighters are lost, they can also be recruited or coerced from various tribes. If Redhead loses too much, the tribe will truly be devastated.

"Uman, send out manpower and try our best to gather all the defeated troops!"

"Uh yes, Chief."

Uman nodded, but his feet did not move. He looked at the chief, hesitated for a while, and then spoke dully.

"Chief, I think the current situation is not very good. Very bad!"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind!"

Hearing this, Chichika smiled angrily with red eyes. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the fire lights of the battalions, and scolded.

"What do you want to say?"

"Uh Chief, I think this place can't be defended anymore. All the ministries have collapsed, and our Red Dog tribe should leave as soon as possible!"


Chichika took a step forward and grabbed Uman by the collar.

"What did you say?"

"Uh, I said, we can't hold on anymore, we should go."

"Can you say that again?"

Chichika's eyes burst into flames, with a dangerous killing intent.

Uman looked at the chief, his eyes were a little dazed, but his expression was extremely firm.

"Chief, the hearts of the soldiers are scattered, and this battle can't be fought. I have to give up here, retreat a hundred and eighty miles, and gather the soldiers' hearts. In fact, in fact, I think that we wilderness people should not be in one place. Just stay there and fight this kind of hard-on-hard stay.”

"Crack! Crack! Crack!."

Chichika whipped out her whip furiously. He hugged his head six or seven times, until Uman fell to the ground, and then another seven or eight times.

"Smash you to death! Reverse you!"


Uman cried out in pain and rolled back and forth on the ground. After a long while, he was covered in dirt, got up from the ground with difficulty, and continued to speak to the chief.

"Chief, I think it's time to go."


Chichika raised his whip again and looked angrily. Afterwards, he looked at Uman with straight and firm eyes, and saw the blood on the other's face, and his heart softened inexplicably. After a while, the leader of the red dog slowly put down his whip and asked in a deep voice.

"...If this dangerous camp is abandoned, there won't be much room left behind. The small city of Palms has low walls and a small area. The terrain in the valley is open, and tens of thousands of troops are scattered everywhere. How can we defend it?"

"Uh, chief, there is still the valley mouth of the valley behind, so you can watch for a while."

"The entrance of the valley is a bit open, and the terrain is not high enough. The cactus tribe is aggressively attacking, and they won't be able to defend for long."

"Then take the tribe and leave the valley. You can escape into the wilderness from the northwest, and you can also escape from the mountain roads in the northeast or east."

Hearing this, Chichika lowered her eyes and did not speak for a long time.


Uman fell to his knees and buried his head at the chief's feet, like a tame wolf.

"say no more!"

Chichika shouted angrily.

"Let the scouts come to see me! It's a mess now, and the ministries don't know how much they have lost."

Afterwards, Chief Red Dog stood on a high place and looked around again. After a while, scouts from all directions returned one by one to report to the chief.

Chichka personally arranged the camps for the various ministries. The situation at this time fell into his eyes one by one, combined with the intelligence of the scouts, and corresponding to the memory in his heart, it turned into a helpless sigh.

"Hey! The back camp is broken, the red deer has fled, and the flamingo and red salamander fought in the camp to kill the red monkey. They should still be there."

Seeing this, Chichika was a little complicated. It was the Red Monkey tribe who were able to defend until the end in the night attack. He pondered for a long time, finally took a deep breath, and had to face the cruel reality.

"Uman, what you said makes sense. The camp can be abandoned. But it is too dangerous to withdraw the army now, and the tribe is prone to collapse in the night road!"

Chichika suppressed the emotions in her heart and paced back and forth. Then, he looked towards the sky, the long night was about to pass, the noisy voices gradually moved away, and the morning star had risen from the east. He looked at the camp again, the priests had just calmed people down. Two thousand tribal warriors gripped their hunting bows and spears again.

"It's almost dawn! When it's dawn, we'll take the tribe back first. Then we'll clean up the routs of the tribes, and then fight the cactus tribe!"

"Uh Chief, the Cactus Tribe has planned it long ago, and I'm afraid they won't let us leave easily!"

"I know!"

Chief Red Dog was a little annoyed. He waved the whip in his hand and let out a sharp whistle.

"I will leave some people behind and rely on the remaining camps to stop the cactus tribe's army!"

"Uh chief, the tribe needs to keep a distance to retreat, and it takes time to gather the tribes. The cactus tribe is fiercely offensive, and ordinary people can't stop it. If they are posted by the cactus warriors, the retreat will turn into a rout."

"Damn! Uman, can you shut up?!"

Chichika couldn't help but growl.

"Don't croak in front of me like a short-billed crow, making all the ominous noises!"

"Er Chief!"

Uman fell to his knees and put his head at the chief's feet again.

"What exactly are you going to say?"

Chichika shook the other's hair impatiently.

"I'll stay and resist the cactus tribe's attack!"

Uman raised his head. This time, his eyes were clear, without any dullness.

"Chief, now only I can buy you time!"

Hearing this, Chichika suddenly froze and remained motionless. He lowered his head slowly, looked into the eyes of the general guard at his feet, and did not speak for a long time.

"Chief, I am a wolf, willing to die for the wolf king."

A fierce smile appeared on Uman's face, and the bloody welts trembled.

"Our red dog tribe will definitely survive in the wasteland forever!"


Chichika lowered her eyes and held Ai Jiang's hair again. This time, he didn't let go for a long time.

"I'll give you six hundred warriors and fifty red hairs! Stand by me for two days!"

After a while, the leader of the red dog turned around and looked at the dawn in the east. He bit his lips silently, and swore an oath full of hatred against the stinging blood and pungent gunpowder smoke.

"The ancestors testify! If you die for me, I will slaughter the three thousand Otomi serfs in the valley, and then gather the warriors from all tribes to seek revenge from the cactus tribe!"

<(._.)>, recently busy _○/|_

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