Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 53 Siege

Genting Tiangong Chapter 53: Siege

Countless strange human-faced birds surrounded us like sculptures. They landed silently and made no sound wherever they stood. I suddenly thought of the gargoyles in foreign horror movies, the kind that look like stone statues during the day. Could it be that the monster that turns into an animal at night is based on this bird?

And judging from the eyes of these birds, they seem to be intelligent. Is there any strange purpose behind surrounding us like this?

Soon my premonition came true. Suddenly a bird flew over us and dropped something. It landed in front of us with a bang, and blood immediately splattered everywhere. When I saw it, it turned out to be Ye Cheng, with a gun on his neck. It has been bitten off, and it is coughing non-stop, but its eyes are blurred and there is no way to save it. The fastest update

Then another body was thrown down. I don't know who it was, but the head was gone and the body was covered in blood.

After Chen Pi Asi broke up with us, he rushed directly into the imperial mausoleum. Obviously, they must have been attacked by this strange bird. Ye Cheng should have been captured by this giant bird in the center of the imperial mausoleum. There was no third uncle. Guided by secret codes, I could never have imagined that these people would end up in such a miserable end.

I thought Chen Pi's Si was not immune, but the next few corpses thrown in were all An Ning's men. Obviously not all of them escaped just now. Fortunately, I didn't see the corpses of Third Uncle and Pan Zi. Finally they should be safe.

The fat man was really scared at this time and asked me: "What do these birds want to do with us?"

I said to him: "It seems that they are gathering prey. I am not an expert in this area. I don't know what they want to do? Do you still have explosives? We may have to learn from Dong Cunrui. "

The fat man shook his head: "We've all blown up the Ten Thousand Slave King, and you didn't say there was still some left. "

I thought in my heart that I was in trouble now. I couldn't even calculate that I, Wu Xie, would die like this. There were birds all around, there was no gap at all, and I didn't even have a chance to run. Are you really going to die here and turn into bird droppings?

Just when I was feeling anxious, the fat man suddenly pulled me back. "It's too unfavorable to be attacked from both sides. There is a crevice here. Let's hide in it. One by one, we can't die so easily for these dead birds. "

When I looked back, I saw the angle between two giant rocks underground in the rift valley. There is a gap that is one person wide, open to both sides. It may be inconvenient to move inside, but the defense is first-rate.

It was better to die immediately or to resist for a while and then die. Of course, it was better to resist for a while and then die. I immediately took off the bullet belt from the corpse and quickly got into the gap. The space inside was very small. I can do all the maneuvers, but Fatty is very reluctant. I guess it will be difficult for these birds to get in.

Fatty had experienced many situations where life and death were hanging by a thread, and he was much calmer than me at this time. As soon as he entered the gap, he immediately piled up a few rocks as a bunker. Said to me: "They can only come in one by one. As long as we kill a few, we can block the entrance and we can hold on longer. "

I smiled bitterly in my heart, we didn't have many bullets at all, and there was no time to change bullets at all. If the bullet box was empty, it would mean death. But it’s not the time of death yet, so there is still a trace of luck.

My mind was still thinking wildly when I suddenly heard a flock of birds outside begin to howl. Through the gap, I saw a strange bird in the lead suddenly open its mouth disproportionately. A mouth full of fangs was exposed. Then, a macaque-like creature suddenly spit out from its mouth. His movements were extremely agile, and he immediately jumped to the ground. He looked around cautiously, then ran into the pile of corpses and started biting. I took a closer look and found that the monkey had no skin and was covered in blood. It seemed to be an organ of the strange bird.

Then other strange birds began to spit out this kind of creature. Countless "mouth monkeys" sprang out from the flock of birds and rushed to the pile of corpses in the middle. There seemed to be no distinction between classes. They came up to swarm them and ate them. In an instant, they were everywhere. It's blood and loose meat, and there are conflicts from time to time between the competition for food.

The fat man and I both frowned and almost felt sick, thinking that if we were to end up like this later, we would never be able to accept it.

There were so many "mouth monkeys" that the corpses outside were quickly devoured and the smell of blood in the air reached an unacceptable level. The fat man's eyes were bloodshot, knowing that the next step would be our turn. He took a sip of liquor and said, "It's his grandmother's. If you want to eat Fatty, let's see if you have such iron teeth. "

I was trembling a little unsatisfied, so I took over his drink and drank most of it. My throat suddenly burned. Wine is indeed a good thing. Men feel really different with and without wine.

Outside, the "mouth monkeys" were searching around in the wreckage. Suddenly, one of them noticed us in the gap and let out a weird scream. Then the other "monkeys" gathered around curiously and poked their faces out to look at us. .

Only then could I see clearly that the "monkey" had no lips. No wonder the fangs were so sharp and ferocious. What surprised me most was that all the monkeys in the mouth actually had a bronze hexagonal bell scraped on their necks, and some even had In good condition, some have only half left. But these bells followed the monkey's movements and made no sound at all.

(I was very scared at the time and didn’t think about what this meant, but afterwards I thought that these bronze bells must have a great relationship with the whole mystery, although it seems that these bells do not belong to the same culture. )

The "mouth monkeys" were very cautious at first. They surrounded the entrance of the cave for a long time. Fatty and I didn't dare to get angry. We waited for them to come in with guns in hand. After a while, some of them couldn't hold them down anymore, and suddenly they Hanging from the mountain house in the gap, he jumped into the gap and pounced tentatively towards the fat man.

The fat man was caught off guard and fired almost right against the head of the strange monkey. When the bullet shot out, it also took the body away with it. Fell into a pile of corpses. Then his gun went off, and the bullets were fired across the field. The monkeys howled in terror, and several monkeys were immediately beaten to death.

Suddenly all the monkeys noticed us in the gap, and the situation got out of control. The leader, the monkey in the mouth, made a sharp cry, and all the monkeys began to crawl into the gap.

I swallowed, knowing that my nightmare was coming.

Before I could pray, two monkeys jumped into the gap like lightning, hung on the top of the gap and opened their huge mouths towards me. The Type 56 was too long to hit with the butt of my gun, so I had to fly up. I kicked one out with my foot, and then shot the other to death with two shots. Immediately, the blood burst out, covering my face. Then one, five or six more of them rushed in. I didn’t have the mental capacity to shoot any more, so I picked up the gun and started scanning.

For five or six minutes, I didn’t know what I was doing. I just saw one after another ferocious monkeys rushing towards me and then sweeping them out. There was blood everywhere, and the monkeys went crazy. There was no fear at all. Sometimes a few monkeys even squeezed into the gap together and got themselves stuck. I kicked them out with my feet. However, more monkeys rushed over like a tide, and even if the bullets swept through, I would kick them out. With only half of its body left, as long as it can move, it still burrows straight into the cracks. It is simply vicious.

Soon my body was covered with blood. Both Fatty and I found that it was impossible to stick here. We were forced back by the monkeys who rushed in. In the end, our backs were close to each other, and we kept firing, but we couldn't save ourselves. Get some space back.

The bullets soon ran out. I originally thought that it would be no problem to persist for several hours, but in fact, when fighting, the consumption of bullets is not something you can control. I still have a lot of bullet belts, but as long as the monkey doesn't stop charging, we have no chance to change bullets.

Fatty's M16 jammed first. He was furious. He threw away the gun while yelling, took out his saber and wanted to go out for a hand-to-hand fight. However, they didn't give him this chance at all. In an instant, five or six monkeys jumped on him. He opened his mouth and bit hard, and the fat man screamed in pain. He knocked two of them to death, but four more pounced on his face at once.

Then my 56 ran out of bullets. I pressed the trigger and clicked several times. My heart suddenly went cold. Then several red lights rushed in front of me in an instant. Before I could draw the knife, my shoulder and The inner thigh was hit, so I used my injured hand to scare it out of curiosity, but it was of no use. During the struggle, I only had one thought left in my mind: I, Wu Xie, and Fatty Wang, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave again. Out of the secret realm of Changbai Mountain, life is as tough as ours, and one day we will eventually lose our lives. . ..

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