Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 54 The Gap between Heaven and Earth u0026 Chapter 55 The Mystery That Can N

Chapter 54: The Gap between Heaven and Earth Chapter 55: The Mystery That Can Never Be Solved

Countless "mouth monkeys" jumped on me, biting my muscles. I struggled fiercely, ready to not give up until I exhausted my last bit of strength, but I was already in despair. Under such circumstances, even if the god came, , can't save us. Where can I go to catch up on novels quickly?

While we were resisting, there was a sudden earthquake all around us, and we were all knocked backwards. The monkeys that were holding on to me were stunned for a moment, and all of a sudden they all slipped off me and fled towards the exit of the gap with all their might.

I turned around and saw the same scene over the fat man. Suddenly all the "monkeys in the mouth" exited the gap, as if they had seen a ghost.

The fat man had injuries all over his body, and it was inexplicable. We looked at each other, and the fat man said to himself: What's wrong, you don't want to eat what you got? Do you think I'm too greasy?

The commotion of the "monkey in the mouth" is not over yet. The monkeys surrounding the gap did not stop and crawled back into the mouth of the giant human-headed bird. The giant human-headed bird began to move, flew up one after another, and disappeared quickly, as if it had received something. Given instructions, or seeing some terrible natural enemy, he ran away like crazy.

I gave the five or six to the fat man and asked him to load the bullets, and then I carefully came to the opening of the gap without daring to go out. I stuck my head out and took a look. I was stunned. The strange human-headed birds flew into the sky one by one. Soon there was no one left around us, they all ran away, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, leaving only the two of us.

This is really fucking weird. I greeted the fat man and motioned for him to come out. We turned around, feeling a little uncomfortable with the sudden turn of events before death. My heart says God. Even if you really don’t want me to die, you still have to find a better reason.

I said to myself: "What are they afraid of? This kind of monster actually has natural enemies?"

Before I finished speaking, the fat man patted me. He saw something.

I turned my head and saw that the human skin sealing the door on one side of the huge bronze door had burst and fallen off at some point. The two huge bronze doors actually moved outward a little. An extremely dark and small door gap appeared in the middle of the two doors.

My heart was in my throat. With a cry of cold sweat, such a huge door opened by itself. The huge earthquake just now must have been a reaction when the door opened. Who opened such a heavy door? Who is inside?

From Wang Zanghai's narrative, this giant underground door is described as a passage for evil gods to travel between hell and past lives.

There is eternal evil within the gate of the earth, and it is not a good thing anyway. Now that the gate of the earth is open, is it the evil god in hell who is ready to come out to walk his dog?

This was a completely unpredictable scene. In an instant, my mind turned dozens of times. Is it a monster or a zongzi? Run or wait and see? If you run, run that way.

My thinking at this time turned out to be extremely clear, and I began to admire my tortured mind.

But after the door opened, there was no movement. I didn’t see the door open anymore, nor did I see anything coming out. After standing there for a long time, the fat man asked me, "Would you like to go over and have a look?"

I thought that all the puzzles were inside this huge door, and Wang Zanghai also went in to see it and came out safely. It means that there should be no direct danger to life when entering the giant gate, but we will see some sights that we can never imagine. There are so many mysteries, maybe we can solve them all in just a few steps.

But once the door is closed after entering, even a thousand people cannot push such a huge bronze door, and we will definitely be trapped inside. "Then what's the value of knowing the secret?"

This is actually a choice between leaving here safely or taking risks to get the answer.

After weighing it over and over again, I still can't bear the mystery that has tortured me for almost a year. I must go in and take a look. What is the scene of the demonic realm that Wang Zanghai saw back then. In the end, this is a secret that has lasted for thousands of years and involved three generations of our family. What a mysterious power it is.

I looked at the fat man and he had the same idea as me.

The fat man gave me the Type 65, picked up his M16 himself, and retrieved a few magazines from the remains of corpses on the ground. Then he wiped the blood on his face and motioned for me to come with him.

The gate is so big that the gap seen from a distance can almost fit a truck into it. To move the giant gate weighing over 10,000 tons this small distance requires an incalculable amount of strength.

I suppressed the excitement in my heart. When I walked to the giant door, I smelled a strange smell blowing from the gap. My heartbeat suddenly accelerated. An emotion between nervousness and uneasiness became stronger and stronger. We My hands were covered in cold sweat, and even my feet were a little weak.

The fat man first took a photo with a flashlight. As soon as the flashlight light entered the giant door, it disappeared completely and could not illuminate anything. Wang Zanghai mentioned that when he secretly came here, the section just inside the door was filled with nothingness. It was necessary to Using a strange lighting tool called "True Fire", we speculate that it must be a rhinoceros horn candle to see what's going on inside.

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but be stunned. I thought it was wrong. We don't have such equipment. Even if we go in, we will see nothing but darkness. I wonder if we can reach the demonic realm through that void of space?

The fat man hadn't thought of this yet. Seeing that I wasn't moving, he thought I was scared again, so he asked me, "Can we leave?"

I was about to speak when suddenly I saw several firelights suddenly lighting up in the darkness within the cracks of the giant bronze door. It seems like something is coming out. I was about to pull the fat man to come and see me, but the fat man came to pull me too. When I turned around, I saw a light blue mist rising from beneath us from the cracks in the rocks underground in the rift valley. Like cloud waves, rising rapidly.

We took a few steps back and found that light blue mist was coming out of all the gaps in the stones around us, and the speed was amazing. Almost instantly, our knees were covered with mist, and our eyes were also covered with a layer of mist. It's like fog, and it's still rising. Soon the light of the flashlight was almost useless.

Then we heard a series of antler trumpets coming from one end of the Rift Valley, which was extremely melodious. Surrounded several times in the rift valley. Countless dark shadows, following the sound of antlers, lined up in a long line and appeared in the mist at the end of the rift valley.

I couldn't react in an instant. The people here were dying and running away, and they were already out of control. Why did so many people suddenly come out again? Are there other teams here? But it doesn't look like it. This... there are too many people.

The fat man on the side turned pale. He seemed to already know what was going on. He kept mumbling and it took him a long time to finish the sentence: "The Yin soldiers are taking advantage of me!"

Yin soldiers? I was very confused and wanted to ask him. Unexpectedly, he covered my mouth and made a gesture to never speak. We put down our flashlights. Then he stepped back and hid behind a big rock.

The team walked towards me leisurely, and I actually saw the shadow of the banner held by the people in front. The team was a group of four, walking very neatly, and soon they reached the end of the rift valley in the distance. In front of us, under the light of a flashlight. The shadow of the mist is getting clearer and clearer.

As I watched, my scalp became numb involuntarily. I saw the people at the front of the team, wearing shabby armor from the Yin and Shang Dynasty, holding a flagpole in their hands, and someone behind them was holding a horn. Although the weight was so heavy, these people walked as if they were floating, without making any sound at all, and at extremely fast speeds. When I looked at their faces, I almost bit my tongue off. They were all one by one. Zhang has an unusually long face, and the length of his head is twice as long as that of ordinary people. All of them have expressionless faces and are extremely pale.

The procession passed in front of us like a ghost. No one found us. Walking straight into the gap of the giant bronze door, all the soldiers were exactly the same. It's like paper.

The fat man and I didn't want to talk to anyone, hoping that these people would pass by quickly. At this time, the hand that the fat man was pressing on my mouth suddenly shook. I looked quickly and saw that Menyou Ping was also wearing the same armor, walking in front of me. In the middle of the team, his normal human face was so different from the monster-like faces around him that we recognized him at a glance.

I almost cried out. Could it be that Menyouping died and his soul was taken away by these Yin soldiers?

When he looked again, he saw that Menyou Piao also had his ancient black gold sword on his back. He was holding a strange seal-like thing in his right hand. His walking movements were completely different from those of the Yin soldiers beside him. It was immediately clear that he was still alive.

So what does he want to do? Could it be? I suddenly had a very bold thought - could he want to sneak in?

This kid is crazy! My heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate, a long-lost fear came to my heart, and my breathing began to quicken. I wanted to go up and stop him, but the fat man grabbed me tightly and wouldn't let me move.

I saw Menyou Ping noticed our side, turned his head, and saw the faces of me and Fatty. He suddenly smiled meaningfully, moved his mouth, and said: "Goodbye."

Then he walked into the giant bronze door and disappeared into the darkness instantly. I looked at him dumbfounded, as if my head was about to explode.

Soon the entire team of "Yin Soldiers" walked into the giant bronze door. The ground suddenly shook, and the giant door instantly closed into a whole.

I sat down on the ground, and a feeling of weakness instantly made me dizzy. What was going on? What on earth does he want to do? Are those really Yin soldiers?

The fat man ran over and turned back the flashlight. He looked at the giant door with a surprised look on his face, a little confused.

But there was still no time for us to be in a daze. The surrounding fog gradually dissipated, and we immediately heard sporadic calls of strange birds, coming from the end of the rift valley, getting louder and louder.

The fat man reacted immediately and shouted to me: "Come on! Those birds are flying back again. This time we will definitely not be so lucky. "

When I called out to Fatty, it was like pouring a basin of ice water on someone. I reacted immediately, turned around, and followed Fatty towards the other end of the rift valley, in the direction in which Pan Zi and the others escaped.

The rocks under the rift valley were like hills, extremely difficult to climb. We only climbed a short distance away, and the cry of the strange bird was already very close. I couldn't help praying in my heart. If I had died just now, forget it. If I survived, I would still die. In the same place, it's just not worth it.

Our wounds have turned from pain to numbness. People say that people forget pain when they are nervous, but now I can’t even feel my own feet, and I can’t even grit my teeth and run fast. The fat man and I had no choice but to support each other and run forward without stopping. If we stopped and tried to use more force, it would be impossible.

I just kept rolling and crawling, running straight into the depths. I soon almost lost consciousness and had no idea what I was doing.

After climbing over a hill-like boulder, three forks appeared in front of the rift valley, and three huge mountain cracks appeared in front of them. This was very imaginary in the rift valley. I’m a little confused, what should I do, which way should I go? We originally thought that the Rift Valley would go all the way to the end and we would meet Pan Zi at the exit. We didn't have any food or water with us. In this state, even if we could get out in three ways, we would be dead ends if we couldn't join them.

When we reached the three-way intersection, we suddenly saw an extremely ugly arrow carved on the edge of one of the huge cracks. Point us in the right direction.

The fat man cursed: "That old Pan is really lazy. He can't even make an arrow look pretty. "

I didn’t expect that they would leave arrows for us, saying: “You don’t care about these, just use them!”

He couldn't say much, so he gritted his teeth and got into the gap.

The gap here is much narrower than that in the Rift Valley, so the strange birds will not fly too smoothly. Once inside, the chance of hunting is much smaller. As soon as we entered, we felt much more at ease.

Soon I saw the light of a flashlight in front of me, and I suddenly felt a chill in my heart. According to their footsteps, they should have run very deep. Why is there a flashlight here? Could it be that they died here in another accident?

After only running a few steps, I saw Pan Zi and a few foreigners walking back with their backs full of bullets. Apparently they wanted to come back to rescue us. Pan Zi was overjoyed when he saw us, and then he was stunned for a moment and asked: "Just you two? Where are the others?"

I said don't mention it, it's too miserable, hurry up and leave, the birds are still following behind.

You can hear cries here, but you can't see clearly what's going on in the sky above. There are no flares, and you can't see the strange birds with a flashlight.

Pan Zi waved and went back immediately. The last person fired a cold fire and led the way. Seeing how injured I was, a foreigner picked me up on his back, and the group quickly retreated to the end of the crack.

It had been a long time since I had someone carry me on my back, and I felt very unaccustomed to it, but the cold smoke and fire illuminated a large number of murals on the rock walls around this gap, which suddenly aroused my interest again. It’s a pity that I ran too fast and couldn’t take a closer look.

The sad cry gradually weakened, and it seemed that the strange bird began to give up the pursuit. In fact, as soon as we saw Pan Zi, we felt a lot more at ease, knowing that we might not die. The people he brought were all shooters from Aning's team. If you are a good player, even if you really get into an encounter, you won't suffer a loss.

Thinking of An Ning's team, I thought of An Ning. I asked Pan Zi if he had seen her.

Pan Zi said don't worry, the beautiful girl was knocked unconscious and came back.

After running for a long time, the gap became narrower and narrower. Finally, only one person could pass through. The air suddenly warmed up and we slowed down. At this time, two more people appeared in front of us. They were night watchmen. They saw us coming back. , all made cheering sounds.

I wanted to ask why the temperature here was so high, and I already saw Pan Zi's camp, with several hot springs nearby. I immediately relaxed completely, and a feeling of powerlessness spread throughout my body, and I almost fainted on the spot. . ..

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