Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 41 Underwater Light

The lone lantern deep in the ancient village at the bottom of the lake lights up from somewhere in the ancient village. Is it deep inside or in the window of an ancient building? The color of the solitary lamp is really indescribable. The light is very opaque, as if it is covered by a green and dark cover, and it is hazy and unlike the lights in the world. Reprinted in this bookk

This weird lake has given me too many surprises. There are too many secrets hidden in this quiet place. What happened here that makes everything seem to be cursed?

In this gloomy environment, I dived into the bottom of a lake deep in the mountains alone, without any support or help. For the first time, I felt extremely panic and loneliness. This feeling of helpless despair scares me more than death. I had an illusion for a moment that I thought of an ugly fish in the deep sea that hunts with light. This ancient village gave me the feeling that it was a huge creature that was using the light to attract prey into its trap.

I looked at the oxygen meter. My heart was beating so fast that I was depleting oxygen very quickly. The feeling of a creepy nightmare still lingered. I suppressed my panic and muttered in my heart: "If you want to find out the truth, I'm afraid you have to take personal risks. If Fatty and Menyoupin are still alive now, then they must be in a very weird situation now. I may be their only hope. Now that I'm here, there's actually no way out. This lonely cyan lamp, whether it's bad or good, is the guiding light calling me."

It was almost self-hypnosis, but given the circumstances, I really didn’t know where to find the courage to go deeper. I recited it three times before I felt that the panic was a little lessened. I pulled out the bayonet and held it in my backhand - although I didn't know what use this thing could have against ghosts, it finally gave me courage.

I paddled my flippers and started to dive towards the ancient village along the rocky beach at the bottom of the lake. After a short dive, the dim light in the ancient village was gradually blocked by the ancient buildings as my angle dropped, and I soon lost sight of it. The surrounding darkness gradually returned, and the ancient village in the depths returned to the netherworld again.

I gradually calmed down, and miraculously the panic began to recede. It seemed that the panic came entirely from the cyan light. I couldn't help but feel temporarily relieved. With my personality, seeing the lights getting closer would drive me crazy.

My location was not far from the edge of the ancient village. As I got closer, I discovered that there were many dead trees on the slopes of the stone beach at the edge of the ancient village. Some were still standing, and some had collapsed and lay across the bottom of the lake. Apparently before this ancient village was submerged, it was surrounded by trees. The feng shui here is really good.

Less than a moment after diving, I arrived at the top of the ancient village. The top of the nearest stilt wooden building was only two or three meters away from me at most. Because we were diving from uphill to downhill, the water depth at this time may have exceeded 70 meters, and the water pressure made me quite uncomfortable. "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain." When I arrived here, I couldn't see the whole picture of the village. I only saw the dense building covers, and I could vaguely see the green light in the village not far away. at. At the same time, I saw that under my feet, at a place on the edge of the village, there were many stone tablets like tombstones.

I dived slightly and used a searchlight to shine.

It was found that the stone tablets were covered with rust. Apparently, these stone slabs originally contained limestone, which had dissolved in the water, leaving the stones full of pits and holes. The words on it are completely unclear, but it is not a tombstone, but a stone tablet unique to the Yao Miao.

The ancient Yao people have a tradition of setting laws on stone tablets. When Yao people encounter some matters that need to be discussed collectively, they will hold a "stone tablet meeting". After the meeting, a stone tablet will be erected in the village, which is called the stone tablet law. This is like the code of the Yao people. Everyone, including the Yao king, must abide by it. The Yao people call this kind of stone tablet "A Chang".

The sacredness of this kind of law is beyond the imagination of us Han people. The Yao people believe that "stone tablets are as big as the sky." Many ancient conflicts between Han and Yao were caused by the Han people's desire to shake the law of stone tablets. Each stone tablet has a manager, called the head of the stone tablet, who has great power.

There are many stone tablets here. If they are stone tablets, they must record many very important things. Unfortunately, the handwriting can no longer be seen clearly, and many stone tablets involve obscure ancient secrets of Yao Village, so most of them use wordless tablets. The above provisions shall be maintained by the consciousness of the parties concerned.

I think if I could see the words on these stone tablets, I might be able to know what happened in this ancient village.

After crossing the group of stone monuments, I came to float above the stockade again. Because the distance was so close, the dilapidated stilt wooden buildings and the paths between the wooden buildings at the bottom of the lake became extremely clear. At this time, the cyan light was revealed again. The light source could not be seen but the dim halo was right in front. My scalp began to explode again, my heart beat harder, and the panic barely weakened, filling all my senses again. At the same time, I felt that this kind of panic was very strange. It seemed to come from the fear in my most primitive and deepest memory. It was indescribable and inexplicable. What am I afraid of?

Looking down at a thousand-year-old village from this height, I'm afraid there are less than a hundred people in the world who have had the same experience as me. Looking at the dilapidated and decaying wooden buildings just below you, you can feel like you are floating in mid-air along the ancient road. The scene around you thousands of years ago is inevitably formed in your mind, but then it is brought back to reality by the water flow and some emotions. This interweaving makes people feel very unreal.

This was the first time I took a closer look at this ancient village at the bottom of the lake. I found that the entire village was very similar to Banai. The tall wooden buildings were built very densely. There were some bluestone paths and stone paths between the two to three-story wooden buildings. Stairs interspersed. These rotten wooden buildings are falling to one side and look like they will collapse at any time. Some roofs have collapsed on the wall of another building on one side, forming a "door" look. I floated and swam above these doors, watching the bubbles I exhaled rising up, and my heart clenched involuntarily. If you sneak into the stronghold, if there is any accident, the surrounding wooden buildings may collapse, and if you cannot escape, you will be buried alive. Being buried alive underwater means there is no chance of rescue.

Passing by the rooftops of several dilapidated stilt buildings, the light was getting closer and closer, and my heartbeat became more and more suffocating. Looking at the angle between the light and the stilt buildings, I judged that the light came from one of the ancient buildings. Inside the building, it may be reflected through the window. Just as he was about to grit his teeth and dive in, it suddenly darkened and the light disappeared.

I was so nervous that I almost fainted from the shock, and my breathing tube came out of my mouth. But at that moment, I could already see where the light was.

It looked like a very huge compound high-stilt tower, which was composed of several high-stilt buildings. It was probably the tower of a large Yao family, usually formed by the gathering of the richest families in the village. The moment was so fast that I didn't have time to see which window of the tower the light came from.

I slowly sank, and when the search light shone down, I was stunned. Oh my God, what kind of building is this?

This tower is indeed a bit different. Its outer edge is actually a stone structure, and the cornices on the tile roof are actually in the Anhui style.

This is not a tower of the Yao people, but a building of the Han people.

I was stunned, what's going on? Why is there a Han-style building in the ancient village of the Yao people?

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