Daomu Biji

Qionglong Stone Shadow Chapter 40 Weird guy

Are you spinning? I couldn't imagine what that thing looked like. I was so angry that I wished I could go over and take a look. I immediately shouted: "Find a way to let me in."

"Wait, I think something is right." He suddenly shouted. Suddenly, the voice fell silent.

"What's going on? Don't show off." I scolded.

Xiaohua didn't speak this time, and my screams lingered in the cave.

If the situation in front of me hadn't been so terrible, I would have run over desperately. This kind of artificial show-off made me feel even more uncomfortable than before. I waited a few times and called again, but Xiaohua still didn't answer me. I only heard the sound of metal tapping suddenly coming from inside.

I couldn't help but want to curse, but I thought it was the legendary Fa Xiao who was not too familiar, and it was hard to get angry directly, so I hit the stone on one side with a hammer to express my impatience and continued to yell.

After shouting this for a few times, the sound of banging metal inside became louder and louder, as if something was being destroyed.

"What are you doing?" I became nervous.

Still no answer, all I got was a sharp "dang-dang" sound, as if he was hitting the "iron plate" hard with something. The sound echoed continuously in the cave. These sounds were quiet but very painful. Nervous, irritating.

I suddenly realized that something was wrong. He had no reason not to answer me. He was an adult and would not behave like a child in this situation and hit the iron plate. Could it be that he was suddenly unable to speak and used this to ask for help? Just in those one or two minutes, quietly, something happened on his side?

But the iron plate was struck very hard, and you could tell by the loud beep that it was being struck with all your strength. It was messy but not urgent, and it didn't sound like a cry for help. It sounded like someone was trying to hit the thing. Smash it.

I screamed hard for the last time, but there was still no response. I immediately turned back and crawled towards the entrance of the cave. I picked up the walkie-talkie and called the guy below. Those guys were all asleep and were in a daze. As soon as I explained the situation, the Sichuan guys told me to come up immediately. I put down the walkie-talkie and realized something was wrong. It took more than four hours to climb up. If something really happened, it would take more than a dozen times. They are all dead. If I had to pull him up, it would take at least two hours. That's not how it works.

So I crawled back again, and the noise inside made me upset. I continued to yell. In this loudspeaker-like environment, my voice was also very loud, and it was impossible for him not to hear me. But he just didn't answer. I was so anxious that I thought about Uncle San's reconciliation.

Holy shit! I thought to myself that I would never make the same mistake they made. It was so tragic.

These are all things.

I thought about how I would face the Jie family if Xiaohua died or something happened, and whether our Wu family would be nicknamed the "Jie family harvester" or something like that.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! I looked at the hair on the weird jars in front of me, my mind was so confused that I couldn't think. At that moment, I suddenly saw the excavated pits on one side of the wall for ancient books.

I looked around at the gloves and my hiking boots, gestured, and suddenly thought of a way to pass. However, my intuition told me that this method was definitely a bad idea, and it would probably involve me.

The harsh knocking sound disrupted my judgment, and my intuition was immediately submerged in boundless anxiety. I took a few deep breaths, tried my best to suppress the heat, and carefully stepped out of the collapse of the pile of stones.

I stepped on it, and the feeling of the corpse turtle's shells shattering under my feet made me take a breath of air. The small balls covered with hair in front of me seemed to have sensed my entry. Under the illumination of the flashlight, they suddenly looked even more... of monsters.

My method is actually very ugly. There are depressions on the cave wall where ancient books are placed. I don’t want to touch those disgusting hair balls below, so I have to stand on the cave wall and step on those depressions with my feet.

It doesn't seem difficult, but the problem is that I have no way out. I can't stop halfway up. In such a cramped environment, I bend down on the cave wall and rely on the strength of my fingers to grasp the depressions to fix my body. The test of physical strength is great. It would be much easier if the cave was higher and allowed me to stand upright.

The harsh metal knocking sound made people collapse. I gestured and went up to try it first. I found that it was not as difficult as I thought, especially when I grabbed it backwards, it seemed like Jesus Christ with appendicitis was nailed to the wall. But being careful and maintaining balance meant I had the chance to take a short break.

So I took a deep breath and climbed up the wall. I used my first breath to not give myself a chance to retreat, and climbed in for more than ten meters in one go. The speed is actually quite fast, but I don't know if the movements are gorgeous.

After more than ten meters, my fingers gave out immediately, and I had to take a break to continue moving forward. With the flashlight in my mouth, I saw the hairy things under me.

This distance is much closer, they are small balls, and the inner part seems to be larger than the outer part. I have always wanted to try to convince myself that the hairs on it are a new species of mushroom, but at this distance, it seems, That's really the hair. The hair is very straight and shiny.

What could grow this? I find it disgusting and creepy. If you were to see so much hair spread out in such a patch anywhere in the wild, you probably wouldn’t even have the courage to look at it. Besides, I have a deeper nightmare than others about hair.

Feeling sick, I had an anxious urge to push the hair aside to see what the head-like thing underneath was. At this distance, I can lift it up just by lifting it with my hand.

It was really unbearable to watch, so I inhaled and turned around to move forward. The air was released, and I couldn't move any faster down there, so I had to move forward bit by bit. Half a foot below your feet are those hairs of unknown function. You have to use your fingers to move forward. Some of the depressions in the cliff are too small to step on. You can only step in with one toe tip, and soon you start to feel a little cramped. .

Fortunately, as a result, my spirit was highly tense, and those harsh metal sounds were almost excluded by me, and all my attention was focused on my fingers.

I don’t know how long I moved, but when I looked back I couldn’t see where I was, and the flashlight couldn’t shine anymore. It was probably halfway through, but the knocking sound was still there.

I relaxed a little, thinking that the danger to him was not very fatal. I was covered in sweat and wanted to find a place to rest. When I turned the flashlight, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

During the action just now, I looked around countless times with the flashlight in my mouth. Every time I saw hair and the dark cave walls on both sides, but this time, something blocked the light of my flashlight for a moment.

I turned back, and suddenly I saw something different from what was here before, a dozen meters away from me in the darkness.

The thing was as tall as a person, but it was definitely not a person. I couldn't understand what I saw. If I had to say it, I can only say that I saw a huge ball of hair standing there.

At first I thought it was a forbidden woman, but I immediately knew it couldn't be possible because I didn't smell that fragrance. But there must be something in this "hair". Because of the way the whole ball of hair was standing there, it felt like there was something alive inside.

But the thing didn't move, it just stood there, with those hairs emitting a very strange luster under the flashlight light, which made people tremble all over. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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