Daomu Biji

Qionglong Stone Shadow Chapter 41 Hair

In an instant, I had two judgments in my mind. What is this thing? I didn't pay attention to it just now. If this thing was originally here, then maybe this is just what the little balls under me will look like when they grow up? If not, then this thing is alive, and things are a bit troublesome.

The sound of metal tapping was particularly clear. I looked around and thought to myself, is this not a call for help but a warning? My heart was pounding and I wanted to choose a way out for myself first, but I found that there was really no way out. If something happened to Xiaohua, it would be because of this thing. I would be even worse in this state. He can also bang things to express depression. , I can only bang my head against the wall.

However, although I was very panicked, my mind was very clear and I was rarely confused. I didn't wait for the thing to tell me what it was, but casually pulled out a roll of bamboo slips from a depression.

Good guy, it weighed five or six kilograms, and I was used to playing with rice paper pieces like rubbings. The heavy bamboo slips made me feel in awe, so I swung it up and hit the hair.

The bamboo slips themselves are tied together. After so many years, the silk threads have long since rotted into mud. When I picked them up, they still maintained their shape. When I threw them out, the entire bamboo slips fell onto the ball of hair like a goddess scattering flowers.

I could clearly feel that there was something very solid in my hair, and the bamboo slips fell to the ground.

I watched with vigilance, thinking that if the thing moved, I would jump down and run out first no matter what I stepped on.

But the thing didn't move at all. That kind of immobility is truly immobile, like a dead thing.

I was alert for a while and felt very resistant. I hoped it would move so that I could run away, but if it didn't move it might be harmless. Maybe it was just a stake set up here at that time, and it was covered with hair. That means I have to go through.

Listening to the harsh sound, I calmed down, gritted my teeth and moved forward without any further hesitation. In a few steps, I was getting closer and closer to the thing.

Just imagine, in the dark, a big lump of weird hair is standing there. I don’t know what it is inside. It is shaking, and the flashlight is stroking back and forth in the dark, and it shines on it from time to time. That weird feeling is very uncomfortable. . In the end, I had no choice but to stop looking. I just lay down and tried to move over as quickly as possible.

During the whole process, the back of my head was numb, and I felt like the hair on the back of my head was stinging the back of my neck. I gritted my teeth and laughed at myself: When can I get through this, will I be truly numb.

However, while crawling, I suddenly felt a chill, so I stopped and calmed down.

The back of my neck was really itchy. I moved it, but it didn't relieve it but made it more itchy.

My whole body was cold, and I suddenly realized that it was not my imagination.

I X, that thing is behind me now! My whole body immediately shivered violently, and all the sensations were concentrated on the back of my neck. I could almost imagine what was going on behind me. When I turned around, my head would immediately be buried in a large ball of hair.

In an instant, I don’t know what made the decision for me. I slammed my head back, trying to knock the thing away and run away immediately. I heard a muffled sound, and there was a sharp pain and buzzing in the back of my head. The thing behind me Hard as iron.

It hit me hard, without leaving any strength behind. The pain was beyond description. I was knocked to pieces, and I fainted immediately. My hands went limp. By the time I realized what I was doing, I was already rolled into a pile of hair.

I struggled to get up, my hands were covered with hair, and the clay pot under my feet creaked when I stepped on it. My flashlight fell out of my mouth while I was pulling it, and it rolled into a pile of hair, and I didn't dare to look for it. I felt like my hands were pressing on those little heads, and the hair was tangled in my nails. It felt like I was pressing many balled up rags, and a lot of liquid was squeezed out of the hair under my squeeze.

There was no time to feel sick, so I ran away immediately in the chaos. It was dark in front of me, except for the light of Xiaohua's flashlight at the end. One foot was deep and the other was shallow, but I didn't care. Soon a jar was crushed by my feet, and my ankle was cut several times. I knew it must be broken, but I felt no pain.

I rushed to the flashlight, but suddenly there was no can in front of me. I rolled out and found myself in a small stone room, with the harsh sound of metal ringing in my ears.

This scene was simply hell. I called out a few times: "Big Flower!" only to realize that I called it wrong. I still couldn't stand straight. I got up and arched my back and looked around, and saw Xiaohua's flashlight holder on the side. In the depression, but no one saw him, and he didn't know where he was.

At the same time, a strange thing caught my eye.

It was indeed an iron plate, as big as a round table. It was placed in the center of the stone room. At first glance, it looked like an extremely ancient thing, with strange patterns carved on it. Just like Xiaohua said, it was actually spinning. The irregular metallic sound came from inside the iron plate, like a huge electric bell.

I also saw that the bottom of the iron plate was connected to the rock, and there was a dull sound of hinges underneath. Obviously the power of the iron plate comes from inside the rock.

But what about Xiaohua? It's so cramped here, where can I hide?

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